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Family 1—Agaricaceae.


Hymenium inferior, pileus more or less expanded, convex, bell-shaped. Gills radiating from the point of attachment of the pileus with the stem, or from a lateral stem to other parts of the cap, simple or branched.

I. Spores white or slightly tinted.
A. Plants fleshy, more or less firm, decaying soon.
a. Stem fleshy, pileus easily separating from the stem.
Volva present and ring on the stem.
Pileus bearing warts or patches free from the cuticle Amanita.
Volva present, ring wanting Amanitopsis.
Pileus scaly, scales concrete with cuticle,
Volva wanting, ring present Lepiota.
Hymenophore confluent,
Without cartilaginous bark,
b. Stem central, ring present (sometimes vague),
Volva wanting, gills attached Armillaria.
Without a ring,
Gills sinuate Tricholoma.
Gills decurrent,
Edges acute Clitocybe.
Edges swollen Cantharellus.
Gills adnate,
Parasitic on other mushrooms Nyctalis.
Not parasitic,
Milky Lactarius.
Not exuding juice when bruised,
Rigid and brittle Russula.
Quite viscid, waxy consistency Hygrophorus.
c. Stem lateral or none, rarely central Pleurotus.
d. Stem with cartilaginous bark,
Gills adnate Collybia.
Gills sinuate Mycena.
Gills decurrent Omphalia.
Plants tough, fleshy, membranaceous, leathery,
Stem central,
Gills simple Marasmius.
Gills branched Xerotus.
B. Plants gelatinous and leathery Heliomyces.
Stem lateral or wanting,
Edge of gills serrate Lentinus.
Edge of gills entire Panus.
Gills fold-like, irregular Trogia.
Edge of gills split longitudinally Schizophyllum.
C. Plants corky or woody,
Gills anastomosing. Lenzites.
II. Spores rosy or salmon color.
A. Stem central.
Gills free, stem easily separating from pileus.
Without cartilaginous stem,
Volva present and distinct, no ring Volvaria.
Without a volva, with a ring Annularia.
Without a volva and without a ring Pluteus.
B. Stem fleshy to fibrous, margin of pileus at first incurved,
Gills sinuate or adnate Entoloma.
Gills decurrent Clitopilus.
C. Stem eccentric or none, pileus lateral Claudopus.
Gills decurrent, pileus umbilicate Eccilia.
Gills not decurrent, pileus torn into scales, and slightly convex, margin at first involute Leptonia.
Pileus bell-shaped, margin at first straight Nolanea.
III. Spores rusty-brown or yellow-brown.
A. Stem not cartilaginous,
a. Stem central,
With a ring,
Ring continuous Pholiota.
Veil arachnoid,
Gills adnate, powdery from spores Cortinarius.
Gills decurrent or adnate, mostly epiphytal Flammula.
Gills somewhat sinuate, cuticle of the pileus silky, or bearing fibrils Inocybe.
Cuticle smooth, viscid Hebeloma.
Gills separating from the hymenophore and decurrent Paxillus.
b. Stem lateral or absent Crepidotus.
B. Stem cartilaginous,
Gills decurrent Tubaria.
Gills not decurrent,
Margin of the pileus at first incurved Naucoria.
Margin of pileus always straight,
Hymenophore free Pluteolus.
Hymenophore confluent Galera.
Gills dissolving into a gelatinous condition Bolbitius.
IV. Spores purple-brown.
A. Stem not cartilaginous,
Pileus easily separating from the stem,
Volva present, ring wanting Chitonia.
Volva and ring wanting Pilosace.
Volva wanting, ring present Agaricus.
Gills confluent, ring present on stem Stropharia.
Ring wanting, veil remaining attached to margin of pileus Hypholoma.
B. Stem cartilaginous,
Gills decurrent Deconia.
Gills not decurrent, margin of pileus at first incurved Psilocybe.
Margin of pileus at first straight Psathyra.
V. Black spored mushrooms.
Gills deliquescent Coprinus.
Gills not deliquescent,
Gills decurrent Gomphidius.
Gills not decurrent, pileus striate Psathyrella.
Pileus not striate, ring wanting, veil often present on margin Panæolus.
Ring wanting, veil appendiculate Chalymotta.
Ring present Anellaria.
The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise

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