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Tricholoma terreum. Schaeff.


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The Gray Tricholoma. Edible.

Figure 55.—Tricholoma terreum. Cap grayish-brown or mouse color.

Terreum is from terra, the earth; so called from the color. This is quite a variable species in color and size, as well as manner of growth.

The pileus is one to three inches broad, dry, fleshy, thin, convex, expanded, nearly plane, often having a central umbo; floccose-scaly, ashy-brown, grayish-brown or mouse-color.

The gills are adnexed, subdistant, white, becoming grayish, edges more or less eroded. Spores, 5–6µ.

The stem is whitish, fibrillose, equal, paler than the cap, varying from solid to stuffed or hollow, one to three inches high.

I find this plant on north hillsides, in beech woods. It is not plentiful. There are several varieties:

Var. orirubens. Q. Edge of gills reddish.

Var. atrosquamosum. Chev. Pileus gray with small black scales; g. whitish.

Var. argyraceum. Bull. Entirely pure white, or pileus grayish.

Var. chrysites. Jungh. Pileus tinged yellowish or greenish.

The plants in Figure 55 were found in Poke Hollow near Chillicothe. Their time is September to November.

The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise

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