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“I have known Mohammed for a few years now. On the occasions we met, we had casual conversations. What I noticed was that he was an individual with a big appetite for learning. I was pleasantly surprised to learn from his book not only about his journey and struggle, but also about simple tips and tools to go through life, which confirmed my perspective of his desire to gain knowledge at every step of the way.”

-DTM Mohammed Murad, 2014 - 2015 Toastmasters International President

“Mohammed Zawad is a courageous young man. In a world where achievement is the fuel for advancement, he has the courage to share a personal travelogue of adversity and challenge and reveals a gritty determination to learn and succeed. His willingness to let the reader see where he has recovered from his stumbles is a powerful teaching tool and harkens to eight very powerful words in the English language: ‘If I can do it, you can too!”

-Morgan McArthur, 1994 World Champion of Public Speaking

“Mohammed Zawad takes us on a journey of self-development and self-discovery. By honestly sharing his failures and successes, he provides a road map and a formula for achieving our goals. Not only does he provide the theories and concepts, but he also delivers the proof based on his own experiences. In this entertaining and educational volume, Mohammed reveals the techniques that have catapulted him into his destiny and offers practical, proven methods for personal and professional growth. This is a must-read for ANYONE who desires to pursue a dream and transform his or her life.”

-Mark L Brown, 1995 World Champion of Public Speaking

“Several years ago I was giving speeches in Saudi Arabia when a young man asked if he could show me some of the country. He picked me up from Jubail and, as he drove, he asked me questions about public speaking. I shared what I knew, but there was something I didn’t know on that day. I didn’t know that this young man would soon become a master of public speaking. I didn’t know he would touch lives and be a leader of his craft. If I ever get the chance to ride with him again, I’ll be the one asking the questions and listening intently. Thankfully Mohammed has penned a book that is destined to be a classic and it will change your future in public speaking. Go ahead and jump in, it will be quite a ride.”

-Craig Valentine, 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking, Founder, Speak and Prosper Academy

“After reading Mohammed Zawad’s book, I Found Mine, I am convinced that Mr. Zawad can arguably be referred to as “the hardest working man in Toastmasters.” His dedication and desire to learn and grow from experiences, experts, and great expectations, are what legends are made of. The trials and successes he mentions in his book are an inspiration and a pattern for others to follow and to be their best selves.”

-Dwayne G. Smith, 2002 World Champion of Public Speaking

“Everyone faces struggles and personal challenges on the road of life. Mohammed Zawad shares his defining moments and decisions that have cut his path and forged his story to find his passion and purpose. Life does not give us youth and wisdom at the same time, yet Mohammed Zawad shares wisdom beyond his years. His words are powerful in their honesty, humility and sincerity. His stories share lessons that can benefit anyone searching for their path.”

-Lance Miller, 2005 World Champion of Public Speaking

“To question why we are given the opportunity to occupy space on this earth is a worthy question to ask. It is a question, when answered well can give meaning to who and what we are. In this journal Mohammed does exactly this, and in so doing, leaves a legacy for his children and his readers.

I have watched and listened to Mohammed’s journey over many years. He is an ordinary man desperate to live a life that is beyond what ordinary living would give him. He is driven, thirsty and passionate about what he wants to achieve.

The lessons he shares, along with his trials and tribulations, are easily accessible to us all. They are not the stories of conquering Mount Everest or solving global poverty. They are stories that lead us to understand how important it is to identify your passion and pursue it vigorously and relentlessly.

On his journey, there were times when he paid for what he wanted, and at other times, he was gifted the same. Irrespective of how he came about his learning, it’s clear in this work, that he valued both the process and product of every interaction with an individual, book, CD or experience.

Mohammed sets out to leave a legacy in this journal – a legacy primarily for his children. In doing so, he has unveiled a story of a passionate man seeking to identify his personal passion and give reason as to why he occupies space on this earth.”

-Mark Hunter, 2009 World Champion of Public Speaking, CEO Hopewell Services Ins. (Australia)

“This is a captivating book that touches on several aspects of life: from being a successful leader, to being successful in business, to simply being a better human being. A very intriguing read indeed.”

-Mohammed A Qahtani, 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking

“In this information packed but easy to read book, Mohammed R. Zawad, reveals to the reader his journey of 10,000 hours to find success as a professional speaker. In America, it’s different, as one can become president with even just a few hours of study!”

-Judy Carter, author of The Message of You and The Comedy Bible

“It is my greatest honor to know and learn from a charismatic great leader with such amazing and positive energy. Mohammed Zawad taught me that it doesn’t matter where you stand in the crowd, but what matters most is your ability to move forward and to start now. Success is about initiative and connection, not waiting for perfection. We all need to have faith, passion and credibility to be able to reach the pinnacle. The book is a personal story about struggle and triumph and it’s a great lesson for all to learn from.”

-Nazeer Gazaq Alqasem, Toastmasters District-79 Governor, 2012-2013

“Breathtaking life experiences showing the spirit of persistence and humbleness, capitalizing on opportunities, and eventually transforming oneself. A very inspiring narrative to learn from in pursuit of the betterment of one’s life.”

-Dr. Soloman Almadi, Toastmasters District-79 Director, 2016-2017

“The author is a young, ambitious, and truly dedicated Saudi, who passionately developed himself to serve and support his society and his nation. Mohammed’s internal drive to become the best he can be is profound. This book is a must read for the new generation, to learn from Mohammed’s successes and failures, and most importantly, learn how to pursue their passion in life. Given that our region is 70% young male and female, this book should be read by both genders.”

-Mohammed Ali Al Khalfan, former Saudi Aramco HR consultant and lifelong learning specialist

“This is a book of pain and pleasure. It is full of stories that recount Mohammed’s experiences from where he was to where he is. What really adds value in this book is the way Mohammed evaluated all his experiences and learned from them. This provides a base of learning for any person seeking to transform him or herself. There is much to be gained from this book. I encourage you to grab a copy of this book. You will not regret the investment!”

-Abdulla Abandi, Professional Speaker, Trainer and Coach

“Mohammad Zawad is an amazing success story. Since I knew him back in 2009, I have been watching him march very steadily and excitedly towards his passion. I saw the great improvement and the quantum leap he made in polishing his skills in leadership and in public speaking.

He was so dedicated not only to improving his skills but also to helping others find their passion and achieve it. At one point, he was the president of three Toastmaster clubs at the same time, Division M Governor, and an officer in other clubs simultaneously. I was one of those who was pushed by Mohammad to obtain my DTM, Distinguish Toastmaster Award.

Mohammad strongly believes in self-development and spared no effort in developing himself. He attended dozens of relevant courses and workshops, and read tons of books. The impact of such effort created a distinguished leader out of Mohammed.

Mohammad’s actions speak volumes of his true leadership. He really walks the talk. Immediately after attending John Maxwell’s courses, he started to train others and conducted many Mastermind sessions that changed so many people’s lives.

Mr. Zawad has the capacity to make visions and dreams come true. If I were asked to describe him in one word, it would be “passionate.”

I couldn’t wait to read his book about finding one’s passion as I knew that each word in that book would be authentic and meaningful because it came from a real success story, lived by a very sincere and true leader. If there is one word I can use to describe this book, it would be “honest.” I’m sure this book will help many people find their passion and achieve their dreams.”

-DTM Mohammad A. Al-Issa, Five-Time District Champion of Humorously Speaking

“There are no words that can describe the joy of inspiring others to make major changes in their lives. When I first met Mohammad Zawad a few years back I was really inspired by his dedication and commitment to Toastmasters, and how he spared no effort to help and support others to achieve their goals. His meticulous efforts and attention to detail was clear, and the way he lead meetings and groups was very inspiring.

I had the honor of meeting Mohammad several times since then, and our friendship grew stronger, through joint meetings and projects, mainly related to Toastmasters. I remember that we had a couple of talks related to moving beyond public speaking into professional training. And I shared with him my own experience and some tips on how one can gradually enter the field of training, by building experience step by step.

I’m now humbled to know that these small talks inspired Mohammed to write his first book and document his experience in training and in public speaking, and it’s once again my privilege to be part of this experience. To inspire others and be inspired by others is an ongoing cycle that we live in. That’s what keeps us motivated and generates the energy and drive for us to move forward.”

-Samer Younis, Professional Trainer and Consultant

I Found Mine

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