Читать книгу I Found Mine - Mohammed R. Zawad - Страница 4




Dear Mariam and Rida:

I’m not sure what the future holds, whether I’m going to leave you millions of dollars, or even be around to watch you grow into adulthood, but consider this book my gift to you.

I believe this book is invaluable since it consists of many of the insights and life experiences that helped shape my life over the years. By reading this book, you’ll understand how I utilized life’s lessons to develop my values and raise you. I hope my loving attention and guidance has left you with your own well-defined set of values.

Every time you find yourself missing your father, read the book. I promise you’ll find his spirit on every page, hugging and lifting you up. Both of you are the apples of my eyes, and you’ll hear my voice in each experience, guiding and motivating you to become your absolute best.

I don’t care what you want to be in life - whether astronaut, garbage collector, or ditch digger. What’s important is that you are passionate about it! Just take note of all the great technological inventions that are at your fingertips. People who dragged themselves to work each day, doing the bare minimum, didn’t create them.

The individuals who’ll one day discover a cure for cancer, seldom reflect on their paycheck. They go far beyond their job description and devote countless extra hours looking for a cure. The world is desperate for passionate people to cure disease, create peace, improve education, and protect the environment.

Passionate people see, think, and do things differently. A passionate garbage collector looks for new ways to recycle waste and protect the environment. A passionate ditch digger will find new ways to build a drainage system that is both efficient and environmentally friendly.

My ultimate wish is for the both of you to find your passion, and be two of the great people in this world who live their passion, while remaining true to their values.

My beloved children, please remember what Roy Disney (older brother of Walt) said, “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”

I Found Mine

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