Читать книгу Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration - Mohinder S. Grewal - Страница 127 Strapdown Attitude Propagation Strapdown Attitude Problems


Early on, strapdown systems technology had an “attitude problem,” which was the problem of representing attitude rate in a format amenable to accurate computer integration over high dynamic ranges. The eventual solution was to represent attitude in different mathematical formats as it is processed from raw gyro outputs to the matrices used for transforming sensed acceleration to inertial coordinates for integration.

Figure 3.14 illustrates the resulting major gyro signal processing operations, and the formats of the data used for representing attitude information. The processing starts with gyro outputs and ends with a coordinate transformation matrix from sensor coordinates to the coordinates used for integrating the sensed accelerations.

Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration

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