Читать книгу VI Settler's Handbook - Mr. Cheyenne Harty - Страница 2
ОглавлениеThe Settler’s Handbook
for the U.S.Virgin Islands
St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas
18th Edition
For those of you who are
considering settling in this
part of the tropics, or for
those already here,
this handbook provides
an objective look at living,
working, or investing in the
United States Virgin Islands.
For the visitor, this book
should help you get better
acquainted with these islands,
and explore them with a
greater awareness.
On the cover:
No time to waste!
Straight from the suitcase and into the sea!
Cover design by Pink Elephant Promotions
Special thanks to Ivan Minarik
and other photo contributors to this edition.
Library of Congress Control Number
(reverts to Serial #)
ISSN 1554-9739
The Settler’s Handbook
18th Edition
is published by
Chey’nanigans, Corp.
1524 Acorn Way, #1G
Solvang, Ca 93643
(888) 867-5979/ (340)277-6994
Publisher: Cheyenne Harty
Editor/Production Manager: Cheyenne Harty/Pink Elephant Promotions
Layout: Cheyenne Harty
Sales Manager: Sandra Harty Gutierrez
© 2016 copyright Chey’nanigansCorp. All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2776-8
The current owner / publisher has revised the e-book in:
June 2016
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and validity of the information contained in this book. We cannot be responsible for accidental errors, omissions or changes in facts or figures made, just prior to, or after, the publishing date. Reproduction in whole or in part of any original material in this book without express written permission of Chey’nanigans Corp. is prohibited.
Much appreciation for the foresight of those who sowed the VI Settler’s Handbook’s first seeds during the early 1970s. That fine idea has continuously blossomed since, and this publisher hopes to continue the tradition. Special acknowledgements to previous publishers: Doug Burns, Gloria Bourne, Judy Megnin, and Linda Bruton for growing this book.
Consultation thanks to historian, William Cissell, various government agency personnel, as well as individuals, non-profits and businesses from the Virgin Islands too numerous to mention. Many thanks to all, past and present, who added a fact or clarification. Your assistance was a godsend.