Читать книгу Mrs. Beeton's Dictionary of Every-Day Cookery - Mrs. Beeton - Страница 81



Table of Contents

Dinner for 18 persons.

First Course.

Mock-Turtle Soup, removed by Broiled Salmon and Caper Sauce. Red Mullet. Vase of Flowers. Perch. Soup à la Julienne, removed by Brill and Shrimp Sauce.

Second Course.

Haunch of Venison. Ham, garnished. Capons à la Financière. Vase of Flowers. Roast Fowls. Leveret Pie. Saddle of Mutton.


Fricandeau de Veau à la Jardinière. Curried Lobster. Vase of Flowers. Lamb Cutlets à la Purée de Pommes de Terre. Fillets of Ducks and Peas.

Third Course.

Dessert and Ices.

Grouse removed by Cabinet Pudding. Lobster Salad. Cheesecakes. Fruit Jelly. Charlotte à la Vanille. Vase of Flowers. Custards. Vol-au-Vent of Pears. Raspberry Tartlets. Larded Peahen, removed by Iced Pudding. Prawns.

Mrs. Beeton's Dictionary of Every-Day Cookery

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