Читать книгу Mrs. Beeton's Dictionary of Every-Day Cookery - Mrs. Beeton - Страница 84

Dinner for 6 persons.


Table of Contents

First Course.—Macaroni soup; crimped salmon and sauce Hollandaise; fried fillets of trout. Entrées.—Tendrons do veau and stewed peas; salmi of grouse. Second Course.—Roast loin of veal; boiled bacon, garnished with French beans; stewed beef à la jardinière; vegetables. Third Course.—Turkey poult; plum tart; custard pudding; vol-au-vent of pears; strawberry cream; ratafia soufflé; dessert.

First Course.—Vegetable-marrow soup; stewed mullet; fillets of salmon and ravigotte sauce. Entrées.—Curried lobster; fricandeau de veau à la jardinière. Second Course.—Roast saddle of mutton; stewed shoulder of veal, garnished with forcemeat balls; vegetables. Third Course.—Roast grouse and bread sauce; vol-au-vent of greengages; fruit jelly; raspberry cream; custards; fig pudding; dessert.

Mrs. Beeton's Dictionary of Every-Day Cookery

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