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Chapter 6 James


Home, Sweet Home

October 28th, 2018, 2:12 P.M.

We pulled up after about an hour of driving and made our way into the retirement building. I was totally disgusted by my temporary home. Ah, hell, nah! This shit ain’t even gon’ work.

Most of the old heads in this place looked like they were well past their expiration dates. Somebody needed to nuke this muthafucka and put these wrinkled-ass people outta their misery.

I damn near rushed to the elevator, almost forgetting that Carl’s black ass was trailing after me. “Hurry up, man. Damn.” I wanted to scream, but I was afraid I might kill one of these senile bags of skin and bones by raising my voice. I pushed the elevator button several times, trying to hurry it, but it too was taking its time, just like its tenants. I was starting to get light-headed from the fumes of Bengay, alcohol (non-medicinal) and just plain old funk mixed together from these rusty-ass people.

When the elevator came, Carl scurried his way in with me. His ass had some nerve to stop and converse with his friends.

I knew my stay here wouldn’t be long. My ass is outta here as soon as I find me a new spot. ASAP.

Carl opened the door to his bachelor pad and my mouth hit the floor. This bastard was a fucking slob. Shit was everywhere—beer bottles, TV dinner boxes, and just plain filth. It looked like his ass hadn’t cleaned up since he been here. His dishes were piled up so high, you couldn’t see the sink. And the carpet was filthy as well with stains that had grown fungus.

I stepped over beer cans and bottles of alcohol as I looked for a clean spot to set my stuff down. Man, that shit seemed almost impossible to do because just about everything was filthy.

“Make yourself at home, baby.” He smiled like his ass had Martha Stewart decorate his shitty-ass house.

A mouse—no, make that a rat—scurried across the top of the sofa, dodging shit like it was in a maze. The muthafucka paused and looked at me like, “This shit don’t make no sense. Even I don’t live like this.”

My sympathy was with his ass because I was breaking camp with the quickness as soon as I could.

“Ah, okay, baby.” I walked past Carl toward what looked like a bedroom. Before I made it to the bedroom, I peeked into the bathroom to see its present state. “Maybe he just let the living room go,” I said to myself.

No such luck. I held my hand over my mouth and nose as I noticed the stain around the tub and the toilet. Both looked deplorable. The tub was almost completely brown, and the toilet had shit floating in it, literally, with a stench that almost made me wanna go back to prison and throw away the keys.

I knew my ass wasn’t squatting on anything in there. I didn’t want no shit crawling up my ass, except what was invited. I closed the door to the bathroom. Someone should tape this dump off with some crime scene tape, because his ass should be locked up for living like this.

To my surprise, the bedroom was in good shape, almost the complete opposite from the other parts of the house. Carl had a nice queen-sized bed with a comforter set that looked like it was from Ikea or someplace like that. It wasn’t top of the line, but it was good enough for the time being. He had a pretty decent bedroom suite as well with cherry wood dressers and nightstands, and a forty-two-inch plasma television attached to the wall.

I hesitantly sat my stuff on the floor and made myself as comfortable as possible. I didn’t want any “tag-alongs” like mice or roaches trying to set up camp in my shit when I made my exit.

I looked around and noticed he still had pictures of his wife, Shawn, Mona, and even some of his “grandkids.” I picked up the one of Shawn and noticed how distinguished he looked in his tailored suit posted up against one of his cars with the children gathered around him. I gazed at the photo and noticed that the children did resemble me in some of their facial features and eye color, among other things.

I wondered what it would be like to have a family like that one, and come home to a wife that made a home for me.

Fuck that shit! I didn’t need no family, and especially some bitch dictating to me my whereabouts.

Carl came in the room and startled me, so I placed the picture back on the dresser and pretended to care about his needs. I gave him his usual spanking, and he nutted and passed the hell out. Typical male.

Both Sides of the Fence 2:

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