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This book is for all gamblers,

Whom I have so far not been able to help sufficiently.

I hope that this book will help them to gain their freedom.

The author

M. Trojan has to date written the best-known guide books regarding the issue of an addiction to gambling on slot machines in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. With his methods he has been helping addicts for many years to liberate themselves from their addiction.


With new and especially developed methods the gambler will critically scrutinise his addiction and finally withdraw from it.

Other books about gambling addictions by M. Trojan

(currently available only in German)

The Wolf of Gambling


Antispieler – Extended Version

Wer gewinnt, wenn du verlierst?

Auszahlung – Ein Spieler drückt STOP(P)!

Spielautomatensucht – Der Weg des Spielers

Spielst du noch, oder verlierst du schon?

Unversucht: Ratgeber für ein Leben ohne Automatenspielsucht

Was hast DU zu verlieren?

All advice provided in this book was carefully considered and checked by the author. Despite this, a guarantee cannot be given. For this reason, liability by the author and publisher shall be excluded. Moreover, in all articles, advice and opinions the author invokes the artistic licence as well as the general freedom of opinion.

The Wolf of Gambling

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