Читать книгу Натали: искусство жить - Надя Бирру - Страница 8

Часть 1. КЁЛЬН


После обеда Мери, как обычно, включила свой ноутбук и позволила Натали посидеть за ним, сколько той самой захочется, пообщаться с семьёй и друзьями.

Натали осталась одна в уютной столовой за большим столом. Мери повезла Нелли домой. В доме всё дышало тишиной. Где-то на втором этаже в своей спальне затаилась Виви.

Натали вошла на фейсбук и в скайп… Через некоторое время появился и Амир, которого она добавила в скайп днём раньше.

[09.10.201* 17:29:31] Amir: Hiiii how are you today?

[09.10.201* 17:30:19] Natalie: fine, thanks, but you came a bit late so I have to go soon!

Amir: ahhhhhh GOD why you always in hurry???

Natalie: :) yes, it’s my life! try to use to it!

Amir: ok, i will. can i see you?

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:22. ***

[09.10.201* 17:32:56] Amir M*: Hiiii

*** Call ended ***

Amir: looking cool;) so how’s work going on?

Natalie: but why don’t I see you?

Amir: well i am still in office, just leaving office, you can see me tomorrow, i will be at home soon

Natalie: tomorrow hardly, cause i won’t come here tomorrow, only on Monday next time.

Amir: ok, no problem

Natalie: but I hope to have my inet connection at home soon, then we can talk any time

Amir: yea, that’s right; we both can see each other

Natalie: and speak a bit :)

Amir: sure, why not? i want to listen to your beautiful voice;)

Natalie: didńt you listen to it already? There is one video when I sing

Amir: really? the video i have seen before – was it you?

Natalie: it is on my channel on youtube and the video called MY SONG, you can hear and see me and my son as well, we were in Czech there

Amir: that’s cool

Natalie: it is my own music and lyrics, my son helped me to record that

Amir: awesome adorable beautiful pretty! You are very creative

Natalie: ok, stop, they say if somebody tells too many good words to you then he soon is going to tell something bad… there should be measure in everything; yes, I am VERY creative, do a lot of things…

Amir: well it’s impossible that i will tell you bad word, i am impressed

Natalie: we will see, now it is time to go for me! By! See you later

Amir: take care dear friend and have a great weekend, i miss you

Natalie: thanks! Amir, don’t take me too seriously please, I like you, but I LOVE another person, I am sorry!

Amir: i didn’t say i love you, why you always think that? i miss you as a friend

Natalie: very well, I just don’t want you to feel bad afterwards, that’s all! Very good if you know it right from the start

Amir: ok, so how’s your son?

Natalie: he is ok, but I have to GO!!! We will miss each others as friends till Monday! Bye!

Amir: ok take care bye bye


Натали: искусство жить

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