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Sulu notes


Translation of page 1 of the original manuscript.—The first person who lived on the Island of Sulu is Jamiyun Kulisa.88 His wife was Indira89 Suga.90 They were sent here by Alexander the Great.91 Jamiyun Kulisa begot Tuan Masha’ika.92 Masha’ika begot Mawmin.93 Mawmin’s descendants multiplied greatly. They are the original inhabitants of Sulu and chief ancestors of the present generation.

Translation of page 2 of the original manuscript.—In the days of the Timway94 Orangkaya Su’il the Sulus received from Manila four Bisayan captives, one silver agong,95 one gold hat, one gold cane, and one silver vase, as a sign of friendship between the two countries. One of the captives had red eyes, one had black eyes; one, blue eyes; and one, white eyes.

Translation of page 3 of the original manuscript.—The red-eyed man was stationed at Parang,96 and is the forefather of all the people of Parang. The white-eyed man was stationed at Lati,97 and is the forefather of all the people of Lati. The black-eyed man was stationed at Gi’tung,98 and is the forefather of the people of Gi’tung. The blue-eyed man was stationed at Lu’uk,99 and is the forefather of the people of Lu’uk. At that time the religion of Mohammed had not come to Sulu.

Translation of page 4 of the original manuscript.—The first inhabitants of the Island of Sulu were the people of Maymbung.100 They were followed by the Tagimaha101 and the Baklaya.102 Later came the Bajaw (Samals) from Juhur. Some Bajaws were taken by the Sulus and were distributed among the three divisions of the island, while others drifted to Bruney and Magindanao. Some time after that there came Karimul103 Makdum.104 He sailed in a pot of iron and the ancients called him Sharif105 Awliya.106 The Sulus adopted the Mohammedan religion and brought Makdum to Bwansa.107 There the Tagimaha chiefs built a mosque. Ten years later there arrived Raja Baginda, who emigrated from Menangkabaw.108 Baginda came to Zamboanga first. From there he moved to Basilan and Sulu. The natives met him on the sea for the purpose of fighting him. He asked them, “Why do you wish to fight a Mohammedan who is coming to live with you?” He married there.

The commission of Khatib Abdur Razzak.

Translation of page 5 of the original manuscript.—Dated Wednesday, the tenth of Ramadan, in the year “D,” the first, which corresponds to the year 1251 of the Hegirah of the Prophet Mohammed, may the best of God’s mercy and blessing be his. This day his majesty our master, the Sultan Jamalul109 Kiram110 has granted Adak an official title by virtue of which he will be known as Khatib111 Abdur112 Razzak.113 This is done in conference and consultation and with the consent of all the people, without dissent.

By the will of God the most High.

(Signed) The Sultan Jamaul Kiram.

[The End.]

1 See below, p. 148.

2 The eleventh month of the Mohammedan year.

3 Sulu; the head, the chief.

4 Arabic; the slave of the Merciful.

5 Malay; sir or mister.

6 Arabic; leader, caliph, high priest.

7 A Sulu form of the Arabic “Caliph.”

8 Malay-Sanskrit; minister of state.

9 The central high region of Sumatra.

10 Malay; officer of state. It literally means “rich man.”

11 Sanskrit; king.

12 Malay-Sanskrit; emperor or caliph. It is here used as a proper noun.

13 A place in Lati, Sulu.

14 Sulu; chicken, fowl.

15 Sulu-Malay; slave.

16 Sanskrit; wise.

17 Arabic; understanding, mind.

18 Malay-Sanskrit; subordinate officer of state.

19 Arabic; lady, grandmother.

20 Arabic; safe and sound.

21 Malay; lady, woman.

22 Arabic; righteous.

23 A title of nobility.

24 Arabic, Fatimah; the name of the Prophet’s daughter.

25 Arabic; brilliant.

26 Arabic; wife or husband.

27 Arabic; beautiful.

28 Arabic; hoping.

29 Arabic; faithful.

30 Arabic; religion.

31 Arabic; trusted or trustworthy.

32 Arabic; guide, leader.

33 Sulu; fruit.

34 Arabic; intelligent.

35 Arabic; feminine of “salim” or safe and sound.

36 Arabic; sleeping.

37 Arabic; known.

38 Arabic; noble, subordinate officer of state.

39 Sanskrit; Iddha, kindled, lighted, or sunshine.

40 Sanskrit; Indra, the god of the heavens, or most likely Indirā, name of Lakshmī, the wife of Vishnu.

41 Sulu; light, sun.

42 Arabic; wise.

43 The name of Mohammed’s wife.

44 Arabic; everlasting, eternal.

45 Arabic; perfection.

46 Arabic; scribe.

47 Arabic; educated, taught.

48 Arabic; virtuous.

49 Arabic; pride, glory.

50 Arabic; father.

51 Arabic; firm, resolute, an attribute of God.

52 Arabic; Mary.

53 The Baklaya party should have been mentioned after the Tagimaha, but it was evidently left out by mistake. Tagimaha is a Sanskrit word which means country.

54 Arabic; generous, noble.

55 Arabic; served, master.

56 Arabic; noble, applied to a descendant of Mohammed.

57 Sulu, anchorage. The settlement lies 3 miles west of Jolo.

58 It is used here as a name. As a title it is higher than raja and is equivalent to sultan or emperor.

59 The Moro word for Zamboanga.

60 Arabic; night, a common name.

61 Arabic; power, superior authority, sultan.

62 Arabic; glory.

63 A corrupt form of the Arabic Ahmad.

64 From the Arabic “Sheikh,” meaning chief.

65 A place in Sumatra (?)

66 Java.

67 Arabic; master or noble, addressed to descendants of the prophet Mohammed.

68 Town and state in southeastern Sumatra.

69 Arabic; noble. This word is often pronounced by the Moros as “salip” or “sarip.”

70 Arabic; height.

71 Sanskrit; princess.

72 Sanskrit; greater king, emperor.

73 In Malay it indicates rank or office; in Sulu it is used only as a name.

74 Malay; young.

75 Arabic; defender.

76 Arabic; honor, respect.

77 Arabic; star, meteor, bright flame.

78 Arabic; chosen (by God).

79 Arabic; interceder.

80 Arabic; victory.

81 From the Arabic ʿazeem or great; not from ʿAlim, meaning learned.

82 Arabic; exalter or defender.

83 Arabic; Israel.

84 Arabic; honor.

85 Arabic; orator; the pandita who reads the oration, a part of the religions services held on Friday.

86 See Ethnological Survey Publications, Vol. IV, pt. 1, p. 64.

87 The servant of the giver.

88 Jamiyun is Sanskrit and means brother or sister’s son; Kulisa is Indra’s thunderbolt.

89 One of the names of the wife of Vishnu.

90 Sulu; the sun.

91 The Sulus believed that Alexander the Great came to Sulu and that their ancient rulers were descended from him.

92 Sanskrit; the plant. Jamiyun Kulisa, Indira Suga, and Masha’ika are the names of the ancient gods of Sulu. Prior to Islam the Sulus worshiped the Vedic gods and evidently believed them to be the forefathers or creators of men. The Sulu author was ignorant of this fact and used the names of the gods as names of real men.

93 Arabic; faithful.

94 Chief.

95 A gong used for signals and in worship.

96 Western district of the Island of Sulu.

97 The northern and central district of the Island of Sulu.

98 The southern and central part of the Island of Sulu.

99 The eastern part of the Island of Sulu.

100 The town where the present Sultan of Sulu resides.

101 The inhabitants of the region west of the town of Jolo.

102 The inhabitants of the northern coast, east of Jolo.

103 Arabic; generous.

104 Arabic; master or served.

105 Arabic; noble; a title applied to a descendant of Mohammed.

106 Arabic; plural of walī, a man of God.

107 Sulu; anchorage; the ancient capital of Sulu.

108 A district in Sumatra.

109 Arabic; beauty.

110 Arabic; plural of karim, meaning generous.

111 Arabic; orator; a high religious title, allied to Imam.

112 Arabic; slave or servant.

113 Arabic; the Giver, referring to God.

The History of Sulu

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