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Chapter 11


My first thought on leaving is about Cache. Licking my belly. Climbing tongue into the navel. And then looking so languidly into my eyes.

God, I was ready to swallow it right there, on the spot!

Damn bad guys!

I blame everything on hereditary weakness for them, because reason insists: you need to look for someone more suitable. Like Nick.


To myself, I even sighed on behalf of only one. Nick is as gorgeous as a brother. It is natural. They are twins. And although there are fewer extremes that attract me like a bee to honey, he is endowed with many traits that are very pleasant to me.

The phone rings. I look at the screen to read who it is, but the name along with the number does not appear, so I do not know the caller. I’m thinking whether to answer, but I’ve woken up already, what’s there.

– Hello?

“Good morning,” a rude voice growls at me. In a split second, I not only recognize him, but also react. Everything in my stomach trembles with joyful excitement.

“Good morning,” I return the greeting. This is the cache.

“I expected to talk to you yesterday, before you left.”

This phrase provokes an unpleasant thought about last evening: shortly before the last group (guests) fell out of the place, Nelli disappeared behind the door, which, as I saw, was used by Cash, and neither she nor he showed up. Pablo explained to me what to do when closing, and when we were done with everything, he suggested that we go to the car. I agreed. She was annoyed and was not going to sit and wait for Cash, like a little dog. Even if he gave me a job. This is a fundamental point. I remember, I even thought: Yes, he is the same as all the bad guys – a lover of fun, turn his head and, in the end, change.

Not that he shows by his appearance: I, they say, remain faithful to some beautiful lady; however, I would not be too surprised if he had someone.

Throwing these thoughts out of my head, I remind myself that I do not care about Cache. He is my employer, and that’s it. The end of the story.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt you with Nellie,” I explain, hating myself for the caustic tone. “Pabdo showed me what to do.” Nothing wrong.

– Pablo, then?

I wonder or is his voice saturated with poison now?

– Yes. He is a great guy.

The cache grunts and pauses, after which it continues:

“Nelly is worried about something; she wanted to discuss this with me before tonight.” Actually, that’s why I’m calling you.

I feel relieved. Instantly. And I hate myself for that. The conflict of feelings annoys me. But even worse, now I’m thrilled. This bell foreshadows the evil.

– Any problems?

“Listen, I’m not one of those who will beat around the bush or get into other people’s strife, so I’ll tell you frankly.” Nelly doesn’t want to train you. She doesn’t have any special reason, she just doesn’t want to. I will not say what I think about it, it does not matter. It is important that I want you to work at The End. I know you have a special work schedule. If she cannot work with you, these are her problems, let her seek other activities that will make her happy.

“So what does all this mean?” What do you want to say?

“Well, when I said all this to Nellie, she decided to stay.” So you will study yourself. If you want, Nellie will deal with you. If not, I will do it.

The pulse quickens from the mere thought that I will spend so much time with Cash, and even in such close communication.

– Maybe this Pablo will work out with me?

Long pause. Finally, cache responds. The voice is harsh.

– Not. Pablo will not do this.

Thousands of thoughts swarm in my head, not the last of them, which makes me smile: is Cache jealous of me for Pablo?

– I do not know what to say. That is, I do not want Nelly to think that I refuse her services. But I won’t let myself survive. At the same time, I would not want her to have problems because of me.

“Her task is not to love you, but to show how to do things.” Is it because of this she may have problems?

Doubts are minimal. Regardless of what we have with Nellie, I know that if Cache starts working with me, it does not bode well. I’m just not responsible for myself if he is around.

“Well then, let Nelly deal with me.”

– That’s good. But if she starts to get you, immediately come to me.

“I will come,” I agree, not for a second intending to do so. No, I’ll deal with Nelly somehow. Either we get along, or we have to learn to work with someone we hate.

I run my hand through my tangled hair, hoping that in the end it will be the first, and not the second. It’s awful, terribly hard to work with someone who cannot bear your spirit.

“Nellie took leave tonight, so you don’t have to go to work until next weekend.” Unless you want to take an extra shift on Wednesday when Nelly is working.

Actually I need money. Classes in college will only begin on Thursday at eleven, so that I can somehow settle down, the main thing is that this does not become a habit.

– Wednesday is good. I can handle.

“Fine,” Cache says. Judging by the voice, with a smile. I am glad that he did not perceive my refusal of his services as a mentor as an insult.

I swear he has such a powerful ego that he did not think for a second to be offended.

– If you need something, call. My phone is always with me.

“How did you find out my number?”

“From one ass ass named Nash.”

– Donkey ass?

– Yes, ass ass. Do not say that you yourself do not consider him a donkey ass!

From the awkwardness I laugh:

“Hm, well, I don’t think his ass is a donkey.” With me he is always very nice.

“Of course, dear.” You are so amazing. What man will not be nice to you?

– There are many of those.

“They’re all donkey asses,” Hochmit Cash.

“And they too?”

– Yes.

– What today, all the ass asses all without exception?

“Yes,” cache repeats abruptly. – The word of the day is pipifax.

I laugh this time sincerely.

– That’s for sure?

– Yes. And what was the word of the day yesterday, you better not know.

– No doubt. And then suddenly the eardrums burst.

Cache’s voice is quieter and softer.

– No, you can blush.

I am silent. I feel a pleasant fever pouring on my face. It becomes clear: no matter how I poke around, knowing that you do not expect good from this guy, it will be almost impossible to resist him.

Damn it!

“Have a nice day, Olivia.” Waiting for you on Wednesday.

With these words, Cache hangs up, and I, limp, remain lying in bed and immersed in thoughts of what would happen if I stopped resisting.

* * *

Just left the shower, I hear voices. It’s unusual. You can’t confuse Dora’s unsettled screech. Oddly enough, the second voice, also voiced in elevated tones, belongs to Nick. I hide behind the door, leave it slightly open and turn my head to the crack with my ear.

You are a shameless, mean spy.

I choke on a laugh. But I’m not giving myself a break. To impersonate so to impersonate.

“You can’t dump this at me at the last minute!” I already had plans, and I don’t even have anything to wear! – I can say for sure: Dora is still trying to stay calm, and this is proof of how much she likes Nick; so she tries not to show her true nature. Although I can not judge how she manages to mislead him. It would be interesting to see how long Nick would start to follow her if she began to show herself in all its glory.

– If I knew that I would be back, I would have warned. I wanted to surprise you. – Nick raises his voice just to shout down Dora’s screech.

“Well, what should I do now?!” I can’t cancel the meeting with dad. He already …

“It doesn’t matter,” Nick consoles her. “I can invite someone else.”

There is a long pause, filled with such tension that I feel it even through a closed door.

Hand over a little, Nick! She’s about to explode!

– Who do you think?

Dora’s voice is as cold as ice. Interestingly, Nick knows this tone and its meaning?

“I have no one; I did not know that you could not go.” Although, I think I will be able to persuade someone. No worries.

I almost laughed out loud. No worries. I swear, Dora is already smoking.

I almost feel the smell of boiling brains while she tries to think of someone to make her a safe rival, who is reliable enough and at the same time so unfortunate that she has no plans for the evening and will agree on everything at the last minute.

“What about Olivia?” I am sure she will be happy to go with you, especially now that you have become her benefactor.

My jaw drops, and on the face, I know this, an expression of deep resentment appears.

Oh my God! So the loser is me!

“I appreciate your offer, but doesn’t it work on the weekend?”

“If she got a job with Cash, who knows what her schedule is.”

“Well, I won’t wake her up to ask about it.” I think she worked late yesterday.

“Yes, but she will not refuse.” I will ask her myself.

Nash starts to say something, but the way he cut off the phrase told me: Dora was gone. I quietly close the door and stomp into the bathroom, as if I had just finished taking a shower … But I actually finished.

– Olivia? Dora calls out to me, knocks loudly on the door and opens it, without waiting for me to answer.

I bite my lip so as not to growl: “Here is a witch!”

“I’m here,” I say in a sharp tone.

The door opens wide and Dora comes in, stomping loudly. She has an expression of disgust on her face. She does not spend time on courtesy.

“Do you work tonight?” If not, I need you to go with Nick to the show. You owe it to him.

How similar it is to Dora: to launch heavy artillery from a swoop – accusations of ingratitude and blackmail.

What an honor it is for me to be related to the devil’s mistress herself.

Carefully suppressing the urge to grunt loudly, I reply:

“Actually, I’m not working tonight.” True, I can’t go. I am very sorry, but I have nothing to wear to fulfill such interesting duties.

Dora dismisses:

– You’ll wear something from mine. I’m sure you won’t stay naked.

I just heard how she complained that she would not have time to buy a new dress for this occasion, and now I am absolutely convinced that I can be sent … whatever.

“Well, if Nick doesn’t care how I look …”

Dora rolls up in a subtle, derogatory laugh:

“Olivia, I’m sure Nash won’t look at you closely.”

I will be honest. I am enraged. Fury, damn it! It is at this moment that I decide to surprise everyone, especially Nick. Dora will regret this day …

Even if I have to follow the example of a girl in pink and sew myself a new dress in just seven minutes.

All this happens inside of me. Outside, I smile sweetly at Dora:

– In that case, I will be happy to go.

Dora turns around and leaves without saying either “thank you,” or at least “kiss my ass.”

I hear her tell Nick that I will go, and she will try to do everything so that I look presentable, and I can not help thinking: it would be nice to pierce this cold-cold heart with a knife for chopping ice and wash off with impunity.

For this, I could get the Nobel Peace Prize. Or at least a thank you call from the Vatican.

This time I don’t care about hiding a contemptuous grin.

Bad Guys Night fantasies. A boring evening can be an unpredictable game for you

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