Читать книгу Bad Guys Night fantasies. A boring evening can be an unpredictable game for you - Natalia Esenina - Страница 2

Chapter 1


Several times in my life I felt such love and gratitude that to say thank you seemed commonplace, as if this was not enough. I am in the same situation now, when it comes to you, my readers. You are the only reason why my dream of becoming a writer has taken on a real shape. I assumed it would be amazing to finally devote myself to the cause that I love so much. But I could not imagine how eclipsed and outweighed the pleasure of writing that indescribable bliss that I feel when I hear that you like my books, that they do not leave you indifferent, or that your life has become a little better after reading them. Therefore, the admission that I simply do not know how to thank you so that this is enough comes from the very depths of my soul, from the very heart. I added these words to my book with a link to a blog post, hoping that you will find a moment to read them. This is an honest and sincere expression of my appreciation. I love all of you together and each individually.

Head slightly dizzy, but with happiness. I can’t even recall the name of the drinks that Sean orders for us. I just know that they are delicious. And to hell strong! Wow!

– Well, when will the stripper come? I am ready for dancing! – Sasha screams – crazy, she is not her own to young men barmaid. We work together at the Archie Sports Bar in Leon, Mexico. Sasha and behaves wildly in normal surroundings, but if she finds herself in some strange new institution in a city like Atlanta, and she turns into a real tigress – a complete fly away. Rrr-rav!

Sasha looks at me and smirks. In the dim light, her whitish hair acquired a yellowish tinge of urine, and a devilish glow glistened in pale blue eyes.

I am on my guard and ask in surprise:

– What?

– I talked to the manager. He will come to check if Sean will help the stripper to pull off the foul rags that will be on him. – Sasha laughs furiously. I also can not help laughing. She will get anyone.

“Archie will beat her if she finds out that she was tearing off clothes from another man, even if it was at a bachelorette party!”

“He doesn’t know anything.” What’s happening behind his doors remains in the office, Sasha casually throws.

“Maybe you want to say: what’s going on outside the cabinet door?”

“That’s exactly what I said.”

I grin:

– Oh, okay.

Watching her apply to her neurotoxic drink, I chuckle and give preference to water. Someone must maintain clarity of mind, at least partially. May it be me. Tonight is dedicated to Sean. I want to send her into married life at the highest level. I doubt that the indispensable attribute of the best possible party is dragging half-dead guests to the house or scraping vomit out of the shoes of the hero of the occasion.

A knock on the door of one of the offices makes everyone turn their heads. The girls immediately begin to laugh, scream and hoot.

Good God, I hope this is a stripper, not a cop or someone worse!

The door opens and an incredibly handsome guy enters the room. It seems I have never met such people. He looks a little over twenty, he is tall and complex as a football player – wide chest and shoulders, muscular arms and legs, thin waist. From top to bottom, dressed in black. But most of all, the face is impressive.

Well and drop dead handsome!

Dark brown hair is cut short, chiseled features. The guy examines the room. I can’t say what color his eyes are, I can only see that they are dark. He opened his mouth to speak, but then he just got a look at me, blinked and froze.

I look into his eyes, as if hypnotized, I still can’t determine the color, but it seems that the irises are almost black. Light pours from a doorway behind a stranger, and his eyes look like ink puddles. The guy bends his head slightly to one side and watches me.

Because of this, I begin to get nervous and at the same time get excited. Why – I don’t know myself. There is no reason for either nervousness or lust. But I experience both.

I tremble with a small tremor, everything is compressed inside, I feel hot.

We continue to look at each other when Sasha gets up, pulls the guy into the room and slams the door behind him.

“Well, Sean, let’s put your lonely life on the joke, as expected.”

The rest of the girls begin to scream and cheer her up. Sean smiles, but shakes his head.

– Never! This is not for me!

Two of the future bride’s girlfriends are persistent – they surround Shawnee and try to pick her up by her arms.

She leans back and shakes her head more actively:

– No no no. I do not want. Do it yourself.

Sean begins to twist his arms to free himself, but his girlfriends clung tightly to his thin wrists. The unfortunate woman looks at me, her wide-open brown eyes tell me everything I need to know: the idea itself drives her crazy.

– Katie, help! – I raise my hand, asking with a gesture: “What do you want me to do?” She nods toward a handsome man looming behind Sasha. – Do it you!

– Are you crazy? I will not undress the stripper!

– You are welcome! You know, I would do it for you.

What is true is true. Damn it!

What the hell is the most awkward and shy girl in the world getting involved in?

And as usual, I reply to myself: “Because it is easy to give in to everything.”

Gathering air into my chest, I get up and turn to our Cool Stripper, intentionally slightly raising my chin. He continues to follow me with steaming charcoal eyes.

I take a step towards him, he very slowly raises an eyebrow.

It throws me into a fever.

“Must have been drunk,” I think. – And there is”.

Feeling that I am blushing, and slightly gasping for breath, I take another step.

Cool Stripper backs away from Sasha to better see me. He folds his arms over his chest and waits; one eyebrow remains curved in amazement. He is not going to alleviate my fate. I have to handle it myself, as Sasha asked.

Here, as if on command, the music that had been dancing in the room all evening became louder. The song is sexy, with heavy bass. Music in the mood, that’s for sure. It seems that every alarming beat of my heart is emphasized by the rhythm, while in the meantime I move closer and closer to these velvet eyes.

So I stop right in front of the stripper. You have to look up. This one was head and shoulders taller than me – I was only five and a half feet tall.

Nearby, I see that the guy’s eyes are brown, dark brown, almost black.


I’m wondering why this word came to my mind when the girls start chanting in chorus so that I pulled off the guy’s shirt. I look uncertainly into their excited faces, then I turn to the stripper. He slowly opens his arms and spreads his arms wide apart.

He grins at the corner of his mouth. Both facial expression and body language challenge me.

I understand: he thinks that I dare not. And perhaps no one would dare.

That is what makes me determined.

Succumbing to the relaxing rhythm of the music, I put a smile on my face and stretch out my arms to pull the Cool Stripper’s shirt tucked into the pants from under the belt.

Bad Guys Night fantasies. A boring evening can be an unpredictable game for you

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