Читать книгу Diamond lady. Prose in english - Natalia Patratskaya - Страница 5

Chapter 4


Musin came home, mechanically swallowed food and sat down in his favorite chair. He was in such a detached state that no one approached him. He suddenly thought of two dead men because of a simple gold ring.

Moreover, the broken ears of Agnes were in such a state that it was scary to watch, and with each passing day the scars on the ears increased. But were they really making earrings or was it just a fight? Or was the attack on Agnes with a different purpose? What happened?

Interestingly, someone who drowned in a river has never taken other people’s things before, and his wife says that he left home with a lot of money. That he had to be looked for in the village, and she had no thoughts, he was driving with money for a new car, he worked in a car-care center.

Could rob him and put on a train to the village deadlock. There is one railway junction, where his ways with money crossed and another way, where he found himself without money. She said that she wrote letters to many cities along the way of her husband’s train.

I wrote just in case because there was another coincidence: in the train where my husband was traveling: they killed a man who was very similar to him. She wrote to the village quite by accident, someone pushed her to this letter. Mussin thought about all this and was very tired of such information rushing at him, and decided that everything must rest.

No, it’s time to sleep. The nights are long enough.

In the morning Musin went to the medical center. He said that he constantly thinks about the latest thefts and murders, but has not yet drawn conclusions. He was struck by the beauty of the wife of the drowned man. How did such a beauty still come to them, not afraid of the road? Strange. Everything is strange. Musin decided to speak with his granddaughter Kharitonovich again, because of her, everything happened: the men died because of her ring. The girl came to the office.

– Honey, can you remember once again that terrible evening? – Musin asked.

– If I knew what happened! It was dark, there was one, I know everyone here, they know me, but it was not far to go. Two men approached me. The one that drowned did not suit me. A peasant guy approached, with a short haircut under a cap, he was wearing a padded jacket. And he did not need gold. The first was taken aback by the sharpness of the second. The second pounced on me! He needed me, as if he had not seen women for a long time! And I have Fedor, why do I need someone else?

– Drink some water, calmly speak. The one in the cap, the repeat offender is famous. His name is Fedor. He is wanted. He always needs slaves. The aliens were robbed by his friends, but they were not released, they decided that a specialist in car repair could be useful.

– This man in a cap attacked me. He climbed to kiss, I began to escape from him. He got angry, a vengeful such a man. With two hands, like a ring, I still twisted my leg, the pain is hellish. He climbed up after that once again to me, and I ran from him in tears to the side. He ripped off his coat. I fell. He fell on me and tore off the ring, then got up, called me a stupid woman. They say that the horse is unbroken, then he gave the ring to his partner, and let me go.

– Everything becomes clear. Fedor left with diamond earrings and Agnessa’s gold ring, and the newcomer with your ring caught the eye of Fyodor, they seemed to be leaving together. Everyone had their own ticket in the form of gold. And Fedor Fedor and reassured, – suggested the policeman Musin.

He thought that such a solution put everything in its place. It is necessary to write to the woman that her husband is innocent, he is a victim. It was in such a Cold town, rich in events, and Apollo spent two years of exile.

Agnes’ ears are overgrown, but the bumps on her ears remain. Therefore, she was sad. Pampered and inaction equally badly acted on her. She fully felt the absence of Apollo. She did not know with whom he weaves intrigue, but without him it was noticeably boring. The head was squeezed by drowsy indifference, it was necessary to go out of emotional emptiness.

Agnes for a while wanted to live near the Kremlin. Ten minutes from the Kremlin, in the house of former officers, there were huge apartments, by the standards of apartments of the 20th century. Passing the Taganka Theater, passing along the Garden Ring and turning right, Agnessa hit the house on the embankment of the Moscow River. What did Agnessa forget there? Here, people changed the apartment, and her apartment was arranging them with something. Her apartment is small with low ceilings, their apartment is huge with high ceilings.

Lying a little, they gave two rooms for her apartment, and then they themselves received a large apartment, and she, in an intermediate way, in the chain of exchange. Two huge rooms of twenty six square meters, concealed a huge ancient closet, which the owners did not want to take away, it is very heavy, antique. And in the second room, in two cages, birds lived and looked out of the window at the Moscow River. Agnessa thoroughly forgot about this apartment, and yesterday…

A stylistic businessman with a warped face like a great black and white singer from across the ocean, showed a bird in a cage, on a television program, and the apartment was so familiar! She also recognized the wardrobe, which she didn’t want to inherit and did not participate in the exchange. She had dreamed of this exchange for ten years, she woke up with horror: did she exchange or not? Then she looked at the low ceiling and calmed down.

Outside the window, winter reigned. Snow flakes circled above the ground. In the age of high speeds and information devices, it is best to feel the speed as you roll down the mountain on a sled. And cell phones for fast communication easily fit in the pockets of sweatpants, to which the snow does not stick.

Agnes always attracted shooting films. One day she saw an ad for admission to the Institute for Television and Radio Broadcasting. Her certificate was good. Nobody interfered with the preparation for entering the institute. She entered the evening department of the institute to receive a second higher education, and during the day she worked at the company Sensual Instruments. Her husband Apollo was absent for a long time.

Denis Turin worked in television. After a modest wedding with Tatiana, he became a passionate and loving man, so he was loved by women all over the country, and sometimes in personal contact. Agnes has become another hobby of a famous man.

Once he saw gorgeous legs under a short skirt, which increasingly began to meet on his way through the corridors of the television center. He could not stand the female bait and offered to drive the owner of the gorgeous legs. She agreed. He got so carried away that he drove with the beautiful lady to the forgotten stadium.

White frosted snow surrounded the car from all sides. Inside the car was warm. One can imagine that they are in space: no lights are visible. Denis was driving the car. Agnes sat next to him. They drove around the city and drove into an abandoned forest stadium. We drove in a circle and stopped on the opposite side of the entrance. The couple wanted to talk about their problems.

Hands began to penetrate unobtrusively into the conversation. Hands touched hands, neck, climbed under the jumpers where it is warmer, where it is cozier. The legs did not lag behind, and as if by the way, one legs found the other legs.

Lips were third in this game and, naturally, met each other. One language penetrated into the neighboring mouth, the second language came into the mouth to the first, they exchanged affection with language. Two mouths, having experienced the joy of intercourse, closed. And the lips work like a battery of energy.

But the hands increased their activity and began to penetrate into the cosmic depths of human clothing. It seemed to the hands that they were meeting too many clothes, and they began to take off the excess. The most forbidden places of the human body are well covered with clothes on a winter day, but hands are omnipresent. And the bastions of clothing give up their positions under the hands of two loving people.

Denis reached the forbidden places first. Agnes did not lag behind, she studied the strength of the belt on his trousers. Love in the car at an abandoned stadium was frankly mad. They were insatiable.

But it all ends, especially physical love. The seatbacks in lowered form served as a bed. A kiss after love is brief, like gratitude. Hands have already lost interest in the partner and are engaged in their own clothes. Legs move away from each other. The seat backs are upright.

Two innocent sitting in the car. He touched the car from the spot, and she obediently left the abandoned stadium. The lights of the city flickered in the distance. But the romantic date at the stadium did not happen immediately, there was some kind of prelude.

Agnes recognized the forest stadium behind the windows of the car; it was here that she saw the stunt performances. She thought that in former times the stadium was flooded with water, and the local population received free entertainment. Adults and teenagers put on their own or other people’s skates and clothes and went to the rink. People rode around the stadium circle and were happy if the lights were in the corners of the stadium and the music sounded.

More often in the stadium they played football. Such a stadium could be used for skydiving. In the summer, mothers with strollers sat on the stadium benches and sunbathed. Forest stadium was built in the old days, on it the stuntmen, who put several cars in a row and raged on their motorcycles on their roofs, could easily demonstrate their zeal. This stadium was used very rarely.

It was such a fun time when clothes and shoes were sold at the stadiums, then the once popular stadiums earned money by renting space for market trade. Not all stadiums were empty, and Agnes loved to go to the stadiums-markets, sometimes she was lucky with purchases. Especially the stadiums were rescued at a time when money was tense in the family. The more money there was in the family, the more good shops she went to.

Two weeks passed.

– Agnes, are we going? – Denis asked briefly by phone.

«We’re going,» Agnessa agreed with excitement in her voice.

– I’m waiting for you in the car.

Agnes quickly got dressed and left the house. Denis, all handsome, was driving the car. White mohair vest under a black gorgeous hair, laid by a famous hairdresser, beckoned with his comfort. You understand, winter. The car drove into the darkness of obscurity.

On Agnessa, a mohair jumper made of blend yarn glittered. Mohair and mohair are well connected. Love in the dark cars on a country road promised to be passionate. The oncoming car lit up the headlights and spoiled the whole mass. They quickly threw things on themselves and pretended to be on their way.

Denis chose a place for the next date in an abandoned apartment.

Bright new coat fell on the chair.

– New coat? – Denis asked and grinned.

«I bought it today,» Agnes answered happily.

– Wait for me. I will come soon, – said the man and disappeared behind the door.

Agnes walked around the apartment in which, if anyone lived, it was rare. In the kitchen were old wheels from the car. On the gas stove stood a wretched ancient kettle. It is unlikely that people ate or cooked food here, if they did it, very long ago. In the only room was a bright plywood cabinet. In the corner was a metal bed with balls on the backs. Round wooden table did not violate the museum wretchedness. She looked at the snow-covered park outside the window.

The door opened slowly. Denis appeared in the smell of snow and freshness. In his hands was a gentleman’s set: champagne, sweets, bananas. That’s right, there was no food in this strange apartment. Agnes found cups, boiled tea.

The bed was kind of in place, but it creaked godlessly. Lovers of secret love had to go on a hard surface – the floor. Yes, without champagne love exploits in a forgotten apartment would be impossible.

The phone rang. Apollo’s quivering voice asked:

– Agnes, when will you come home?

– Soon.

An enigma for a young lady was a home phone call. How did a husband, who was not at home for two years, find out where she is? The mood of Agnes fell somewhat. She looked at Denis.

The joy of successful sexual docking bloomed on his face. His hair stood up with joy. He gently smoothed them and became more beautiful. Ba, and maybe he had enough to champagne? Maybe a male elixir? A lot of joy radiated the face of a young man. Strange Denis did not notice Agnes after the meeting.

The personal life of Agnes outside the company gained momentum. It took a couple of weeks.

– We are going? – Denis asked by phone.

Agnessa agreed.

Denis drove a hundred meters and stopped.

– Take off your clothes! He ordered, smiling. And evil added: – We will get a wolf ticket with you.

– And why is that? – surprised Agnes, taking off her clothes.

– We are under the windows of the building. Here people walk, and you only have boots and hair, «Denis said.

«Yes, but what a body!» If I could praise him. Let’s drive away from the lighting.

– Ha, so I have separate shoes from me, than I will press the pedal! You understand: the pants are not a skirt, do not take them off your head.

Behind the window of the car flashed the silhouette of a little man. Almost without bending, he looked into the interior of the car: a small light above the door was burning inside. People sitting inside the car, he was familiar. Tisha grunted and turned a corner of a dark building.

A loving couple was busy with a very important thing, being in a car with tinted windows. Twenty minutes later, the car slowly drove away from the road and the lighted building, she got up in a dark place. Five minutes later, a girl who looked like a dragonfly because of a thin waist flew out of the car. Agnes waved to Denis and rushed to the car:

– Denis, where is my glove?

– What are you, Agnes, I did not take your gloves.

– Look, look, dear! Glove new, kid, what do I, again, buy new gloves?

«You know, I threw a handkerchief out of the window, and your glove flew away with it.

Agnes, waving her brown hair, waved her hand in farewell and quickly left the car. She walked and thought: «Why is it so unlucky? Or is it lucky? The main thing is that no one should notice me next to Denis, especially Apollo, he will certainly do something.»

Agnessa came home and called her friend Tatiana:

– Tatiana, I have a new love. Do you know him! He is shown on TV. Just do not give me your advice, I myself know that I am not doing well.

– Agnes, I generally keep quiet. Yes, he is famous! Why do you need such love?

– He is so good. We have such a passion with him!

«I’m afraid for your hobby,» Tatyana said and heard telephone beeps in response.

Tatyana Agnesse didn’t have time to say that Denis Turin was her personal man, she didn’t tell her friend about this, and never invited her to her home.

Agnes was doing her own business, but on the way she moved onto a passing car, at the wheel of which Georges sat. Suddenly a big driver fell on the steering wheel. The car lost control. In desperation, Agnes looked at the road, at the steering wheel under the fixed driver. She was scared, scary, wanted to howl and live! But how to survive? How?!

She is a small, frail woman who cannot drive a car! His foot pressed on the pedal, but his hands did not move! Agnes, seeing that the car was rushing along the road hidden among the green foliage of the trees, more and more crookedly and obliquely, desperately tore off the man’s body from the steering wheel and tried to change the movement of the car, she had it badly, but it worked! The road was empty, no one could help her, but no one interfered.

How much she rode, she did not know, but a red cross appeared on her way. Medicine was next! She hit the brake pedal. The car stopped at a silver poplar guarding the entrance to the hospital complex.

The medical brothers took the man to intensive care with great difficulty because of the decent size of his body, increased fat. He did not come to himself. She got into a passing car and found herself in that situation. What she found on her, she did not know. She broke into the intensive care unit. She took off on a man dying of a heart attack, as reported to her by a nurse.

She shook the perishable body, showing no signs of life, and screamed in a terrible voice:

– Georges, live! Live, Georges! I want you to live! Live! Hear, live!

Agnes did not look at the doctors, who believe that it is no longer possible to revive the dead. She began to give him artificial respiration. She breathed mouth to mouth. She screamed at him. She began to beat him on the cheeks, no one interfered with her, considering her actions useless. But she beat. Screamed at him like a spell:

– Georges, live! Listen, man, breathe!

She was breathing instead.

And he sighed, as if she had punched a lump in his throat. Doctors came to their senses and began their duties. Agnes was removed from the ward. And she decided that she would learn to drive a car.

The driver’s name was George, he was a former guard. What to do, apparently, at all times the main occupation of the men was military affairs. Everyone knows that women came from the peasant’s rib, therefore, Agnes must be more developed than the peasant Georges. So, but if Georges is a peasant and is not descended from humans, then he is immortal! And the doctors were people and did not know that true men do not die! One could argue that there are no men for a long time! Sorry if they were, then some of their descendants will certainly remain in the human world.

What to do, after the incident with a peasant who obviously had more than one millennium behind him, Agnessse had to master the subtleties of driving a car, which was very useful in her strange life.

Georges has since become Agnes’s friend in life. As far as she remembers, there are always problems with him: he seems to be with her, and he seems not to be; whether he is a friend or not; but not a lover and not a husband. With him, she could not be in the same apartment for more than an hour, and sometimes ten minutes was enough. Georges at times annoyed Agnes, but she could not get rid of him.

The next day Georges appeared with a glove:

– Agnes, I walked along the linden avenue. Look: Denis’s car is going, and from it the gloves are flying. I stopped. On the road, the glove flashed silver threads. I picked up the glove and brought you. I remember seeing such a beautiful glove with you. Have you been with Denis?

«Lucky – not lucky,» thought Agnes and said:

– Georges, Denis just gave me a lift to the house. It happens to everyone! Thanks for the glove.

– No, I do not believe you! Where were you yesterday? But if you do not want to speak the truth, do not answer.

Agnes recalled that in the summer with George went to a clear lake to catch crayfish. He ate the crayfish with a sense of feeling he was drinking bottles of beer. She decided to cajole him:

– Georges, you want a beer? I know where the crayfish sell. Let’s go to you.

He smiled:

– We go for crayfish and beer, my car is not far from tinted windows.

The crayfish turned red. Beer cold. Georges kinder. And in Agnes there was an annoyance: she did not like beer. She remembered Denis, with him it is easy without food, without drinks and everything is very sensual, but here there is one digestion.

– Georges, I left! Thanks for the glove, «said Agnes and walked to the door.

«Hey, don’t you dare open the door!» Lock you break! Shouted Georges and opened the door himself.

Agnes rushed between three lights: husband Apollo, friend Georges and lover Denis. Besides them, she had an unknown admirer, in the sense that she did not sleep with him. It was a small, nondescript man with a face covered with pock marks.

A small man Tisha for several years watched the chiseled figure of Agnes. He knew her passions and hobbies. He lived in the next doorway of the house and worked with her in the same building. Tisha tried to coincide with her in time for leaving and coming home.

A little art of a little man. He dressed decently, but he never had a car. The little man knew about her big men. He did not have a family, he did not drink, he was entertained by Agnes’ hobbies.

Between themselves, the neighbors called him Tisha. Once at the granny, his neighbors on an entrance, Tisha’s cat was gone. Tisha, having learned about the loss of a cat, thought a bit and found a cat in the next house, very similar to their house, on the same floor. And he became a granny Tisha. From Grandma Tisha learned the news about Agnes. He was respectful of Granny, who paid him information. She knew about his unrequited love for a young neighbor. Granny didn’t count his attention to a woman and for love, but Hush played up.

A car with tinted glass stood at the entrance door. On the phone, Denis agreed on the time Agnes left work. She came out of the entrance door, hit the open doors of the car. It is clear that time is precious. It is difficult to live beautiful women, everything must be in time. It’s good that they didn’t take her to a firm like Leisure. Apparently, this service found that three men from a young lady is enough.

Denis Turin quickly drove away from the building and pulled along the highway to the city center. He was driving not just to the center, but to houses where the first floors were lined with cobblestone and granite. Through the tinted glass Agnes could not see, or so it seemed. Denis brought Agnes to an elite house located on the avenue.

She had a feeling that there was someone else in the apartment besides them, but the door to the second room was closed. She also had the feeling that he had turned on the invisible camera. She heard a click, but then decided what it seemed. No, she did not arise and did not ask anything.

On the parquet floor, Denis threw white faux fur, soon Agnes figure stood out beautifully on it. Inspired by what is unknown, the man showed everything he was capable of. The woman echoed him, fascinated by his virtuoso love. A strange feeling arose in the soul of Agnes.

Cool love with elements of physical education exercises captured on film. And rightly so: from the next room they filmed their great love on a small camera, and looked at them out of simple curiosity. Home Denis Agnes took, but did not drive because of safety and laziness. And she drove home herself.

The paths of sex tapes in cassettes are difficult to predict. One copy of the tape came to Georges. That’s why he was a friend of Agnes, because he was a lazy man sexually, and his lover could be called a stretch. He gave all his masculine power for the pleasure of drinking vintage wine and beer daily and constantly. From the tape with an amateur film, he came in such astonishment that, opening his mouth, he did not close it for a long time.

Feelings of envy and hatred for Denis erupted in the soul of Georges, he had to get a bottle of vodka, calm down and come up with a plan for revenge. Soon there was an accident on the road, she was shown on television. The cause of the accident was established. The famous man, who was driving a dark limousine with tinted windows, did not die, he was saved by an airbag.

Agnes saw an accident on the road in the morning on the TV screen. She left the house all in tears. Neighbor granny was taking out the garbage and sympathized with crying. Agnes posted everything to the first listener of the sad news, of course, hiding some of the information.

Granny immediately called Hush, who was ready to leave the house and run after Agnes. Tisha thanked Granny for valuable information and promised her to bring fresh bread.

After the accident, Denis’s limousine was transported to his house by friends. No, he did not live in an elite house, where Agnes drove. Agnes he then said that this was an apartment of his acquaintances, and he was given the key for a while. He lived in a simple area, in an old high house, located next to the cinema. In the house there was no hot water, there were columns for heating. Denis’s spare apartment looked worse than his limo. A wrecked car was installed near his house, and he was taken to hospital with injuries. He was visited by Agnes.

Tisha caught up with Agnes and asked jokingly:

– How are you?

He got lucky. She greeted him and said that today they showed on TV, as the person she knew almost crashed into a car. She knows him, he lives in a house located next to the cinema.

Hush was pleased with these words. At work, he took a business trip on business and went to the cinema. He knew the area well, quickly found a cinema, went around the house. From a broken familiar car I guessed where the man of Agnes lived.

Tisha walked around the remains of the car, which had damaged the side door from the driver’s side. The glass was broken, but somehow strange. The door was pressed inward, but the heart of the driver was not torn by ragged edges. The car could be restored, so she was brought to the house. Silence had the idea that Denis was framed, but who? His gaze focused on the tinted windows. Strange they were. Tisha went to the car, began to pick up the fragments. Interestingly, the glass is broken, but it did not crumble by peas.

«The film,» Tisha thought, «maybe it’s a secret?» The worker could apply the film on the glass of the car, but in the service station they checked the film after applying the transparency. They were responsible for their work. The film was applied to the glass from the cabin side, and here – two layers of film. Who else could have a hand in an accident?

Soon Tisha saw Georges standing next to the entrance, next to him was his huge car with new tinted glass. The man wiped the windows with a dry cloth from the outside, depicting terrible employment.

At this time, Agnes, all of herself sad, left the building and went to the side of the stop. Georges did not catch up with her, he decided that it would be necessary – it would do, and he would wait until tomorrow or the day after.

At home, Apollo told Agnes that a neighbor Tisha had come. He was looking for someone who tinted windows on Denis’s car. The neighbor did not blame the worker, everything is checked and recorded in the service station. They do not tint twice. Tisha was looking for someone who tinted windows from the outside, and for some reason was looking for Agnes, and told everything to her husband.

Here is what Agnes told Apollo:

– Denis left the house early, it was still dark outside. Attention to the glass in the car because of the total darkness did not pay. He drove along the highway, through the glass did not see anything.

Apollo has already managed to tell all this to the granny-neighbor, while she was walking home in the evening, and for the lump of butter she said everything again Hush.

Tisha, as a home detective, almost understood everything, but something in this story remained in doubt. If a worker applied one film, who applied the second film and did it at night and right on the street? He knew that Agnes still has a friend Georges. He saw him at the entrance, he stood there like a beacon without a siren. Where George lived, Tisha did not know, and decided to track him down after work, when he would hunt Agnes.

Georges appeared the next day at his place of waiting: fit – not fit. For the tape on the tape, which captured the love of Denis and Agnes, he took revenge on Denis with a second tape on the windows of a dark car, but said nothing to her. It was pasted by his people.

Agnes went up to Georges, but did not get in the car with him, but moved aside to talk. Tisha with a lean face inadvertently approached Georges’ car and immediately noticed that the film on the car was new, the same as on the Denis glasses from the outside. How did he put it? And how smartly invented everything? Tisha sighed and went to the granny to buy butter.

Diamond lady. Prose in english

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