Читать книгу Diamond lady. Prose in english - Natalia Patratskaya - Страница 6

Chapter 5


Life is so interesting, but Agnes was not laughing. She was attacked by a terrible feeling of guilt, it all seemed to her that Denis had an accident because of her. About the tape on the tape where she was without clothes, she still didn’t know, so she had no reason to be angry with him. Denis brought in the life of Agnes natural love that no one else could give. It was something extraordinary.

Tears attacked Agnes. She could not stop the tears, because she did not investigate the cause of the accident on the road. She did not even know about the double film on the windows, but she felt that Georges didn’t manage without this accident.

Georges stopped waiting for Agnes at the exit of the building. She ignored him completely. He nevertheless met her and told her about the tape, he wanted to bring Agness back to life and turn against Denis.

He succeeded!

Agnessse was ashamed of the film with sex on white fur. Burning hatred for Denis was born in her soul. After that, she seemed to say goodbye to him and returned to life, to work. As a sign of gratitude to George, she came to him with his favorite wine and snack. Wine has done its job.

Agnes lay and recalled. She did not remember Georges with a bad word – she remembered how he could bring truffles in kilograms, then instead of sweets she brought a whole clip of bottles with varnish of all colors and shades, otherwise she simply brought mascara to the unthinkable colors. No, she did not take offense at him and did not even believe in his indirect fault in the accident. He was one of those men who loves a woman, while there is a rival, it consoled his vanity. Physical love with him did not work.

She realized that the people of Georges had spoiled the brakes in Denis’s car, which was driving at great speed along the first slippery morning road. The car turned around and carried into the oncoming lane, but he was once again lucky: there were no cars on the oncoming lane, they were standing at the traffic lights and only picking up speed when one of them hit Denis’s car. In the accident he was accused of crossing two solid lines, he himself suffered a little, and crushed the car.

At the time of thinking of Agnes, Denis called and said:

– Quickly go out, I really missed you while I was in the hospital.

Agnes jumped out to her beloved man, got into his renovated car. They quickly drove, but did not reach. Heavy rain, solid rain stopped the car. Denis drove away from the highway in the direction of landings. Wonderful and turbulent streams of water flowed through the windows. What was left to make the two impatient? Love each other, without departing from the shower.

Denis had a lot of money in the heyday of his work on television, and he wanted more money, but no one should have known about it. All the viewers of a huge country fell into his power. The management of the TV channel treated him very well, everyone made money on it.

Popularity generated revenue by offsetting huge advertising deposits in reports. And these contributions were in his sports bag. Tennis rackets were sticking out of the bag, and under them were two money cases, but no cases. Criminals generally like to select cases, even if they have a void or just a book. Denis is clever, but a failure in the memory of elementary things always nests near the big mind.

The sports bag attracted the attention of Detective Musin and his assistant Zoe. Denis was under their secret supervision. Even from afar it was noticeable that in the bag there were not sneakers, but something heavy and level, like standing bricks.

At the time when small firms were organized, it was easy to turn the creation of another company into which funds for advertising on television flowed. And once all the money in cash was received by Denis. Good girl. Where did he want to hide with the money?

Denis decided to go to Agnes home. He knew that Apollo was not at home. The meeting at the stadium could please once, but then I wanted home comfort and love on the bed. Agnes knew what she was going for and knew about Denis’s popularity, but she wanted money or popularity on which to make money.

A women’s jumper called «Don’t touch me, I’m covered in diamonds» modestly hung on a wooden frame. Tatiana asked to show a sparkling miracle. The jacket miraculously scattered lay on the counter. Near the diamonds were glass of good quality, but how they shine in the light of neon lamps! And the New Year was so close!

When a red sparkling miracle appeared in her hands, she noticed a black miracle. A black knitted jumper was trimmed with diamonds of glass the size of a cherry bone. He flickered so tempting! But Tatyana thought that Denis had no money again, and she did not have enough money for this glass bead.

Little Vlad was spinning at the hem of his mother’s coat and reaching for plastic machines. He was interested only in cars or pistols of all calibers. The woman could not resist and bought her son toys. She looked at the sparkling jumpers good-bye and took a deep breath.

Denis, before the arrival of his wife and son, shifted the bills in thick bundles. At the first sounds of the key in the keyhole, he threw money into a gym bag, put a sports T-shirt, tennis rackets on top and zipped the bag.

The son ran into the room with joyful shouts, spinning toys in front of his father’s eyes. Father nodded his head, cheated. He kissed his wife on the cheek, saying in passing that he was going to the gym, and disappeared through the door.

Tatiana, twisting her long hair in a bun, went to the kitchen to cook a modest dinner. Her husband again did not give her money for family expenses. Poor food reserves are not inspired for cooking. She put a pot of water on the gas stove, took out macaroni and two sausages for her son. Mayonnaise wasn’t happy with freshness, its remains were white on the bottom of a glass jar. Tea, drying, two sweets completed the meal.

She did not complain about life. Last time she did not work, but sat at home with her son. The husband was the sole breadwinner of the family. He did not spoil her attention. She felt with all the fibers of her soul that her husband had a new woman, and already guessed who she was! Why are there! Tatyana knew, she was almost sure that it was Agnessa!

It is understandable, Denis is a famous person! Tatiana diligently avoided transmission, her nervous system could not stand it. She watched TV a little. When Denis had a talent for television, his growth was amazing!

After a couple of years, he became the leading television channel. His big head earned the people respect. He was always with his wife, his wife. Her hair was decorated with a long braid hairstyle. They were a good couple, they had a clever son. There was love, but life was covered with solid problems.

Agnes checked Denis’s sports bag. At first glance one might have thought that he took his things from home and moved in with her, but the weight of the bag struck her. The presence of a huge amount of money surprised, then delighted, then she wondered how you can take them.

Denis, a man with beautiful eyes, but she loved Apollo. True, the difference between them almost did not feel. But because of the film with sex, she firmly harbored a grudge against Denis. Agnes did not want to carry the bag out of her house, so that Denis did not think that she was involved in stealing money.

She decided to take the money from Denis by someone else’s hands and not in her house. Denis lost caution. His love has blinded. Agnes gave him a stormy night: she tried, she loved, but with thoughts of big money. He decided to leave the bag until the evening at Agnes, and then carry the money to the house of his wife Tatyana.

At home, Denis was ready for a cache, and not one. Immediately leave the money in the house, he could not, he felt shadowed. And the man decided that it is better to think that he is an ordinary womanizer than a big thief. Denis went to work in the television center, and the bag remained in the storeroom at Agnes. He is not a stupid person, he didn’t take all the advertising money, he left some for work.

Advertising should have been going on, and not all the disappearance of money will immediately appear, and not everyone constantly checks each other’s financial affairs. He had time to think about the further road of currency.

At a time when computers and their derivatives were not, Denis created a new television program. People liked the entertainment program. The popularity of the television presenter reached incredible heights and began to disturb him. Then he gave the transmission to his friend, and he decided to take all the power on the channel.

Denis wanted full power over all the people through the television screen. He was such a man. And the money that lay in his gym bag seemed insignificant to him.

For Agnes, the money in Denis’s sports bag in her house seemed huge, and the desire to take possession of them filled all her thoughts. She called her friend Georges. After all, she immediately realized that in this case the best thing is not to shine. She needed to stay good for Denis, and taking money at home was stupid: he will know who took it.

Professional guard Georges agreed to stun Denis, take the bag and hand the money over to Agness in the car. Apollo, the husband of Agnes, that day returned from the Cold City.

Denis took a bag with money from the house of Agnes and, as a traveling husband, went to his home, where he prepared a cache for money. At the entrance of his house, a strong-looking man rushed at Denis’s bag with rackets. Denis began to resist. Then the man stunned him with a fist on the head. Denis fell.

The murder of Denis in the plans of George was not included. The guard was wearing a mask that easily turned into an ordinary men’s hat. Georges took out the rackets from the bag and put them next to Denis, and with his bag he slowly left the entrance.

The blow of Georges was stunning. Denis fell against the wall and was still breathing. Therefore, Georges with a relatively clear conscience left Denis abandoned, leaving no trace of the crime.

Apollo was already waiting for him in the car. Agnes was not around. She was at the observation post and watched the entrance to the entrance. Agnes saw that two more men entered the porch, who briefly stayed in it and went out into the street.

On the way to her home, Tatyana saw a big man with a bag that looked like Denis’s bag, but did not attach any importance to this. At the entrance she saw her husband lying on the steps of the stairs without moving and forgave him all the sins of which she only knew or guessed.

Tatyana immediately realized that her husband was dead. There were no tears, she didn’t scream, but she stopped for a moment, then she touched Denis’s pulse. Pulse was not. Forces left her. She fainted.

Musin arrived with his team and photographed the corpse.

Georges divided the money into three equal parts: himself, Agnes, Apollo. Amazingly, there was no conflict. Apollo, Georges and Agnes, dividing the money, parted in three directions.

Apollo’s nervous tension dramatically increased his appetite. He hid the money at home with his mother. Then he called for food delivery at home. Within an hour, he was brought two pizzas in large boxes, on which something was crumbled and poured with melted cheese. After eating three huge pieces, he realized that he ordered more than he could eat. He overcame a dream.

Agnes hid money in different parts of the apartment. She felt sad that the affair with Denis came to an end. She got used to him. The fact that her lover died, she learned from the news on television. She decided to remain silent about the money, but she was not going to deny the connection with him. And if the money is dirty, then they will not look for it.

Georges lived without a splash of conscience, he had such a job, and for him the fight was normal. He came home, ate, drank, spun and drove to his dacha, where he knew where to put the money. Outwardly, everything was sewn-covered. The guard was paid green and their exchange for rubles was a usual thing for him.

The whole Cranberry region watched further events. Denis was buried as a hero. Huge crowds of people followed the coffin through the puddles of melting snow. And money? About the dead do not speak badly. Musin wrote volumes on the investigation of this case, and all of the forest. You can not talk badly about your favorite television presenter.

For the people, Denis remained a bright person in the history of the country. In the television center, the death of Denis Turin was a highlight. All the journalists of the world received additional work and rushed to cover the events of his life.

Agnes looked with horror at the stream of news from the television screen. If she did not know the cause of the television presenter’s death, she would have thought that television journalists killed him so that there was something to write about.

Journalists seemed to hear her thoughts and sunk to Agnes. Love of Denis and Agnes in the stadium someone noticed or saw them together at the entrance to the city. A journalist came to her accompanied by a film crew. Agnes was filmed for the whole country and the whole world. She became an iconic figure in the life of Denis.

Denis Turin’s last love – it sounds bright! The popularity of Agnes for one day has become huge, she was tried in all parts of the country and the entire globe. She had no time to think about the hidden money, she entered the role of a historical figure and favorably gave herself to shoot.

Tatiana stayed in the shadows, she actually loved the deceased husband Denis and spoke about him with great difficulty. She was in a state of trance, she needed a psychiatrist, not journalists. She is tired.

Musin knew that the first blow was dealt with a tremendous force to a temech, but he was hit with a soft object and not at all with rackets. It could not be his wife, who first went to her dead husband. It was a strong man, very strong. The investigation worked, but everyone was sure that the murder could not be solved, although they did not speak out loud about it.

It is difficult to find a fist as a murder weapon: it will not be thrown away, it must be sought along with the owner. You cannot call the master of the fist stupid, he himself will not appear in tears at Musin, the fist master is very strong.

We needed an elementary motive for the murder. But everyone believed that Denis was a holy man, they did not notice him in frauds with money, they did not find the jewels in his two women.

What could be taken from a simple television presenter? At first glance, nothing. At a second glance, we can say that the killing is contractual and is associated with his new job, more precisely with a new position, to which he has practically not begun.

That’s how good Denis was! Raised his sports career, his university studies, his love of family. He was a good Denis. The investigation was conducted so as not to say anything extra. People slowly began to forget Denis Turin.

Television gradually took over twice stolen money for commercials from Agnes, and immediately a steady silence was established around it. She again remembered Georges, this coward did not spend money! She went to him without warning, enveloped him with love and promises that she would remove him in the video if he helped with the money.

She said that with her share of the money she gained fame as a writer and director of cool videos, and now with his money she will make him the pet of the whole country and the world.

And George could not resist. The commercials started spinning around them again. He had been so afraid of everything for so long that he had opened up like a tea rose flower. Agnes used all his positive qualities to advertise products, not forgetting to pull advertising money stolen for the first time by Denis.

Ha. The money ran out. Georges was not needed. Agnes went money from advertising, invisible debt to customers has been eliminated. She took her place in the advertising chain and was in her place. Apollo became her right hand. Georges is quite happy.

When money came from the third source, Mussin, who was in charge of Denis’s business, decided that the secondary robbers of advertising money paid for themselves. He had an order to find criminals, and he found them, but it was impossible to dishonor the sunny name of the country – Denis Turin, so everything was done quietly.

For the first time, Agnes Mussin discovered the purchase of an expensive car and began to unwind the case for a thin thread. He gave Agnes the opportunity to make commercials, then she pulled money from her partners. They were watched, but not touched.

The investigation revealed that Denis was stunned by a punch, but he would have remained alive. He died of a second strike on an iron bar that was sticking out, bent away from the stair railings. Prut plunged into his temple when he fell. It is impossible to say that Georges is not completely guilty, but one cannot deny the chain of events during the fall of Denis.

Musin was doubly clever in his conduct of this world famous affair. The guard Georges was not touched, since at that time he was guarding very important persons, and there was no direct or indirect evidence against him. Finding a replacement for this bug was difficult. People of such a plan as a security guard, after a perfect attack on Denis, served their superiors with redoubled energy and thirst for a blow was quenched not by an important person, but by a famous person. He was monitored, but not arrested.

Mussin reported on what was happening with the alleged abductors of the television channel’s advertising money, and then everything went on instance. Above on instance, we were pleased that everything had been safely completed. For stealing such big money, Denis would have a tower, and so he got the tower himself. The money returned to the place, and the people remained a pure hero.

Apollo returned home, he lay at home and dreamed out loud so that Agnes heard him sigh:

– Where to get the money? How good it was with the money!

«Apollo, but we have the money,» said Agnessa.

«Agnessa, what’s the money?» This is a salary, not another’s treasures!

– Oh, well, when all is well!

– And we will live with you in this small apartment, honest ones!

– You are so handsome! What are you thinking about! Why do you need money?

– Your legs are beautiful, I love your legs…

Apollo’s hands explored Agnes’s legs and stretched higher and higher, flirting with her. She reached out for him with her whole body, the vibrations of her body intensified, they tuned in to the wave of love in a huge bed. Passed sensual emotions. There was a pause before the next love.

Agnes absentmindedly looked at the cherry box. A cherry-colored wood cosmetic box stood languidly at the computer, she hid within herself everything that does not decorate the table, but decorates a woman’s face.

A casket is a very reasonable thing on the women’s table – it pleased the eyes, especially since it was a gift from Apollo. He decided to lead a sedentary life and decorated the life of Agnes as he could. He also did not want to burden her with cooking and periodically ordered food to the house.

Life always seeks to take a quiet course between two people. Apollo on the computer preferred to play with people, he should at least command someone, because in reality his commander was Agnes.

Neighbors burst into the quiet life of a respectable couple asking:

– Give money, how much is not a pity, a lonely granny died.

But they did not take much, they even gave the change.

After the neighbors brought food in the box. After a pizza box, a neighbor flew in tears and said that her husband drove to the customers at the Moscow railway station, and his local taxi drivers beat up and punctured the tires, but he was driving to his customers. The neighbor ate a big piece of fashionable pizza and left to console her husband.

There was silence, which was interrupted by a question:

– Apollo, leave the child?

– Agnes, what are you talking about? We have many years!

– The second age of motherhood and fatherhood…

– How will we live? You make money, and I only help…

– We have known each other for a long time. Life is empty with you. Let’s give birth to a child, and I have money.

«What money?»

– And you will not be bored if I answer?

– You can’t be bored from money.

– It happens. I saved money, did not spend and again restored, I have a lot of green papers. If you noticed, I did not buy villas and apartments. Giving birth? The term is already three months.

– Come on! Why are you silent for so long?

– I was afraid that would not hold.

After six months, a box with baby wipes appeared next to the cosmetic box. Six months later, a nanny appeared in the house. Agnes began to go to work, create commercials. Modern woman. And Apollo? He was constantly nearby, if not at home, but increasingly at home.

The nanny once noticed where the home safe is and where she gets her salary. Having made a little effort, she found out the safe code. Another two days – and she emptied the safe, waited for the owner to come, told him that while the child was sleeping, she had to go to the store, and went out forever. Apollo from the heart naked with his little daughter Angelina before the arrival of Agnes.

Agnes quickly realized why the nanny was missing, and looked into the empty safe. Life has become more complicated in the blink of an eye. Money for nannies was no more. For the first time Agnes became depressing from hopelessness. The figure after birth has somewhat deteriorated, and it was not easy to work: the milk flowed through the clothes.

The last script was unsuccessful. The money from advertising seemed to have shrunk and passed on to other people. Everything in life was going against her. Apollo was not indignant yet, but he frowned more and more. My daughter Angelina had a lot of problems. Agnes bit her elbows that she had taken a nanny, and at the same time she understood that she could not do otherwise.

– Apollo, sell the car?

– Agnes, we will sell your car.

She paused, realizing that the golden time of luck had come to an end. She did not have anger, but she was empty in her soul.

Agnessa Ivanovna was left with little daughter Angelina without money. She sold the car, spent the money more than economically. Apollo did not appear, he lived with his mother. Children’s dairy kitchen rescued: if the child did not eat all the dairy products, then she baked cakes from them, went to the store rarely, bought the most necessary products.

Angelina grew up a calm girl, she was already crawling on the floor, then began to rise and walk, holding on to objects. Agnes with all her heart stuck to the child. Soon she recorded the daughter in the queue for the nursery. The head offered to take the child earlier if Agnessa works as a nurse in the nursery.

Agnes worked in the nursery, and the daughter was next to her. Her figure began to improve, very often with the children it was necessary to bend over, without a gym, she became slim. My daughter behaved well in the manger, because my mother was nearby.

At the kindergarten, Agnes spotted the Apollo car. He was waiting. Agnes approached her daughter’s father. He almost did not change.

– Agnessa, I’m sorry! Take me to your place. I feel bad without you.

«Take it,» and she got into his car with her daughter.

Apollo brought three bags of food she had forgotten about. My daughter jumped on her father’s lap, climbed around his neck, and both of them were happy. Agnes was preparing dinner from food, but not from children’s dairy residues, and sighed calmly: the idea of a new scenario appeared in her head.

Everything is so simple, when it is good after it was bad, but well doubly, because the family was united. Agnes breathed freely: Apollo was at home, Angelina grew up, they called her from work, congratulated, hinted that they were waiting. She endured the most difficult period of testing a woman for strength! On March 8, the tea set is popular: acquaintances come, relatives remember, run in, congratulate, drink a cup of tea and run farther, but in the heart of the visits calmly.

Diamond lady. Prose in english

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