Читать книгу Demon mentor. Crypt of the Seven Angels - Natalie Yacobson - Страница 10

Self destruction


She came home late. Rather, to the place that is now used to call home. It was actually a refuge. No one except her and Damian had the right to cross his threshold. So why did she think there were intruders inside right now?

Such darkness reigned all around that it was difficult to see anything. And yet she saw them. Three ragged nasty guys. One of them struck a match, trying to light the shattered lamp. They must have thought the house was empty and uninhabited. So it was not so long ago. But not now. Now they settled here: Blaise and her strange comrade. She didn’t even have time to wonder why he had not yet broken all the bones of the intruders.

One of the guys noticed her and shouted something at the other two. For a moment, incredible amazement was reflected on their faces. They hardly knew her, so none of them could consider her rising from the grave. But her appearance clearly made a strong impression on them. But they did not have time to pay attention to her wretched, rather boyish outfit, perhaps because they themselves were poorly dressed. And such a beauty is alone here. There is no one around. Blaise saw in an instant what rushed through their thoughts. Those who killed her entire family looked at her in the same way, only, perhaps, with a little less desire in their eyes. It was not difficult to understand what they want, even without having the ability to read other people’s thoughts.

«Go away!» Blaise ordered coldly. Quite unexpectedly, she felt like the rightful mistress of this place. And also a strange determination awakened in her, which had not been there before. An almost overwhelming self-confidence.

«Otherwise what?» The nastiest of the guys insolently asked, and a folding knife flashed dangerously in his hand. «What will you do?»

He stood a little closer to her than others and, it seems, was a little older than his comrades. Blaise darted towards him with lightning speed, intercepted the hand that was gripping the knife and jerked, not even calculating the pressure. The result came as a surprise even to her. His bone cracked. The knife fell out of the fingers, which could no longer grip it. Looks like she broke his arm. Blaise was not embarrassed for a moment. She wanted this, but how easily she managed it was a pleasant surprise.

The other two guys came to their senses almost instantly. Blaise knocked in the groin with the first one who lunged at her. He bent over for a long time in pain. The third guy was the easiest to deal with. He turned out to be the most lethargic and fearful. Blaise hit him hard, knocked him to his knees, and suddenly succumbed to a strange instinct. The lamp in the broken lampshade was just on fire, and the victim in her hands was weak. At that moment, as if marble angels whispered in her ears what should be done. The same as what the enemies were going to do to her. She squeezed the prisoner hard on the neck, so that the bones and upper vertebrae almost crunched and tilted his head over the fire. Let him be mutilated, as the enemies wanted to mutilate her. Rather, angels demand sacrifices, even if meaningless.

But these guys didn’t come here by accident. The area was full of other abandoned buildings where they could make themselves a den, but fate brought them here. If she was not destined to test her strength on someone, they would not be here.

As if in confirmation of her words, Damian jumped from somewhere above. It turns out that he watched everything from somewhere from the ceiling beams, but prudently did not laugh, so as not to interfere with the natural development of events. He appeared just in time to finish off the guys who had already come to their senses and only slightly crippled by her. Blaise was unpleasant to hear the skulls crunching, but Damian could not do otherwise. He loved blood and death, he only liked a fatal outcome. Otherwise, he disagreed. Moreover, it was dangerous to let the witnesses live. They could tell someone that they saw her.

Blaise unwittingly released the guy she was holding by the scruff of the neck. He sobbed softly, because he could no longer scream. She burned his face, lips and tongue. He had collapsed from his knees to the floor and was now lying on his back. It was she who disfigured him, and yet a minute ago he was a rather handsome blue-eyed blonde. Not anymore.

«Did you bring them here?» she could not hide indignation.

Damian shook his head.

:They came themselves, looking for something to steal, this sometimes happens in unlocked houses.»

She didn’t believe him. Even if not on purpose, he wanted this to happen. He had long planned to urge her to test her strength. So how could this happen by itself.

«So why don’t you lock the door?»

«I don’t have a key,» he smiled slightly and shrugged his shoulders carelessly, as if he hadn’t just killed anyone. «This is not my home, I just came here first…»

«And you didn’t even try to expose them.»

«I chose to leave this privilege to you. After all, you want to be in charge here.\\\\\»

Was it a reproach or a mockery? Blaise glanced reluctantly at the floor.

«And now we have three corpses here.»

«Two,» he corrected her and pointed to the crippled guy. «You will make the third corpse.

«No,» she was suddenly frightened. Not that. It’s one thing to fight, even to break somebody’s bones and disfigure their faces, but it’s quite another to kill. Until now, she has only watched him kill, but she has not yet taken the life of anyone herself. Even the thought of doing it with her own hands was unpleasant to her.»

But Damian will not help her forever. Someday you will have to do everything yourself. But it’s too early. After all, these guys, no matter how mean and unpleasant they were, were not the ones who were her target.

«You have to practice on someone,» her personal demon whispered to her, and his eyes flashed dangerously. «Otherwise, when you reach the decisive moment, your hand will tremble too.»

He caught her fingers in the darkness and squeezed them reassuringly.

«Prove that you’re not lying to yourself when you think you’re capable of killing out of hatred.»

He left, whispering that he himself would get rid of the corpses. As far as Blaise knew him, he was probably hiding somewhere to watch her. For a moment Blaise didn’t know what to do, and then she noticed a short iron bar on the floor and picked it up. Probably, one of the three hooligans brought it with him, in order to use it in case of something like a weapon. This means that she can fully use it against one of them. Blaise glanced at the blond back of his head without any regret, threw away all sentimental feelings and dealt one strong blow.

Demon mentor. Crypt of the Seven Angels

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