Читать книгу Demon mentor. Crypt of the Seven Angels - Natalie Yacobson - Страница 14

Trial lunge


Blaise woke up with a hard feeling that something needed to be done. On the low table in front of her were scattered newspaper and magazine clippings that she had recently picked up from a junkyard. It is difficult to imagine why people spend money on glossy magazines just for the sake of barely looking through, then throw them in the trash. Are the stars really interested in the population just enough to wrap dirty garbage in their images or simply toss them into the tank along with used paper handkerchiefs and pads? It is evident that everyone who came out of the mud is valued by people no more than the mud itself. This is natural. And it doesn’t matter how much they paid as a journalist for the praises of the press to be sung. The audience cannot be fooled. Even people tired after work, looking for a distraction in tabloid gossip in the evenings, forget about them very quickly. Not to idolize anyone just for a few false lines in a magazine. It’s for the best. After all, Blaise was going to take revenge on the star.

Angelo. He really was handsome. But how he became a star, Blaise remembered perfectly. Her father’s money helped a lot in this.

Probably, this was the first time in all generations before, the calculating de Rozier family warmed snakes on their breasts. More precisely, even a whole nest of vipers. Blaise imagined a ball of slimy bodies wrapped around a crucifix that would crush them. She is their cross. How they became her before. She tore the cover of a glossy magazine that a passerby threw into the trash can yesterday. Angelo’s face in the centerfold evoked unpleasant feelings in her. He’s got some kind of premiere right now. Surely, today’s advertising campaign for her was paid for by her own family long ago. This is how, with a complete minus of acting talent and any capable mediocrity, they become celebrities. She hadn’t given much thought to it before. If the father wanted to help the friends of some of his colleagues with money, it was his business. But now she was disgusted.

The character of the film was immoral, it seems, intended to hurt the feelings of some nations recently affected by the war. If it were not for her father’s money, then Angelo would have been in prison for a long time, even before the shooting ended. But money and connections work wonders. No international scandals hurt him. And why? Indignation arose in Blaise. After all, he undermined with his ideas not only people’s trust in cinema, but also in his entire country. Why should scoundrels go unpunished?

He wanted advertising. He will get it. Advertise your self. Blaise crumpled up the cover and held it over the fire.

Few people came. Angelo was displeased. The handsome face, recently secretly corrected by the best plastic surgeon, twisted with indignation. In addition, the audience did not applaud him too loudly. He even regretted standing in the heat for so long to attract attention. It wasn’t worth it. The flashy colorful posters for the film and those caused more enthusiasm than his persona. Or does he just think so?

After all, this is the day of his triumph. He must have waited, when he could be on his own. His success, someone else’s death, the envy of others – it is worth rejoicing at everything. And he put on a weary smile.

The plane that brought him here carried him to triumph. His bravado did not last long. Until someone handed him an autograph pad. Some girl. In any case, at first it seemed to him that it was a girl. He couldn’t tell with certainty. She was too different from all the girls whom he had glimpsed until now. In fact, it was some kind of absolutely unearthly creature, from the presence of which nearby he was immediately doused with a grave cold.

– Blaze! – he didn’t even dare to say her name, but his lips folded into a sound, which, however, got stuck somewhere in his throat. From the outside it might have seemed that he looked very stupid. The ballpoint pen shook in trembling fingers. Although why was he so scared that he began to tremble? After all, there are guards and bodyguards nearby. It is enough just to give them a hint. that someone bothers him… But what can they always do against the ghost?

They won’t even see her. What if only he sees her? Angelo suddenly felt remarkably lonely and isolated in this noisy crowd. Around the whole sea of his admirers, but he is alone… alone with his own demon.

Heat reigned all around, but he suddenly felt so cold, as if he were right at the North Pole. It’s Blaise. Dead Blaze. Or is she not?

If she is, then she has changed so much that she cannot be recognized. However, after all, he recognized her, which means that people, and representatives of the press, and operators around – everyone also sees her. They shoot on cameras, constantly click cameras, just watch and can become witnesses, spreading the rumor around the world that the heiress is alive.

He was the only one who panicked in the crowd. Both pen and notebook fell out of his hands. He stood and, opening his mouth, looked at one of his supposed fans as if it were an incredible miracle. Which did not go unnoticed by others. Even before the session began, Angelo had time to notice how much the interest of the audience in him had cooled. But in the crowd they began to whisper about who that beauty who had just left. She just flickered and disappeared, along the way ruining his career. Angelo swore to himself, realizing that today it was no longer worth talking about new contracts with employers. All agents were already actively inquiring about the golden-haired girl who had disappeared somewhere. Someone sitting next to him even inadvertently mentioned that it was time to choose a new star. Much brighter and more self-confident. It was a shame not even the way it sounded, but the fact that it was said by the very people on whom getting new roles depended. Angelo suddenly felt defeated for the first time, because a ghost had come to him to steal his life.

Demon mentor. Crypt of the Seven Angels

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