Читать книгу Washington Wildflower Hikes - Nathan Barnes - Страница 19
ОглавлениеWashington State is home to thousands of different wildflowers and flowering plants, with some subspecies unique to a small area of the state. With such a broad range of plants to try and identify, serious flower-hounds often end up collecting multiple books and pamphlets on plant identification as they become more proficient at recognizing different species. For hikers just getting started, we’ve included this short flower identification guide curated from the more than 300 species we reference within these pages. We found and photographed each of the 120 flowers listed here on our treks down these trails, which makes it likely you will encounter them as well.
The wildflowers are organized by bloom color and then listed alphabetically to help you quickly narrow down your search. Featured wildflowers are indicated by a bright green box displaying the hike number; refer to that hike for more detailed information about and background on that flower. With regard to common names, some species are known locally by a variety of them; we chose common names based on their prevalence and our familiarity with them. You may know some of these wildflowers by other names. This guide will broaden your understanding and knowledge.
Alpine buckwheat
Alpine pennycress
American bistort 13
Avalanche lily 31
Beargrass 26
Columbia milkvetch
Columbia windflower
False Solomon’s seal
Indian pipe 19
Large-flower triteleia
Lyall’s mariposa lily
Mountain death camas 4
Pearly everlasting
Red elderberry
Scalloped onion 2
Sickletop lousewort
Smooth woodland star
Spotted saxifrage 9
Spring beauty
Starry false lily of the valley
Subalpine mariposa lily 38
Subalpine sulphur flower 14
Tweedy’s lewisia 29
Utah honeysuckle
Virginia strawberry
Western Labrador tea 18
Western pasqueflower 20
White campion
Arrowleaf balsamroot 16
Barestem biscuitroot
Birdsfoot trefoil
Bracted lousewort
Broadleaf stonecrop 6
California poppy
Carey’s balsamroot
Common monkeyflower
Dalmatian toad-flax
Desert yellow fleabane
Fan-leaf cinquefoil 41
Glacier lily 23
Jim Hill mustard
Meadow hawkweed
Nineleaf biscuitroot
Orange hawkweed 1
Oregon grape
Oregon sunshine
Pale agoseris
Pioneer violet
Rock buckwheat
Scotch broom
Spring gold
Tiger lily 21
Western wallflower
Yellow flag iris 49
Yellow salsify 44
Bitterroot 24
Bush penstemon
Calypso orchid 42
Elephant’s head 11
Fireweed 12
Foxglove 36
Lewis’s monkeyflower 22
Longleaf phlox
Pacific rhododendron 3
Pink mountain-heather 35
Pink wintergreen
Red campion
Scarlet paintbrush
Sea blush
Showy phlox
Small-flowered paintbrush 30
Snow dwarf primrose
Sticky geranium
Subalpine spirea 27
Veiny dock 46
Western columbine 39
Wood’s rose
Ballhead waterleaf
Blue stickseed 15
Cardwell’s penstemon 37
Cascade aster
Columbia Gorge broadleaf lupine 43
Common bugloss
Common butterwort
Common camas 8
Cusick’s speedwell 10
Hookedspur violet
Hooker’s onion 47
Hound’s tongue
Howell’s triteleia 45
Jeffrey’s shooting star 28
Menzies’ larkspur 33
Milk thistle 5
Northern bog violet
Purple cushion fleabane
Purple deadnettle
Purple sage
Rocky Mountain iris
Sagebrush violet 48
Showy Jacob’s-ladder 50
Showy penstemon
Small-flowered penstemon 17
Spreading phlox 32
Tall bluebells 34
Threadleaf phacelia
Upland larkspur
Wandering fleabane 40
Woolly vetch 25
Chocolate lily 7
Fernleaf biscuitroot