Читать книгу Zen Shaolin Karate - Nathan Johnson - Страница 6



Acknowledgments 12

Foreword by Steve Rowe 13

Introduction 15

Chapter One Philosophy and History 19

The ShaolinWay 19

What Is Zen (as Related to Karate-do)? 22

Okinawan Karate History 25

Japanese Karate History 27

The Ancient Kata 30

Function Dictated Form 30

Chapter Two Basics 32

Warming Up 33

Auxiliary Warm-up Exercises 35

Exercise One — Stretching the Neck 35

Exercise Two — Circling and Stretching the Arms 35

Exercise Three — Swinging the Arms and Twisting the Hips 36

Exercise Four — Circling the Hips 36

Exercise Five — Bending at the Waist and Stretching the Hamstring Muscles 36

Stances 36

Neutral Stance 37

Offensive Stance 38

Saam Chin Stance 39

Cat Stance 40

Straddle-leg Stance 41

Crossed-leg Stance 42

Basic Techniques 43

Hand Techniques 45

Lead-hand Straight Punch 45

Rear-hand Straight Punch 46

Lead-hand Back-fist Strike 47

Rear-hand Back-fist Strike 48

Lead-hand Hook Punch 49

Rear-hand Hook Punch 50

Vertical Elbow Strike 51

Horizontal Elbow Strike 52

Palm-down Knife-hand Strike 53

Palm-up Knife-hand Strike 54

Leg Techniques 55

Front Kick 56

Foot Sweep 58

Low Side Kick 59

Rolling 60

Forward Roll 61

Backward Roll 62

Chapter Three Saam Chin 64

Samadhi 65

Achieving Samadhi through the Saam Chin Kata 67

Saam Chin Breathing 68

Saam Chin Theory 69

The Saam Chin Stance 69

The UnbendableArm 70

Coordination of Hand and Arm Movements 72

The Impassable Ring 72

Coordination in Saam Chin 73

Merging with an Attack 74

The Palm-heel Strike 77

Saam Chin Solo Sequence: Section One 78

Saam Chin Solo Sequence: Section Two 91

Saam Chin Solo Sequence: Section Three 92

Saam Chin Applications 98

Using the Palm-heel Strike 98

The Midline 100

The Significating Hand 101

Evasion and Stepping 102

Defense Against a Back-fist 103

Defense Against a Lead-hand Straight Punch, Rear-hand Straight Punch Combination 105

Defense Against a Front Kick, Rear-hand Straight Punch, Lead-hand Hook Punch Combination 108

Chapter Four Nai FuanChin 112

Nai Fuan Chin Grappling 115

The Nai Fuan Chin Fist 115

The Nai Fuan Chin Grips 117

The Reverse-hand Grip 118

The Overhand Grip 121

The Underhand Grip 123

The Combined Reverse-hand Grip and Overhand Grip 124

The Combined Underhand Grip and Overhand Grip 125

The Double Underhand Grip 126

The Straddle-leg Stance 126

Nai Fuan Chin Section One Solo Sequence 127

Nai Fuan Chin Section One Application 136

Nai Fuan Chin Section Two Solo Sequence 147

Nai Fuan Chin Section Two Application 155

Nai Fuan Chin Section Three Solo Sequence 164

Nai Fuan Chin Section Three Application 175

Chapter Five Pushing Hands 188

Theories and Concepts 189

Practicing Pushing Hands 190

The Fixed Pushing Hands Drill 191

Changing Sides 193

Basic Changes 194

Change One 195

Change Two 198

Change Three 201

Introducing Saam Chin Boxing into Pushing Hands 203

Defense Against a Lead-hand Back-fist Strike 204

Defense Against an Upper-level Rear-hand Straight Punch 206

Defense Against a Rear-hand Back-fist Strike 208

Defense Against an Upper-level Lead-hand Straight Punch from a Crossed Position 210

Defense Against a Middle-level Hook Punch from a Crossed Position 214

Defense Against a Foot Sweep 217

Defense Against a Front Kick, Lead-hand Straight Punch Combination 220

Introducing Nai Fuan Chin Grappling into Pushing Hands 223

Set One 223

Set Two 226

Set Three 229

Chapter Six Final Thoughts 232

Some Maxims 232

Chu and the Watermelon 233

Conclusion 237

Zen Shaolin Karate

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