Читать книгу It’s All Their Fault - Neil Boorman - Страница 5



Every new generation is defined by the icons and events of its time. For Generation X, it was supposed to be Grunge; MTV and the Internet for Generations Y and Z. All that went the way of Woolworths on the day the Boomers took control. Forget about iPlayer or YouTube, the symbol for generations born after 1964 is the credit card, because each and every one of us is sitting on a mountain of debt, built up and handed down to us by our folks.

You don’t need to read this book to know how tough it is to live a normal life these days. You are living with the reality every day. Everything is expensive and in short supply. Nothing comes easy. And it’s going to get worse. This manifesto will tell you what you can do about it.

It’s All Their Fault

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