Читать книгу It’s All Their Fault - Neil Boorman - Страница 7

Heaven help the kids who are being born into this mess.


Go to http://bit.ly/debtoverseas to see how the exact same problem is kicking off overseas.

It was a different story when our parents were growing up. In fact, their lives sound like fairytales compared to ours. They fully expected to live a better life than their own folks. They drew decent wages from long-term jobs and received generous benefits from the welfare state. For them education was free and houses (not flats) were cheap and readily available. When prices boomed in the Eighties, they paid off their mortgages overnight. Suddenly flush with new money, rather than saving it sensibly, even working-class families were out buying new cars and colour TVs and taking holidays abroad. Mothers returned to work not just to cover the bills, but to improve the living standards of the family.

It’s All Their Fault

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