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The Ox will often have felt uncomfortable with the developments and fast pace of the Tiger year (14 February 2010–2 February 2011). It will have been a demanding time, with many Oxen facing increased pressures and difficult decisions. However, while the aspects in the Tiger year may be mixed, there is good reason for the Ox to take heart, for his prospects are more encouraging in the next Chinese year.

In what remains of the Tiger year the Ox will need to proceed carefully. In his work he should concentrate on his specific duties and also take note of the developments going on around him. This is no time for him to be too independent in approach. For Oxen who are considering a change or are seeking a position, September and November could see some interesting possibilities.

In financial matters the Ox will need to be vigilant and take his time when making more substantial purchases as well as watch his outgoings. Risks or haste could lead to regret.

With a lot likely to be on his mind, the Ox also needs to be forthcoming and share his thoughts with those around him. This will be far better than brooding or keeping any anxieties to himself. Both family and friends will be keen to advise and support. In addition, by playing his usual active part in home life, he will particularly appreciate some of the occasions that take place towards the end of the year. Similarly, in his social life, if he takes up invitations and spends time with his friends, he will not only enjoy himself but can also do himself considerable good, particularly as this will give him the chance to relax and unwind.

The Tiger year may be challenging, but it will not be without its pleasures, and the more the Ox joins with others (and watches his independent tendencies), the more he is likely to gain from it.

The Year of the Rabbit begins on 3 February and will be a much improved one for the Ox. Rather than feeling buffeted by events and the pace that characterizes the Tiger year, he will be able to focus on his objectives and achieve some positive results. Admittedly, the Rabbit year will still have its problems, but overall this can be a far more satisfying and constructive time for the Ox.

For Oxen who are starting the Rabbit year dissatisfied, at a low ebb or disappointed with recent progress, this is very much a time to draw a line under what has happened and to look ahead. With a positive ‘can do’ approach, the Ox will find more opening up for him.

This will be especially the case at work, and many Oxen will feel that the time is now right to take their skills further and explore new options. For quite a few, developments in their current place of work could give them the opening they want. By keeping alert and indicating their desire to progress, many will be able to make important – and sometimes overdue – headway. Any new roles and duties will also involve the Ox learning new skills and adapting to different ways of working, but by showing commitment and resolve, he can do himself and his reputation much good.

For Oxen who are keen to take their career in another direction, as well as those seeking work, again the Rabbit year can have encouraging developments in store. To benefit, these Oxen will need to be active in making enquiries as well as consider other ways in which they could use their strengths, but by chance, almost as if by fate taking a hand, an opening could arise which is not only suitable but gives these Oxen an exciting and often inspiring new challenge. Mid-March to early June and October could see some interesting developments, but whenever opportunities arise the Ox needs to act swiftly and emphasize his qualities and experience.

The progress the Ox makes at work can also lead to an increase in income, but money matters still need to be handled carefully. The Ox does need to budget for his commitments and try to reduce any borrowings. He should also be careful if he becomes involved in a more informal arrangement, including lending to another person, as problems and misunderstandings could arise. In money matters this is a year for caution and careful management.

On a personal level, however, the Rabbit year has much to offer. For Oxen enjoying romance this is set to grow stronger as the year progresses, while for the unattached, a chance meeting can often become meaningful and new love add excitement to the year. Oxen who would welcome more company can do much to help their position by taking up activities which will allow them to meet others. Sometimes a locally run course or a social or interest group could be what they need. The action they take can often reward them well. March, April, July and September could offer some fine opportunities to meet others as well as be active times socially.

The Ox’s home life can also keep him busy during the year. With his practical nature, he may well decide to improve his home in some way, perhaps redecorating certain rooms, sorting and tidying up particular areas and, for the gardener, enjoying time outdoors. Practical activities, especially those that can be shared, can bring the Ox much pleasure this year.

He will also do a lot to support loved ones during the year. Someone close to him could experience some difficulty and the support, encouragement and assistance the Ox is able to give may be of more value than he may realize. In turn, should a problem arise which he himself does not feel competent to deal with, he should seek advice. He may be keen to do his best, but if the situation warrants expert advice, he should feel able to call upon it. Oxen, do remember this. Personally, this can be a satisfying year, but do be prepared to draw on the assistance of others if required.

Overall, the Year of the Rabbit is an encouraging one for the Ox and by looking to make progress, using his time well and seizing his opportunities, he can make headway as well as enjoy some pleasing personal developments.

Your Chinese Horoscope 2011

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