Читать книгу Your Chinese Horoscope 2011 - Neil Somerville, Neil Somerville - Страница 42

The Wood Ox


This is a year of considerable potential for the Wood Ox, with interesting possibilities opening up and some special times to look forward to. However, it is also a year requiring action. To make things happen the Wood Ox will need to make some important decisions and be prepared to move forward. Fortunately, one of the hallmarks of the Wood Ox character is his determination, and with belief and initiative, he can get a lot out of this year.

The aspects for his personal life are especially favourable and Wood Oxen with a partner will often have exciting plans to share and will do much to help and encourage one another. For those who are parents, or become parents this year, the time they spend with babies or young children can be especially rewarding. Many will also busy themselves making improvements to their home and will enjoy seeing their plans take shape. This can be a satisfying and often exciting time.

The Wood Ox will also benefit from the assistance given by family members and close friends. Not only will they be keen to support and advise him but if he needs greater assistance (especially if a young parent) or practical help with any undertaking, the time and help others give can make an appreciable difference. Whenever the Wood Ox feels under strain or in need of a helping hand, he should ask.

Also, while a lot in his personal life can go well, he may become concerned about a loved one who is experiencing difficulties. If he is prepared to listen and offer support, his care and good sense will be of more value than he may realize.

The Wood Ox will appreciate his social life during the year and those who have to move because of work or other changing circumstances will find the Rabbit year can give them the chance to establish a new social circle. Here again this can be a personally significant time and by being active, the Wood Ox can benefit a great deal from what happens.

For those who are currently alone, the Rabbit year is especially encouraging and many unattached Wood Oxen will meet their future partner over the year. Sometimes romance can start in an unexpected way, with chance playing an important part. March, April, July and September could see the most social activity, but throughout the Rabbit year the Wood Ox should take advantage of opportunities to go out and meet others.

He should also make sure he sets time aside over the year to enjoy his interests and recreational pursuits. With his commitments, sometimes these can get neglected, but they are nevertheless important ways of keeping his lifestyle in balance and also give him the chance to enjoy certain skills or activities. Sometimes they have the added benefit of bringing him into contact with others or giving him additional exercise. If there is a subject that appeals to him this year, it would be worth him finding out more. The Rabbit year can open up some important possibilities for him, some of which can be to his longer-term benefit.

This can also be an interesting year as far as work prospects are concerned. For Wood Oxen who have remained in the same position for some time, the Rabbit year will bring the opportunity to take on greater and often more satisfying responsibilities. If the Wood Ox keeps alert for suitable opportunities, he will find his experience and background can make him a strong candidate. Again this is a year favouring decisive and determined action.

The Wood Ox can also help his prospects by being an active member of any team and taking advantage of any training available to him. By demonstrating his commitment and using his people skills well, he can underline his potential.

The Rabbit year can also present some good opportunities for those Wood Oxen currently seeking work. By widening the scope of what they are prepared to consider and making a special effort with their applications, many will find their persistence rewarded. Some could also benefit from openings created by government initiatives. Mid-March to early June, late September and October could be active months for work matters.

The progress the Wood Ox makes in his work can also lead to an increase in income, but financially this is a year for care. The Wood Ox will need to control his spending and make advance provision for some of his plans, including any deposits he may be required to put down. Here his disciplined nature can be of considerable help, but should he have any concerns about a financial matter, it would be worth him seeking additional advice.

In spite of this need to watch his outgoings, he should still try to take a holiday at some time over the year and so give himself a break. Even if he decides not to travel too far, a change of scene can do him a lot of good as well as give him some all-important fun.

Overall, the Year of the Rabbit is one of interesting possibility, and by being active and willing, the Wood Ox will have some opportunities to make progress as well as some special times to enjoy. There will be a lot in his favour this year and it rests with him to use his talents well.

Your Chinese Horoscope 2011

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