Читать книгу Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you - Neil Somerville, Neil Somerville - Страница 62

The Metal Tiger


This will be an interesting year for the Metal Tiger and while he will face some demanding situations, there will also be much to enjoy. Throughout the year, though, he will need to be aware of changing situations and the opinion of others. To be obtuse, go his own way or not fully consult those around him could cause problems. This is a time to tread carefully and show flexibility.

During the year many Metal Tigers will be involved in significant decision-making. This could involve retirement, relocation or going ahead with some long-held aspirations. In all cases, the Metal Tiger should take the time to talk to those close to him, as well as to professionals, about his options. Actions need to be thought through rather than rushed. For the hasty and impetuous, snags could arise. Metal Tigers, take note. As in so much this year, mindfulness and dialogue can make an important difference.

In the Metal Tiger’s work, this will be a year of change. Some Metal Tigers will decide to retire completely and will welcome having the time for interests and projects they may have wanted to get underway for some time. Again, with support and advice, this transition can be made easier. Other Metal Tigers, however, will be keen to remain at work, though they may consider reducing their hours, going part time or doing some work on their own. For many, this Monkey year can be a significant one. April, July, September and November could be decisive months.

Although Metal Tigers who retire will see a reduction in income, financially the aspects are generally positive. Some Metal Tigers could benefit from an extra payment or the fruition of a policy and, by managing their resources well, be able to proceed with major purchases and plans. Here the Metal Tiger’s keen eye for a good buy can serve him well and his sense of style may also result in the purchase of some splendid items which can be a source of pleasure to him and others.

Travel, too, is favourably aspected, and if possible, the Metal Tiger should aim to go away for a holiday at some time during the year. Some special events may also appeal. For outdoor enthusiasts, including those who follow sport, the Monkey year can have particularly exciting moments in store.

With his wide interests, the Metal Tiger will also enjoy the recreational possibilities that open up over the year. Not only will he continue to pursue existing interests, but could find his curiosity whetted by new activities. Metal Tigers who are newly retired will particularly appreciate the chance to take their interests further.

The Monkey year can prove a varied and illuminating one, but in virtually all the Metal Tiger sets out to do, he needs to liaise with others and seek advice where necessary. His extensive network of friends and contacts can help. Some could be in a similar situation to his own, and some decisions could be made easier by some mutual support.

The Metal Tiger can also look forward to some interesting social occasions over the year. These could include personal celebrations with friends as well as going to events and attractions. April, August, September and December could be full and lively months.

For Metal Tigers who are alone and would perhaps welcome more contact with others, the Monkey year can open up important possibilities. By taking advantage of what is available and perhaps becoming involved in local activity groups or enrolling on a course, these Metal Tigers can add some purpose to their lifestyle.

Domestically, both the Metal Tiger and his loved ones will have significant decisions to take this year. These could concern retirement, work changes or, for some, downsizing and relocating. Given the importance of such decisions, time needs to be allowed to discuss them fully and carefully consider the implications. Metal Tigers, do be thorough and careful.

Liaising with others could also be important if a matter arises which gives rise to some anxiety. This could concern a relation or close friend. Rather than keep his concerns to himself, the Metal Tiger would do well to draw on the expertise of those (including professionals) who may be able to suggest solutions or rectify problems. As with all years, this one will bring a few difficulties. There could also be niggles (especially bureaucratic ones) which exasperate the Tiger. However, with help and a sense of perspective, these can often be dealt with effectively. In tricky or complex matters, the Metal Tiger should not feel alone.

Overall, the Monkey year will be a demanding one for the Metal Tiger. Decisions will need taking and new situations will require readjustment. The aspects may be variable, but by being forthcoming and drawing on the support of those around him, the Metal Tiger can benefit. Whether pursuing interests, rediscovering talents or being fortunate in purchases, he can also enjoy himself this year. Tricky it may sometimes be, but is also one of possibility.

Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you

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