Читать книгу Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you - Neil Somerville, Neil Somerville - Страница 64

The Water Tiger


The Water Tiger will have seen a lot happen in the last few years. This one will be a good time to take stock, give some thought to current activities and move ahead steadily. While Monkey years have their awkward aspects, they do hold hidden benefits and can have significant consequences. This may not be the easiest of years for the Water Tiger, but it can be a valuable one.

At work, many Water Tigers will have seen important developments in recent times, both in their own role and in their workplace. As a result, rather than look to make a change, many will prefer to concentrate on their current duties. Professionally, this can be a far more fulfilling year, with many Water Tigers playing a valued role where they are, including, for some, training and mentoring others.

There will, though, be some Water Tigers who are keen to develop in new ways and decide to look elsewhere. For these Water Tigers, as well as those seeking work, the Monkey year can be challenging. Openings may be limited and competition fierce. However, the Water Tiger is born under the sign of courage and is both resourceful and determined. While there may be disappointments along the way, persistence will pay off and quite a few Water Tigers will secure a new position. This may come with a steep learning curve, but these Water Tigers will welcome the opportunity. April, July, September and November could see encouraging developments.

A valuable aspect of the year will be the chances the Water Tiger will have to network and meet others. His personality and competence will impress many. In addition, if he is considering specific work-related ideas, he would do well to seek the opinion of those with the necessary expertise. With the aspects as they are, this is not a time for acting too independently.

In money matters, the Water Tiger can fare reasonably well and may be able to supplement his income through an interest or skill. Some Water Tigers may benefit from the receipt of extra funds as well as be fortunate in making purchases. However, with a variety of commitments and probably some costly ideas, the Water Tiger will need to budget well, including for travel plans. With good control, though, he will be pleased with what he is able to do.

The Water Tiger’s personal interests can also develop in an encouraging manner. He will often be keen to make more of his knowledge and skills, and creative activities can be especially satisfying. Some Water Tigers could be attracted by new pursuits. If so, they should aim to find out more. The Monkey year offers a range of possibilities.

In view of his active lifestyle, the Water Tiger knows a great many people, and his social circle is set to grow. Throughout the year, he should seize any chances he has to run his ideas past his friends and seek their opinion over any concerns. Some will be well placed to help and advise.

However, while the Water Tiger’s relations with many will be good, differences of opinion could arise or a minor issue cause concern. At such times, or should the Water Tiger find himself in a potentially awkward situation, he will need to be wary and remain his tactful self.

This warning apart, there will be much for him to enjoy. Some of the year’s more spontaneous social occasions will be particularly memorable. April, late July to the end of September and December could be interesting months.

Domestically, a lot is set to happen. Loved ones could be involved in some substantial changes, often work-related, which could affect existing routines and plans. Good discussion can help. Some of what occurs may not have been envisaged but will have important consequences for all. However, despite busy and possibly changing lifestyles, the Monkey year will also have its special moments. Often these will involve celebrating the success of a younger relation and the Water Tiger will be both proud and supportive.

Travel is favourably aspected and where possible the Water Tiger should take a holiday with his loved ones over the year. A change of scene can do everyone good.

Overall, the Year of the Monkey will have its problem areas and the Water Tiger will need to be alert. Any differences of opinion should ideally be diffused before they have the chance to escalate or undermine the Water Tiger’s position, and he should aim to act with others and with support rather than independently. Care is needed, but the Monkey year is not without opportunity. In particular, personal interests can develop in an encouraging way, and at work this can often be a more fulfilling year as the Water Tiger will have greater chance to develop his strengths. Progress will require effort, but the Water Tiger can nevertheless prepare the way for more substantial opportunities in the future.

Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you

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