Читать книгу Power Cues - Nick Morgan - Страница 23

How Our Minds Really Work: Not So Much


We’re barely in control of our simplest, most basic needs, let alone our higher-order wishes and desires. Again, one of the purposes of this book is to give you far more control over what’s happening to you and your body as you go through your daily life.

Now, let’s be clear that most of the time unconscious control of moments, like that of thirst, is a good thing. If you were aware of everything your unconscious mind took care of, from keeping your heart beating and your body temperature relatively constant to monitoring your surroundings for incoming hazards, you’d quickly be overwhelmed by the sheer tediousness of it all. There’s a good reason why most of that stuff is run—beautifully—by your unconscious mind. It does it really, really well, so you don’t have to.

That frees up your conscious mind for more interesting things and important moments. But the problem with the arrangement is that it leaves you largely helpless in those moments when you do want to take control of a room, a meeting, or a negotiation. You want to do it subtly, without everyone else becoming aware of your sudden wielding of power, because it’s far more effective that way.

So what I’m going to do is to show you how to learn to become conscious of those aspects of your unconscious behavior that are most important for confidence, intuition, charisma, and leadership. You’re going to learn to control them and then you’ll be able to bring them to conscious awareness when you want to and leave them to your unconscious mind when you’re not trying to take charge.

That’s mastery. And it begins with the conscious control of your own hitherto unconscious gestures, and the conscious reading of others’ gestures, something you have also left to your unconscious mind until now.

Power Cues

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