Читать книгу The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential - Nick Udall - Страница 19

Yearning to connect


Whilst some of the key turning points in our lives are predictable, like adolescence, mid-adulthood and retirement, others are part of our own unique journey, like changing jobs or beginning a new relationship. At these important times we have a choice: to keep doing what we have always done or to stop, take stock and reconnect with our intuitive self.

In these moments, we can feel how strong the flow of life is within us. If we are honest, we know to what extent we are living the life we want. At these vital crossroads in our personal or professional lives we can allow ourselves to realize that we may have lost contact with our uniqueness and can reconnect with it. It is like a love that has grown cold but whose passion demands to be rekindled. This yearning has a vital power in and of itself, for it is this very desire that begins to open the door through which inspiration can arise. If we step through, something magical happens. For when we live our lives inspired by our uniqueness, the universe somehow seems to shift to support us.

If we wish to become genuine leaders of ourselves, and subsequently of others, we need to grasp the initiative during these transitions and use the power embedded within them. In this way we can evoke our highest potential, from which we can then begin to call forward the highest potential in others.

The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential

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