Читать книгу The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential - Nick Udall - Страница 34

a medicine walk


a micro-skill

A medicine walk (sometimes referred to as an intuition walk) is a process to quieten the everyday rational and conscious mind, a way of learning to listen more fully to our intuitive and unconscious self.

 Hold your breakthrough question.

 Go for a walk on your own in silence, attending to all your perceptions.

 Trust that whatever stands out to you on your walk is there to tell you something.

 Capture your insights in a journal (see page 83).

 Look for repetitions, patterns, coincidences and shifts in your energy.

 Use this feedback to gain insight into your breakthrough question.

Can be used…

 To gather intuitive data about a critical question.

 Without a question just to see what arises.

 Prior to a creative dialogue (see our page 83) by inviting everyone to go a medicine walk holding the same breakthrough question, thereby charging the dialogue with a greater sense of creative energy and potentiality.

The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential

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