Читать книгу The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential - Nick Udall - Страница 55



how am I releasing the magic of the moment… ?

 Our ability to appreciate the magic of life is based on our experience of the present moment. Thinking about the past or the future prevents us from accessing this magic. How often over the last week have you directly experienced the magic of the moment?

 At some level, presence is our ability to rest in the simple fact of our existence. Can you feel your aliveness? Can you sense this essence in others?

 When we connect at the level of essence, we move into a state of deep appreciation for the beauty of life. We learn to appreciate and empathize with others – to feel what they feel. How honed is your sense of empathy?

 Once we try to release the magic of the moment we begin to observe those aspects of ourselves that get in the way. Our relationships become far stronger when we are able to share these distractions with close colleagues, friends and family members as opposed to blaming others for them. How often do you explore the feelings that are triggered between yourself and others so that together you can become more present?

 We all have habitual ways of thinking and behaving that prevent us from focusing on the moment. What are yours?

1 M. Scott Peck, A World Waiting to Be Born, Rider, 1993

2 Daniel Cappon, Intuition: Harnessing the Hidden Power of the Mind, Bedford House, 1989

3 David Bohm, On Dialogue, Routledge, 1996

4 Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth, Plume, 2005

5 David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge, 1980

6 M. Scott Peck, The Different Drum, Arrow, 1990

7 ‘Inspiring-innovation: 4 Doors’ programme, 2006

The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential

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