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Make a deluxe bird bath


It’s good to provide water for your birds near the feeders. Let’s face it, would you want to eat buckets full of cereal or crisps without a drink to wash it all down? Birds will not only want to drink regularly but they also need to wash and keep their feathers clean.

The best way of providing water is an old tray, dish or dustbin lid filled with water. Pop a rock or a branch in it so your visitors have somewhere to perch too. In the winter it is even more vital to provide water, but you must make sure the water doesn’t freeze over. Break up any ice that forms as soon as possible. Alternatively, make this handsome bird bath with just a few ingredients.

When you first turn over your bird bath there may be bits of cabbage stuck in it. Either cut them out with scissors or let nature take its course and they will soon shrivel up and die.


> a board

> 5kg bag grit sand

> big cabbage

> 5kg bag ready-mix cement

> water

> an old bucket

> stick

> rubber gloves

> polythene sheet (or plastic bag)

1 First tip out the sand onto the board and make a mound out of it. The mound represents the depth and the size of your bird bath, so use your imagination.

2 Now cut the leaves off your cabbage, keeping them whole. Place them over the sand mound with their stems meeting in the middle.

3 Empty the bag of cement into the bucket and add water according to the instructions on the bag. Stir it thoroughly with a strong stick.

4 Pour the cement mix onto the top of the cabbage leaves and then, wearing the rubber gloves, spread it over the mound to a depth of at least 3cm.

5 Make sure the cabbage leaves, and any sand that is showing through the leaves, are well covered with the cement. Then smooth the top of the cement to a round or flat shape, depending on what you’re going to stand the bird bath on when it’s finished.

Gardens and Parks

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