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Your local patch


There is no place like home. You may not think of looking for adventure among the patio tubs, behind the woodpile or even in the potting shed or window box, but it is there in abundance. The trick is to change your perspective on life, look at things from a different place and in a new way.

You may feel there is no interesting wildlife for hundreds of miles, but change your scale a bit and you can be running with predators every bit as ferocious as a lion or tiger. You can stalk creatures as exotic and alien in their appearance as any bird of paradise and witness phenomena that would boggle the mind of even the most world-weary scientist – all within a few metres of where you are sitting right now!

You don’t believe me? Get out there and look. This book is about giving you wings to explore this seemingly familiar environment. Within these pages I give away little tips and tricks that make the natural world reveal itself in amazing ways. The pages are peppered with suggestions of things to look out for and – of course – some of the easier ways to interact with wildlife and make your own patch more attractive to the small creatures that live in your garden, window box or patio.

The basic requirements of life include somewhere to live and preferably with the other essentials to fuel and nourish: namely food and water. Even if you live somewhere that seems like a concrete desert, get down and look into the cracks and crevices and here you will find all the essentials for life. You just might be surprised as to what is living close to your own home. Look at a crack in a patio; this is shelter for something very small as, in here, there will be moisture and warmth.

You can also create homes and provide food and water to boost the number of species sharing your space; these ideas and more are explored within the pages of this book. Remember, though, this is not a comprehensive guide, so have fun, experiment and think about other ways you can encourage and study the wildlife around you.

Home Sweet Home – you may be lucky enough to have swallows nesting under your eaves.

All flowers lure insects; from bees and hoverflies to butterflies, they all add interest to your garden.

Where you have flying insects, you will also start attracting those that feed on them – birds, bats and, of course, spiders.

Gardens and Parks

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