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At the time, it felt a bit awkward to me as a teen, having a stranger join us, but I

have learned that we should not let that stop us from reaching out. It reminds me

of where Hebrews 13:2 says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers; for

by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Maybe an angel was

eating the drumstick—I’ll never know until I get to Heaven.

When I got married, I was very excited to have a home to invite others to enjoy.

We were married when my husband was still in college. Our small duplex was

so tiny it had no eating area, and for a long time, we had no sofa or chair to sit

on. So, when we invited five other couples over for dinner, I had to get “crafty”

and solve my entertaining problem. I had a couple of folding tables and folding

chairs so I would set up tables. There wasn’t much room, but I was very happy to

be able to do that and thoroughly delighted when a good time was had by all—it

was the fellowship, not the floor plan, people remembered. It was March, so in the

St. Patrick’s Day holiday mindset, I made corned beef. I was surprised that about

half my guests had never had it. It was such a fun evening, even though it was so

cramped. I had a tablecloth I had gotten for our wedding and two candlesticks.

We were so young, and I was so thrilled to have friends over and delighted what a

success our evening was.

Soon after Craig graduated, we moved into a 750-square-foot triplex. Woohoo!

I was moving up! By then, I was very much into decorating. Art is my thing, and

color is very important to me. I made many things for that little home that we

lived in for those five years. Our place also had a little backyard and garage! With

such an abundance of space, we entertained even more, often having friends over

It’s Not About the Pie

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