Читать книгу It’s Not About the Pie - Nicki Corinne White - Страница 40



and she stayed, and she became “our Adrian.” She fit right in and became like

another daughter. She is still dear to my heart. Who would’ve dreamed that one

spring break hospitable act would end up blessing us for a lifetime? God certainly

does work in mysterious ways.

Ever travelled much? Ever worried about where you could do laundry? Our new

home allowed us to extend hospitality with our washer and dryer. When travelers

came through, I always wanted to let them know they could come and go as they

pleased. I encouraged them to use our laundry room if need be and to make

themselves at home.

After five years in this home, Craig said to me, “Let’s build a pool.” Yes! I was

totally stoked. I quickly did the research on best deals and asked others who had

pools what the best thing they did was and what they wished they had done. The

answers were consistent, so I felt we got the best deal we could. Then I thought,

How can I use this special addition to our home?

The Lord dropped an idea into

my head that children who had never learned to swim would likely jump at the

chance, so our “Little Swimmers” was born, and for ten years, we opened our

backyard up every Thursday, during the summers, to people of all ages. Part of

the inspiration was that I knew several kids who were afraid of swimming, and I

thought this might help. The amazing thing was that within a couple of weeks,

those kids were soon jumping off the diving board. What’s more, children who

were afraid of animals were soon hugging my dog. By the last couple years, we

were averaging about thirty-five people per week, sometimes up to sixty. I actually

had to hire a lifeguard or stay out by the pool all afternoon just to make sure

It’s Not About the Pie

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