Читать книгу Waterbaby - Nikki Wallschlaeger - Страница 11

This Body Keeps the Keys


My dear sparkly-eyed polyps,

I don’t have enough juice to

be the sole joist of this family


so I dream of claw-foot tubs

where I splash unapologetic

on how deep this umbilical gets

slumped from getting over,

hair unwashed, toenails randy

as hell because I am sincerely

mothered the fuck out, so tired,

this mothering body,

shellac lying facedown on a

coastline ashing & mottled

pockmarked canker sorrel

no good pictures of myself.

Skinbag workhorse bb creamery,

constant upkeep of management

cultivation of self-care cosmetic

Black pride goddess goddamn!

This shit gets tiresome putting so

much effort into what doesn’t last,

sometimes I want to retire shave

my head be a nun or a monk,

just so I can forget all the years

time bludgeoned so I could look like

somebody else swimming around

in their own pallid wheel of tears.

Yemaya, what is to become of us.

I drag my body around lovingly but

it still won’t let me go


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