Читать книгу Queueing Theory 1 - Nikolaos Limnios - Страница 3
List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. A classical busy periodFigure 2.2. A period under level xFigure 2.3. A busy period with lossesFigure 2.4. A period of level greater than z
2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1.
3 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Cor(Λ(t), X1 (t)) for μ1 = 1, γ = 2 and DΛ = 2. For a color version ...Figure 5.2. Estimated distribution of Xi for several phases i, with Λ ~ U (0, 6)...Figure 5.3.Histogram estimating the distribution of X, with Λ ~ U (0, 6) and γ =...Figure 5.4. Estimated distribution of X for different values of γ, with Λ ~ U(0,...Figure 5.5.Cor(X,Λ) for DΛ = 1 andγ = 0.5. For a color version of this figure, s...
4 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. A matrix determining the base vectors of some subspace
5 Chapter 8Figure 8.1. Retrial queuing system of type M/GI/1//N with collisions of the cust...Figure 8.2. Density function of the gamma distribution. For a color version of t...Figure 8.3. Bimodal probability distribution of the number of customers in the s...Figure 8.4. Steady-state distributions. For a color version of this figure, see ...Figure 8.5. vs λ∕N, Figure 8.6. vs λ∕N, Figure 8.7. Reliable no conflict, reliable with conflict, and unreliable with co...Figure 8.8. Comparison of steady-state distributions. For a color version of thi...Figure 8.9. Mean waiting time versus intensity of incoming customers. For a colo...Figure 8.10. Steady-state distributions of gamma distributed interarrival times....Figure 8.11. Mean waiting time versus shape parameter. For a color version of th...Figure 8.12. Mean interrupted service time versus shape parameter. For a color v...Figure 8.13. Steady-state distributions of gamma distributed retrial times. For ...Figure 8.14. Comparison of steady-state distributions for mode 2. For a color ve...Figure 8.15. Mean waiting time versus intensity of incoming customers of Case 1....Figure 8.16. Mean waiting time versus intensity of incoming customers of Case 2....Figure 8.17. Mean waiting time versus intensity of incoming customers of Case 3....Figure 8.18. Mean successful service time versus intensity of incoming customers...Figure 8.19. Mean successful service time versus intensity of incoming customers...Figure 8.20. Mean successful service time versus intensity of incoming customers...Figure 8.21. Mean waiting time versus intensity of failure rate. For a color ver...Figure 8.22. Steady-state distributions of scenario B. For a color version of th...Figure 8.23. Mean waiting time versus shape parameter, α = β = 0.5. For a color ...Figure 8.24. Mean waiting time versus shape parameter, α = β = 1. For a color ve...Figure 8.25. Mean waiting time versus shape parameter, α = β = 2. For a color ve...Figure 8.26. Mean successful service time versus shape parameter, α = β = 0.5. F...Figure 8.27. Mean successful service time versus shape parameter, α = β = 1. For...Figure 8.28. Mean successful service time versus shape parameter, α = β = 2. For...
6 Chapter 10Figure 10.1. Function H(y) = H(y,t)