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List of Tables


1 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Mean number in system for the three casesTable 1.2. Complementary Cumulative distributions of interarrival times

2 Chapter 6Table 6.1. n = 50, k = 2, q = 25 , ε = 1%Table 6.2. n = 50, ω= 2, q = 25 ,ε = 1%Table 6.3. n = 50, k = 10, q = 25, ε = 1%Table 6.4. Estimates of the number of “good” permutations by the fast simulation...Table 6.5. Estimates for the parameters α(s) and β (s)Table 6.6. Comparison of exact values with statistical estimates

3 Chapter 8Table 8.1. Mean sojourn time E(TS) of the customer under service at various valu...Table 8.2. Mean number of retrials for various values of λ and α = βTable 8.3. Numerical values of model parametersTable 8.4. Kolmogorov distance between prelimit distribution P(i) and the asympt...Table 8.5. Kolmogorov distance between prelimit distribution P(i) and the asympt...Table 8.6. Kolmogorov distance between distribution Ps(i) and approximation of t...Table 8.7. Mean number of retrials in prelimiting and limiting situations for va...Table 8.8. Numerical values of model parametersTable 8.9. Simulation resultsTable 8.10. Numerical values of parameters of gamma distributed interarrival tim...Table 8.11. Simulation resultsTable 8.12. Numerical values of parameters of gamma distributed retrial timesTable 8.13. Simulation resultsTable 8.14. Numerical values of model parametersTable 8.15. Numerical results of scenario ATable 8.16. Numerical values of parameters of scenario BTable 8.17. Numerical results of scenario B

Queueing Theory 1

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