Читать книгу Стихи и лирика 2.0 - Николай Шабуневич, Николай Александрович Шабуневич - Страница 6

Part 1
From «A» to «Z»
«Having a heart sized with deeds…»


Having a heart sized with deeds

Let them keep growing, having a gain.

Shaping your soul with someone’s needs,

Don’t let it perish within a pain.

Having some «good» pulsating in veins,

Care of rhythm that’s giving a rhyme.

Shape of your soul can turn into «Shame»

So mind to keep your critical eye.

Making a blast so selflessly bright

Mind that the curtain will fall someday

Living a role is not living a life

«Behind the scenes» isn’t a stage.

Having a mind sized with thoughts

Let them keep flowing out of safe port

Swapping the goals and desires for hopes

You’ll go insane or even bored.

Having some «bad» that’s going for good,

White’s turning grey, grey’s getting black

Misunderstanding’s for misunderstood

«Ashes to ashes» needs fire forehead.

Making the move get keen on a pace

Everyone’s running behind. In the past

Clean-cut steps so as a careless trace

Separate followers from counterparts

Стихи и лирика 2.0

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