Читать книгу Стихи и лирика 2.0 - Николай Шабуневич, Николай Александрович Шабуневич - Страница 9

Part 1
From «A» to «Z»
«Dreams that you left in your bed are dead…»


Dreams that you left in your bed are dead

Beans that you didn’t sore are now to dread

Looking for a joy, find a sadness to share

Don’t hold your breath when you’re scared

Stream will always lead the mob

Scream cause no one is to do your job

Steam is always having a flow

Dreams get ramble when you’re slow

Deem what’s yours not what you wish

Think of what you could have reached

Looking for an order, find some glitch

Don’t keep the word, having no speech

All that you want to have is here

All that you want to share is here

All that you try to be is here

Have what you have and cheers!

Стихи и лирика 2.0

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