Читать книгу Worship That Touches the Heart of God - Nina Gardner - Страница 22

Outer Court


The Outer Court held two items: the Brazen Altar and the Laver.

The Brazen Altar is always for sacrificial offerings. It was here where the priests made the daily blood or grain sacrifices for the sins of the people. Today, we are not under the Mosaic Law that requires the sacrifice of animals, but now by the blood of Jesus Christ there is a remission of sin (Matthew 26:28). Thus, the symbolism of the Brazen Altar is asking for forgiveness of sins.

The Laver was also known as the wash basin. In Moses’ era, the priests washed their hands and feet after making the blood sacrifices and prior to entering the Holy Place. The symbolism is how Jesus has now washed away our sins making us clean and holy, so we can enter the Holy Place. He removes the stain of guilt, shame, and fleshly desires so we can freely enter into the spiritual realm of holiness (1 Corinthians 6:11). Therefore, the symbolism of the Laver is washing of the water by the Word, which is Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:26-27).

Worship That Touches the Heart of God

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