Читать книгу Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials - Nirmal K. Sinha - Страница 73
Trinity of Iron Phases
Оглавлениеα‐Fe [BCC, Ferrite]
γ‐Fe [FCC, Austenite]
δ‐Fe [BCC]
Pure iron exists in three phases. Below 1185 K, α‐Fe (known as ferrite) has a BCC structure, but it transitions to γ‐Fe (known as austenite) with an FCC structure above this temperature. This transition to a close‐packed structure with an increase in temperature is highly unusual and is the basis of many of the useful properties of steel. Above 1667 K, pure iron transitions back to BCC and is known as δ‐Fe at high temperatures. It is of interest to note that a β‐Fe phase, which was historically thought to exit, was found to be a form of α‐Fe above its Curie temperature (nonmagnetic).
The foundation for understanding the microstructure of steel is the iron‑carbon phase diagram (Figure 2.15). Iron alloyed with carbon is called carbon steel and has a carbon content that ranges from 0.002 to 2.14% by weight (or from 0.009 to 9.2 mol%). Alloys with a higher carbon content generally have phases of pure carbon graphite within the structure and are known as cast irons. Steels, on the other hand, have low carbon precipitates and benefit from the presence of iron carbides, namely Fe3C. A key feature of the phase diagram is the transformation, upon cooling, of austenite to an intimate mixture of ferrite and carbide. Thin platelets of Fe3C become immersed in an α‐Fe matrix in a two‐phase mixture called pearlite, and the interlamellar spacing can be controlled with transformation temperature.
Figure 2.15 Iron‐carbon phase diagram demonstrating the main phases under atmospheric pressure.
Source: Caesar (2019), https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Iron_carbon_phase_diagram.svg. Licensed under CC BY‐SA 4.0.
An iron‑carbon phase that is metastable and so does not appear on the phase diagram but is highly important to engineering materials is called martensite. Martensite is a body‐centered tetragonal phase, like BCC, iron, but with an elongated c‐axis due to the placement of carbon atoms at 0, 0, ½ sites. It is extremely hard and strong, but is also brittle. Tempering of martensite forms a two‐phase mixture of ferrite and carbide with the carbide present as small particles rather than platelets. Tempered martensite is stronger and tougher than either pearlite or martensite. Specialized heat treatment of the iron‐carbide system can produce other mixtures, such as bainite (a plate‐like mixture where the carbide within the plates is particulate rather than platelet like) and a spheroidite (nearly spherical iron carbide). Each mixture can give rise to different properties.
The majority of steels are not plain carbon steels. Rather, they are alloyed steels that are modified to obtain different properties with the addition of alloying elements, such as manganese, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, boron, titanium, vanadium, tungsten, cobalt, and niobium. For example, stainless steels contain a minimum of 11% chromium in order to resist corrosion through the formation of a self‐repairing (in the presence of oxygen) passive layer of chromium oxide on the surface. Chromium addition with little to no nickel produces ferritic (BCC) stainless steel similar to carbon steel. Nickel is added to stainless steels to form austenitic stainless steels. Nickel (as well as manganese) helps stabilize the austenitic (FCC) structure and results in high toughness and high strength throughout a broad temperature range. For example, grade 316 stainless steel nominally contains (in wt.%) 17 Cr, 12 Ni, 2 Mn, 1 Si, 0.1 C, and 2.5 Mo with balance Fe (Carter and Paul 1991).
Stainless steel can also be precipitation hardened to increase strength and corrosion resistance. The composition of such material can become quite complex. For example, Discaloy is a common precipitation‐hardened stainless steel with a nominal composition (in wt.%) of 26 Ni, 13.5 Cr, 2.75 Mo, 1.75 Ti, 0.90 Mn, 0.80 Si, 0.08 C, and 0.005 B with balance Fe.
The complexity of iron‐base alloys has enabled them to be remarkably versatile. However, as the boundaries to high‐temperature use are pushed even higher, the search for alternative materials has led to remarkable superalloy materials outside of the iron system.