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Across town, at the same time Lucy’s parents were saying their goodbyes, field officers were about to carry out the safe-and-well check for Louise. They knew Robert well as he’d been arrested a few times for drunk and disorderly.

As they approached the house, they saw a light in the front room. One of the officers knocked while the other tried to look through the window.

‘Who is it? Do you know what fucking time it is? Taking the bloody piss!’

‘Police, ma’am. We’re here to check that everything is OK.’

‘Well it is, so get lost!’

The officers looked at each other.

‘Please, ma’am. Do you mind if we come in for a few minutes for a chat?’

Both officers knew that if they left the property without actually seeing Louise, there could be trouble; Robert could be inside coercing Louise to get rid of them.

They heard the chains rattle and multiple bolts being undone. Clearly Louise was concerned for her safety. The door eventually eased open slowly. One chain remained, and Louise poked her head between the gap.

‘There! Satisfied?’ The officers heard her mumble some not so savoury words underneath her breath.

‘Uh, no – sorry, ma’am. Could you please open the door fully?’

‘Oh, for fuck’s sake …’ Louise shot back the final chain and wrenched open the door. ‘Happy now?’

‘Yes, ma’am. Sorry to have upset you. Can we just come in for a quick chat?’

‘Please yourselves.’ Stepping out of the way, Louise ushered the two officers into the living room. They could see curtains twitching in the street outside; Louise was clearly keen to get them out of sight.

‘When was the last time you saw Robert?’ The officer closest to Louise asked while his colleague stood looking around the room.

‘The last time I saw that waste of space was when I called you guys. Yesterday I think it was, it could’ve been the day before. Fucked if I know. There is a restraining order in place but that seems to do jack shit – which is why I never got one before! I mean, what is the point of having it if he can swan over here, do some damage, and then the police act?’

‘We understand your frustration, Mrs Millard. But it really is the best option. And with the panic alarm and your house being flagged – the police will respond immediately.’

‘Yeah, yeah. I get it. Just pisses me off.’

Before leaving, the officers advised her what she should do if Robert turned up at her house again but neither were confident she would heed their advice. They only hoped the next visit wasn’t for something more serious.

Dead Inside

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