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(Additional reasoning)
ОглавлениеHear natural question on the subject of the conversation – which in my understanding is the soul, the mind and personality. (I don’t touch my body, this dark matter, everyone can create and have an opinion.) And about the listed items I just had to speak out because they are always implied in this conversation.
The SOUL, as I have already mentioned – the simplest spatial structure of the cells placed by God in the new, born body on the Ground. This is the subject material, practically eternal, amounting to clean your form of the energy structure of space. The soul must pass through a number of reincarnations before will take its place in space with the desired energy potential.
MIND, unlike soul, the intangible, rather it is not an object but a property, a mode of existence of the soul in the human body. It is the mind that allows the soul to go through the procedure for acquiring the necessary skills, and to obtain the necessary energy potential. I think the energy of the soul occurs due to emotional States, received by the soul during earthly life. Depending on the polarity of the emotional charge can be positive or negative (physics course an elementary school).
I read somewhere that the Vatican in 2010, recognized the existence of souls in animals. Honestly, I do not know what to say about it. That animals experience emotions, not be questioned. And the example of his dog, I can say that she had a sense of love and the ability to co-FEEL what you know, not all people. And the soul? I do not know. But when my dog died, I physically felt the loss of a piece of my soul. And I still feel the constant pain of that loss.
PERSONALITY is a complex synthesis of mind, soul and body. It consists of many components, which are inherited from parents, life experience, impressions and knowledge acquired in the initial period of the bodily life. I think the personality comes at the moment when man becomes aware of the “I”, his individuality. And in the continuation of all life, and for some time after death when the soul leaves the deceased body, the personality is a kind of a safety “box”, gradually wearing as soon as the soul is freed from the yoke of earthly life, financial problems, all that constitutes the essence of life on earth. In the end, the liberated soul has no personality, and then the mind, which has already become unnecessary, and from the material world of the Universe goes to the level of spatial structures.
In General, I should probably give a couple of quotes respected me Elizarova E. D.;
– … possible through integration, ironically, may be the biological death of man … —
– … a complete assimilation of all objective reality to the practical activity of the subject (now becoming Global) mind means an exit from the field of spatial-temporal relations in the sphere of more fundamental dimensions of existence. —
– … Really: the dissolution of the mind in nature could be interpreted as the completion of his being, as his natural death. Elizarov E. “Global mind”.
Naturally, the author speaks specifically about mind, talking about the soul is still considered our scientists in bad taste…
More quotes Elizarova I would like to add a reason :
Mind Elizarov sees as a function of the highest stage of evolution of matter. Such, he believed the human nervous system? But according to Darwin’s theory in ancient times, at the beginning of the evolutionary ascent of man did not suffer from overloaded brains. His mind, therefore, was in a primitive state. That is, our ancient ancestors, simply put, were fools. Is this idea hard to promote the apologists of paleocontact: were savages, then came good, but a powerful Djinn-Anunnaki-shamballic, took away a good portion of wisdom, and it is universal happiness… Can this be? I doubt it. In my opinion, intelligence is either there or not there. Can’t be a primitive mind can be a primitive state of technology…
A thoughtful monkey would die from hunger, or she would be the steak for Breakfast the indricotherium. However, Elizarov it turns out that the evolution of matter (in the transition of the human body in Supermaresme state), he starts wildly to get smarter and manipulate matter Universes and even create a new intelligent civilization. And at the end of evolution will even create our own… where we are in the moment and finds…
Here something I refuse to understand. May be because I do not look at the world through the glasses of materialism?
And another question – the mind as a result of all will be a single MAHARASAKAM human civilization, or their will be a lot (much more than now of the people on Earth, many, many billions) – enough for their ambition of Universes in the infinity of space, or through the Black Holes they trample in parallel worlds? And there the rowdies enough… That somehow the Universe will mess up…
In August 1987, I first arrived to Baikonur on a business trip. And the airport Extreme was shocked, breathing in the desert air. I am originally from Uzbekistan, and the air of Central Asia to me is not unusual, but after St. Petersburg I nearly suffocated – it was the searing, dense, viscous, it is with difficulty passed into the lungs and smelled somehow of iron and dry grass… the Second shock I experienced late at night, on the launch pad 45. Released under the open sky and froze up from fear, it is fear that I felt, finding himself in the endless blackness where there was nothing – neither me, nor the earth under your feet, anything… Only giant stars. The dome of stars was located around at eye level, and closed above his head. Such clearly defined stars in the “Northern capital” I never saw – not the atmosphere.
Especially in August is not over yet white nights, and here… maybe then, not in childhood or adolescence, I realized that they are not just a unit of the billions of the same, but a part of something that has no analogue here in the everyday life of earthlings. Maybe it was a vision, or a feeling, but since then, looking at the surrounding people, it seems to me that on each of them to infinity overhead stretched an invisible thread (?) something like the pneumatic tubes mail, bundles of energy, strings… I don’t know how to describe it… Perhaps it is the power of our many-esteemed esoteric shamans in the fifth generation. That’s when I know that any of the chakras, the aura, this feeling has nothing to do. I am not a descendant of the Atlanto-Lemurians with the Aryans and as-Syrians. I am a simple, the most ordinary people, and all this shamballah-blavadskaya hell, I drum. I do not like crooks.
But I am sure that EVERYTHING in the universe is interconnected… However, it was not my idea and copyright to swing not going. And did it the ancient Greeks who in shambalah didn’t understand, and just wanted to know about the prospects of stay in this life. And yet, what is actually happening around, to, God forbid, not to run into those pitfalls… the Greeks now to mention fashionable, like God, only in a different key. God people are now angry, in fact, brought out by the crises and reptiles. And the Greeks – the guys are harmless. We’re just jealous of them; – lived, nothing but philosophy, and bodybuilding not interested, no GMOs, neither the IMF nor the financial-political-oil problems. Management companies are not stolen, and repaired the road and the facades of temples. Even unconventional sex was in a number of household amenities. No drugs, no Internet with stupid networks, nor the media promoting interracial hostility (Such hostility they feel for Ukrainians, Asians, refugees from Africa and the UAE, US policy and the European Union that do not live and others …).
In General, the ancient Greeks knew how to enjoy life. And their gods were respected and offense to different academics were not given. And said all sorts of interesting things about the Universe, time, space and elementary particles. (About “black holes” they knew nothing, but I guess something in the infinity of the suspect, and quantum theory and string theory had a premonition …).
However among them there are snickering, Plato example (but who among us is without sin, let him cast a stone Plato …), he did not like the state, the law, and said. But we all know that laws are written not for people but for the gods, and who and for who invented the Constitution with the Declaration of human rights – no one knows.
With the gods and quite solid neponyatki, and not from Greek, where it was regulated, and with our family … (I’m not talking about the Volos talking with other frights …).
– " And who are you, o man, to talk back to God?
The product will tell you who made it :
Why hast thou made me thus? “Rome., 9:20
Okay? I don’t. That is, there seems to be in Russian: every cricket, there…
But it is actually much more serious.
“It is impossible to grasp the immensity.”
Kozma Prutkov.