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And we must remember that we are only the smallest elements, the particles of the Grand mechanism of Execution of the will of God. Thus the Will of GOD – GOD’s plan, and we – the people – that is, “mind-body” – only element of this program.

The element is easily replaceable.

In the culture of humanity there are many arguments in favor of the proposition that the human mind is a phenomenon to the world an unnatural, irrational, placed in an artificial environment OUTSIDE with a definite purpose. (From the “OUTSIDE” is not from another galaxy, planet, but from another, the “upper” world.)

And being of the Mind, intuitively feeling their nepriyatnosti the world, confirms this – the Mind seeks to free itself from the imposed structure (and why in the Word of GOD constantly exaggerated rejection of Samudra, the sinfulness of any irrational action, COMPLETE trust (FAITH) GOD. I.e., the rejection of personal bias and rejection of the status quo.

However, the media mind lives obeying the feeling, emotions that do not depend on logic and even self preservation. There is a systematic destruction of the biosphere of the Earth, although people understand samobytnoe such practices, people are constantly destroying their own kind, and this from the very beginning was a little if not a necessary condition of human community, and this despite the fact that life (own) is the person in the first place in a series of values of life.

Here you can see the opposition between the pure Mind – the phenomenon of Space (the Universe) and Person – synthesis of the mind (soul) and body, spiritual and material. Personality cannot exist beyond this material world, the Mind is weary of its limitations, locality, temporality. The mind seeks the ABSOLUTENESS of the UNIVERSE, ignoring the world and life…

The theory of everything, which is not

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