Читать книгу Учись учить английскому: упражнения - Олег Владимирович Белоусов - Страница 11
Exercise 1
1. She is drinking coffee now. 1. She drinks coffee every day.
2. I am helping her right now. 2. I usually help her.
3. You are flying over Washington right now. 3. You fly over here very often.
4. My friend is playing the piano at the moment. 4. He plays it very seldom.
5. The dog is eating meat at the moment. 5. It always eats meat.
6. We are reading English now. 6. We seldom read English.
7. They are sleeping much right now. 7. They always sleep at night.
8. I am eating much at the moment. 8. I constantly eat very little.
9. You are going to the cinema now. 9. You go to the cinema sometimes.
10. He is reading now. 10. He reads every day.
11. She is asking me an interesting questions now. 11. She asks me many questions every day.
12. I am answering her questions at the moment. 12. I usually answer her questions.
13. You are cooking now. 13. You always cook very tasty.
14. You are not playing computer games now. 14. You don’t play computer games in the day time.
15. I am having a bath at the moment. 15. I have a bath in the evening.
16. He is not having a shower now. 16. He doesn’t have a shower in the evening.
17. She is not having breakfast at the moment. 17. She doesn’t have breakfast in the office.
Exercise 2
1. He is not having a lesson now. 1. He does not have lessons on Monday.
2. They are not having dinner now. 2. They don’t have dinner usually.
3. We are not having lunch right now. 3. We don’t have lunch usually.
4. They are not having supper now. 4. They don’t have supper in the evening.
5. Are you having a rest now? 5. Do you have a rest after lunch?
6. Is she having tea now? 6. Does she have tea at the office?
7. Are they having a party now? 7. Do they have a party on weekends?
8. Is it raining at the moment? 8. Does it rain usually in this part of the world?
9. Is it getting hot now? 9. Does it get hot in the day time?
10. Are you going to the cinema or to the theatre now? 10. Do you go to the theatre or to university every day?
11. Are you drinking tea or coffee at the moment? 11. Do you drink tea or coffee in the morning?
12. Is she eating bananas or the apple now? 12. Does she eat bananas in the day time or in the evening?
13. Is she looking through newspapers or magazines at the moment? 13. Does she look through newspapers or magazines in the morning?
14. What is she drinking now? 14. What does she drink in the morning?
15. What is he eating now? 15. What does he eat for dinner?
16. What are they watching now? 16. What do they watch after supper?
17. What are they speaking about at the moment? 17. What do they speak about at the lesson?
18. Where are you going now? 18. Where do you go every day?
19. Where are you working now? 19. Where do you work?
20. Where are they playing football now? 20. Where do they play football every Sunday?
21. Where is she buying bananas now? 21. Where does she buy bananas usually?
22. Why is she sleeping now? 22. Why does she sleep in the day time?
23. Now I want to see you. 23. I want to see you often.
Exercise 3
1. She is having a bath now.
2. When do you usually have a bath? – I don’t have a bath.
3. Every day I have a shower.
4. When do you usually have breakfast? – I am having breakfast now. Don’t you see?
5. Now we are having an English lesson. We have English every day.
6. They are having lunch now.
7. When do they usually have lunch? – They usually have lunch at day time.
8. What does she do after lunch? – She usually goes to the park.
9. How often does she go to the park? – She goes to the park every day. She is going to the park now.
10. These students are passing the exam now. They pass exams twice a year.
11. Why is he drinking beer now? – He is drinking beer because he likes beer.
12. Are you having a bath now? – No. I am cooking dinner. I usually cook dinner after twelve. I never cook dinner before twelve.
13. And what is Mr. Brown doing now? – He is feeding his dog.
14. How often does he feed his dog? – He feeds his dog every morning.
15. And what is Mrs. Brown doing? – She is cleaning the flat. She seldom cleans her flat.
16. Mr. Brown never cleans the flat.
17. What is your son listening to right now? – He is listening to rock. Now he likes rock.
Exercise 4
1. А где живёт твой друг? Он живёт в Нью Йорке. Но в данный момент он проживает в Сан Франциско, потому что он в командировке. 1. Where does your friend live? He lives in New York. But at the moment he is living in San Francisco because he is away on business.
2. А где она работает? Она работает в школе. 2. And where does she work? She works in a school.
3. А что она сейчас делает? Сейчас она работает в саду. 3. And what is she doing now? She is working in the garden.
4. Кого ты ждёшь? Я жду свою подругу. Я всегда жду её после уроков. 4. Who are you waiting for? I am waiting for my girlfriend. I always wait for her after the lessons.
5. Посмотри! Большая чёрная собака бежит за маленькой белой кошечкой. Она бегает за ней каждый день. 5. Look! A big black dog is running after a white pussy. It runs after her every day.
6. Сейчас я стою около озера. Я люблю стоять в этом месте. 6. Now I am standing near the lake. I like to stand here.
7. Почему ты трясёшь это молоко? Я хочу сделать коктейль. 7. Why are you shaking this milk? I want to make milk shake.
8. Солнце светит ярко, и птички поют. Солнце всегда светит ярко летом. 8. The sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing. The sun always shines brightly in summer.
9. Послушай, кто-то поёт в соседней комнате. Какую песню она поёт сейчас? Какие песни она поёт обычно на концерте? 9. Listen, somebody is singing in the next room. What song is she singing now? What songs does she usually sing at a concert?
10. Почему ты плачешь, малыш? Почему ты всегда плачешь, малыш? 10. Why are you crying, kiddy? Why do you always cry, kiddy?
11. Мы танцуем в большом светлом зале сейчас. Мы иногда танцуем. 11. We are dancing in a big light hall now. We dance sometimes.
12. Поспеши, поезд убывает через пять минут. 12. Hurry up! The train is departing in 5 minutes.
13. На что ты сейчас смотришь? Я смотрю на ту красивую девушку. 13. What are you looking at? I am looking at that pretty girl.
14. А что она сейчас ищёт? Она ищет свои колготки. Она обычно ищет свои колготки перед тем, как уйти из дома. 14. What is she looking for now? She is looking for her tights. She usually looks for her tights before leaving home.
15. Какой текст вы сейчас читаете? Мы читаем текст номер пять. 15. What text are you reading now? We are reading text number five.
16. О чём ты говоришь? Я пытаюсь объяснить тебе смысл жизни. А я никогда не пытаюсь объяснять смысл жизни. 16. What are you talking about? I am trying to explain the purpose of life. But I never try to explain the purpose of life.
17. Как часто ты ходишь на вечеринки? Я хожу на вечеринки каждое воскресенье. И сейчас я иду на вечеринку. 17. How often do you go to the parties? I go to the parties every Sunday. And now I am going to the party.
Exercise 5
1. Посмотри, корабль тонет. В этой части океана корабли тонут очень часто. 1. Look! That ship is sinking. Ships sink very often in this part of the world
2. Что ты сейчас готовишь? – Я готовлю великолепный торт. – А какой торт ты печёшь? – Я пеку клубничный торт. Я пеку торты каждую субботу. 2. What are you cooking now? I am cooking a wonderful cake. What cake are you baking? I am baking a strawberry cake. I bake cakes every Saturday.
3. А что делает сейчас твоя учительница? – Она жалуется на меня. Она всегда жалуется на меня, когда моя мама приходит в школу. – А почему она жалуется на тебя так часто? – Я думаю, что она жалуется на меня постоянно, потому что у неё очень плохой характер. 3. What is your teacher doing now? She is complaining about me. She always complains about me when my mother comes to the school. I think, that she constantly complains about me because she has a bad character.
4. Посмотри, Робирсоны опять ругаются. Они всегда ругаются, когда моют их машину. 4. Look, Robinsons are arguing again. They always argue when they clean their car.
5. Наш поезд прибывает в семь часов. Обычно поезда прибывают и отправляются точно по расписанию. 5. Our train is arriving at 7 o’clock. Trains usually arrive and depart exactly according o schedule.
6. Этот поезд всегда опаздывает. 6. This train is always late.
7. Ты сейчас задаёшь глупые вопросы. Ты всегда задаёшь глупые вопросы. Прекрати задавать глупые вопросы. 7. You are asking silly questions now. You always ask silly questions. Stop asking (to ask) silly questions.
8. Я сижу, смотрю на неё и отвечаю на её вопросы. Она никогда не отвечает на мои вопросы. 8. I am sitting, looking at her and asking her questions. She never answers my questions.
9. Посмотри, вода кипит. Пора добавить мяса. 9. Look, the water is boiling. It’s time to add meat.
10. Папа говорит, что вода всегда кипит при 100 градусах Цельсия. 10. Father says that water boils 100 degrees Celsius.
11. Почему ты улыбаешься? О чём ты думаешь? О чём ты вообще думаешь? Почему ты всегда улыбаешься? 11. Why are you smiling? What are you thinking about? What do you think about? Why do you always smile?
12. Я боюсь ходить вечером один. 12. I am afraid to go alone in the evening. (I am afraid of going alone in the evening)
13. Она боится сдавать экзамен. Она волнуется сейчас. 13. She is afraid to pass her exam. (She is afraid of passing her exam.) She's worried now.
14. Посмотри, как быстро течёт река. Обычно она течёт не так быстро. 14. Look, how fast the river is flowing. Usually it flows not so fast.
15. Что ты сейчас читаешь? Что ты обычно читаешь на уроке? 15. What are you reading now? What do you usually read at the lesson?
16. Я устал. Я хочу спать сейчас. 16. I am tired. I want to sleep now.
17. Что происходит? Что происходит в этой школе на новый год? 17. What is happening here? What happens at this school on New Year's day?
Exercise 6
1. Что ты сейчас делаешь? – Я отдыхаю. Я сижу и пью чай. Я обычно пью чай вечером. 1. What are you doing now? I am resting. I am sitting and drinking tea. I usually drink tea in the evening.
2. Мы всегда приглашаем наших друзей на наши вечеринки. 2. We always invite our friends to our parties.
3. Кто стучится? – Это мой крокодил. Он всегда стучится, когда он голодный. 3. Who is knocking? It’s my crocodile. It always nock when it is hungry.
4. Сколько денег он зарабатывает? – Он зарабатывает мало. 4. How much money does he earn? He earns little.
5. Сейчас я заканчиваю мой новый роман. 5. Now I am finishing my new novel.
6. Мой рабочий день заканчивается в пять. 6. My working day finishes at 5.
7. Почему эти люди разговаривают так громко сейчас? 7. Why are these people speaking so loud now?
8. Куда ты обычно ходишь вечером? – Иногда я хожу в ресторан. 8. Where do you usually go in the evening? Sometimes I go to the restaurant.
9. Посмотри, идёт снег. Каждый декабрь идёт сильный снег. 9. Look! It’s snowing. It snows heavily every December.
10. Где ты сейчас отдыхаешь? – Я отдыхаю в Бразилии. Я обычно отдыхаю в Бразилии в это время года. 10. Where are you resting now? (Where are you having a rest now?) I am resting in Brazil. (I am having a rest in Brazil.) Usually I rest in Brazil at this time of the year. (Usually I have a rest in Brazil at this time of the year.)
11. Почему ты открываешь окно? – Я открываю окно, потому что здесь жарко. Я всегда открываю окно, когда в комнате жарко. 11. Why are you opening the window? I am opening the window because it’s hot here. I always open the window when it’s hot.
12. Где ты учишься? 12. Where do you study?
13. Что ты сейчас изучаешь? 13. What are you learning now?
14. Где ты обычно проводишь своё время? – Обычно я провожу своё время около компьютера. 14. Where do you usually spend your time? Usually I spend my time at the computer.
15. Эй, девушка, куда вы плывёте? 15. Hey, girl, where are you swimming?
16. Я медленно беру её руку и смотрю в её глаза. Я всегда беру её руку, когда хочу покушать. 16. I am taking her hand slowly and looking in her eyes. I always take her hand when I want to eat.
17. Почему ты зеваешь? – Я устал и хочу спать. 17. Why are you yawning? I am tired and I want to sleep.
Exercise 7
1. Эта собака кусается очень часто. 1. This dog bites very often.
2. Сейчас я выбираю новое платье. Я выбираю новое платье раз в неделю. 2. Now I am choosing a new dress. I choose a new dress once a week.
3. Что они несут? Что они обычно носят? 3. What are they carrying? What do they usually carry?
4. Что они сейчас обсуждают? Они никогда не обсуждают мои проблемы. 4. What are they discussing now? They never discuss my problems.
5. Когда я приезжаю в Лондон, я обычно останавливаюсь в одной маленькой гостинице. 5. When I come to London I usually stay at one small hotel.
6. Почему они шумят? – Они всегда шумят, когда они пьяны. 6. Why are they shouting? They always shout when they are drunk.
7. Этот учитель объясняет новый материал очень хорошо. Сейчас он стоит у доски и объясняет новую тему. 7. This teacher explains new material very well. Now he is standing at the blackboard and explaining a new theme.
8. Мы сейчас посещаем новую выставку. – Как часто вы посещаете различные выставки? – Мы посещаем выставки как минимум два раза в году. 8. Now we are visiting a new exhibition. How often do you visit various (different) exhibitions? We visit exhibitions as the minimum twice a year.
9. Почему ты прячешь свой дневник под кроватью? – Я всегда его прячу под кроватью, когда у меня плохие оценки. 9. Why are you hiding your school record book under the bed? I always hide it under the bed when I have bad marks.
10. Что она сейчас переводит? – Она переводит статью с русского на английский. 10. What is she translating now? She is translating an article from Russian into English.
11. Этот переводчик переводит очень хорошо. 11. This translator translates very well. (This interpreter interprets very well.)
12. В школе я узнаю много нового. 12. I learn much new at school.
13. Я обычно бегаю по утрам. 13. I usually jog in the morning.
14. Сейчас мы хорошо проводим время. Мы обычно хорошо проводим время вдвоём. 14. Now we are having a good time. We usually have a good time together.
15. Стоимость жизни возрастает сейчас. Стоимость жизни возрастает каждый год. 15. The cost of living is increasing now. The cost of living increases every year.
16. О, твой английский улучшается. 16. Oh, your English is improving (getting better).
17. Он ухаживает за своей больной сестрой. 17. He looks after his sick sister.
Exercise 8
Right – Wrong
1. I drink coffee every day.
2. Where are you going, Bob? – I am going to the supermarket. I want to buy some bread.
3. The sun sets late in summer.
4. Look, the sun is shining brightly.
5. It always shines brightly in summer.
6. What do you usually have for dinner?
7. Now I am having supper.
8. What are you reading now?
9. What does she read every day?
10. Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want anything?
11. Sometimes I go to the sea.
12. How often do you go to the sea?
Exercise 9
1. My girlfriend likes music very much.
2. Where are you going now?
3. I sometimes go to the disco.
4. My sister seldom eats fruit.
5. I am going to the party now.
6. He argues with his wife every day.
7. Look, they are arguing now.
8. Trains arrive and depart according to schedule.
9. Now this girl is answering these questions.
10. He always asks stupid questions.
11. What are you baking now?
12. I am baking a strawberry cake.
13. I always bake strawberry cakes on Sunday.
14. He is tiring now, that’s why he is resting in the armchair.
15. I am afraid of dogs.
16. Look, the dog is running to me.
17. What are you complaining of? – I have a terrible headache.
Exercise 10
1. What are you doing? – I am cleaning my flat. Why are you cleaning your flat at such a late hour? – I always clean my flat at this time.
2. Why is the baby crying?
3. What are you carrying?
4. Look, she is dancing very nice.
5. What are you discussing now?
6. She dances at the disco every weekend.
7. How much money does he earn? – He earns a lot.
8. Are you enjoying this party?
9. Usually I enjoy parties but I don’t like this one.
10. Now she is explaining a very difficult rule.
11. She explains difficult rules very good.
12. Where is Bob? – He is taking a shower.
13. She is exciting now.
14. She excites very often with no reason.
15. This stream flows very fast.
16. She finishes her work at five o’clock.
Exercise 11
1. What is happening now?
2. When do you have breakfast?
3. Why are you having supper at such a late hour?
4. Now we are having an English lesson.
5. We have English lessons twice a week.
6. She has a rest after dinner.
7. Now they are having tea.
8. They have supper at seven.
9. Now we are having a very good time.
10. I jog every morning.
11. She never knocks at your door.
12. What are you listening to? – I am listening to music.
13. Where does she live?
14. Look, he is opening the door.
15. What do you usually play?
16. She usually plays football.
17. Take your umbrella. It’s snowing.
Exercise 12
1. Don’t take your umbrella. The sun is shining brightly.
2. It doesn’t rain here in this season.
3. How often does it rain here?
4. Now I am planning my visit to the USA.
5. What are you looking for? – I am looking for my umbrella.
6. Why are you closing the window? – It’s getting cold.
7. Every year she rests in the south.
8. She never shouts at me.
9. Why are you smiling, boy? – I am not smiling, I am trying to concentrate.
10. Why do you always smile at my lessons?
11. Where do you study?
12. I study at Oxford University.
13. He always translates very difficult translations in a very good way.
14. Where do you work?
15. Where are you working now?
16. Where does she live?
Exercise 13
1. Who are you waiting for? – I am waiting for my sister.
2. Why do you always wait for her sister at the metro station?
3. Why are you yawning? – I am tired and I want to go to bed.
4. Why do you always yawn at her lessons?
5. I am choosing a present for Mary’s birthday now.
6. They feed their dog every morning.
7. It’s getting late. It’s time to go home.
8. I always hide my money under the sofa
9. I am learning a very interesting poem now.
10. What do you usually read? – I read scientific magazines.
11. Listen, this singer is singing a very wonderful song.
12. She usually sings before going to bed.
13. I am standing on the hill and looking at the sunrise.
14. In summer I spend my spare time on the beach.
15. Do you speak English?
16. Are you speaking English now?
Exercise 14
1. Я смотрю на тебя и вижу умного человека. 1. I am looking at you and see a clever person.
2. Я слушаю тебя и слышу прекрасный голос. 2. I am listening to you and hear a wonderful voice.
3. Что ты сейчас делаешь и чем ты вообще занимаешься? 3. What are you doing now and what do you do?
4. Сейчас я верю тебе. Я всегда верю тебе. 4. Now I believe you. I always believe you.
5. Ты веришь в Бога? 5. Do you believe in god?
6. Это вкусное блюдо содержит много ингредиентов. 6. This tasty dish contains many ingredients.
7. Сейчас я хочу поехать в Швейцарию. 7. Now I want to go to Switzerland.
8. Ты понимаешь сейчас, о чём я говорю? 8. Do you understand now what I am talking about?
9. О чём ты думаешь, Мэри? – Я думаю о моём парне. – Что ты о нём думаешь? – Я думаю, что он очень красивый, интересный и умный человек. 9. What are you thinking about, Mary? I am thinking about my boy-friend. What do you think about him? I think that he is a handsome, interesting and clever person.
10. Сейчас она желает переехать в другой город. 10. Now she wishes to move to another town.
11. Сейчас мне нравится играть в футбол. 11. Now I like to play football. Now I like playing football. Now I enjoy playing football.
12. Она ненавидит тупых людей. Она ненавидит встречаться с тупыми людьми. И прямо сейчас она уже ненавидит её будущую встречу с её тупым боссом. 12. She hates stupid people. She hates meeting with stupid people. And right now she already hates her future meeting with her stupid boss.
13. Ты сейчас надеешься сдать экзамены? – У меня очень хорошие знания, и сейчас я надеюсь сдать экзамены. 13. Do you hope now to pass your exams? I’ve got very good knowledge and now I hope to pass my exams.
14. Как часто ты принимаешь ванну? 14. How often do you have a bath?
15. Она любит цветы? 15. Does she like flowers?
16. Послушай, кто-то практикуется на пианино. – Это моя дочь. Она обычно практикуется в это время. 16. Listen! Somebody is practicing the piano. It’s my daughter. She usually practices at this time.
17. Посмотри, это Рита. Ты не узнаёшь её? 17. Look! It’s Rita. Don’t you recognize her?
18. Почему вы курите в моём присутствии? Вы знаете, что я не люблю, когда люди курят. 18. Why are you smoking in my presence? You know that I don’t like when people smoke.
Exercise 15
1. Мне сейчас кажется, что я знаю вас. 1. It seems to me that I know you.
2. Ты слышишь, что кто-то играет на пианино в соседней комнате? 2. Do you hear that somebody is playing the piano in the next room?
3. Сейчас я знаю много английских слов, и я думаю, что мой английский прекрасен. Но у меня проблемы с грамматикой. 3. Now I know many English words and I think that my English is wonderful. But I have problems with grammar.
4. Что ты думаешь об этом, Дэн? Что ты думаешь о Дэне? 4. What do you think about it, Dan? What do you think about Dan?
5. Я не понимаю, о чём пишет этот писатель. 5. I don’t understand what this writer writes about.
6. Ты сейчас понимаешь это задание? 6. Do you understand this task now?
7. Я забываю всё плохое. Я пытаюсь забыть всё плохое. 7. I forget all the bad. I try to forget all the bad.
8. Сейчас ты забываешь свои обязанности. 8. You forget your duties now.
9. Я желаю видеть его прямо сейчас. 9. I wish to see him right now.
10. Я тебе нравлюсь сейчас? 10. Do you like me now?
11. В данный момент ты любишь меня? 11. Do you love me at the moment?
12. Сейчас она предпочитает пить чай. 12. Now she prefers to drink tea.
13. Не шуми! Я пытаюсь работать. 13. Don’t shout! I am trying to work.
14. Я всегда пытаюсь сосредоточиться, когда делаю домашнее задание. 14. I always try to concentrate when I do my homework.
15. Сейчас я помню твоё лицо. 15. Now I remember your face.
16. В данный момент я осознаю, что я не прав. 16. At the moment I realize that I am not right.
17. Он сейчас надеется выиграть соревнование. 17. Now he hopes to win the competition.
18. Сейчас я не принадлежу ни к какой политической партии, я принадлежу только тебе. 18. Now I don’t belong to any political party. I belong only to you.
Exercise 16
1. Why are they looking at us? What do they want?
2. Do you believe in God?
3. I always like jazz.
4. Now I like opera.
5. What do you think about young Fred?
6. What are you thinking about, Fred?
7. Now I am thinking about you, and I think that you are wrong.
8. I never believe anybody, but I don’t know why now I believe you.
9. He hopes to get a new job now; he has got a lot of experience.
10. We are having a lesson now.
11. At the moment I have two cars.
12. She is having lunch at the moment.
13. At the moment she has five roses.
14. Right now I smell a wonderful strawberry cake. I think that mammy is baking it in the kitchen now.
15. At the moment I taste a wonderful wine.
Exercise 17
1. Do you hear some knock at the moment? – I am listening attentively but I hear nothing.
2. I never hear when you come home.
3. Look, do you see that boy on the bench? Do you recognize him? – I am looking attentively but I see nobody on the bench.
4. What are you looking for under the bed? – My gold ring.
5. Right now I want to see you. Right now I want her. Right now I love her.
6. Do you like my present for your birthday?
7. Now I remember your telephone number.
8. I always forget her telephone number.
9. Now I am trying to remember my telephone number.
10. I smell flowers at the moment. I am in the garden.
11. Do you understand this lecture now?
12. Now I mean that you are not right.
13. I hear this terrible noise every evening, and now I hear it again.
14. I don’t know any English words at all.
15. Now she knows many English songs.
Exercise 18
1. She always wishes to be a pianist, and now she wishes to be the best pianist in the world.
2. Right now I remember all your explanations and I realize your idea.
3. Look, this is Dyane. Don’t you recognize her?
4. At the moment she needs a rest.
5. She hates all new, now she prefers all old.
6. Usually I enjoy comedies, but I am not enjoying this one at the moment.
7. This complicated equipment consists of many different devices.
8. This cocktail contains different wines.
9. Now I am sure you are right.
10. Do you believe me now?
11. What party do you belong to now?
12. Stop smoking. You are always smoking in my room.
13. Stop complaining. You are always complaining.
14. Stop crying. You are always crying.
15. You are a wise man, but you are being so mad meeting with this young pretty girl.
Exercise 19
1. В воскресенье я играю в футбол. Матч начнется в 5 часов. 1. On Sunday I am playing football. The match begins at 5
2. Я иду в кино завтра. Фильм начнется в 11 часов. 2. Tomorrow I am going to the cinema. The film begins at 11 o’clock.
3. В следующем месяце я еду к моему брату. Поезд убывает в 9 вечера 11 января. 3. Next month I am going to my brother. The train departs at 9 p.m. 11th of January.
4. Мы идем на выставку на следующей неделе. Выставка открывается 7 апреля. 4. We are going to the exhibition next week. The exhibition opens on 7 April.
5. Я лечу в Нью-Йорк летом. Мои языковые курсы начинаются в июле. 5. I fly to New York next summer. My language courses start (begin) in July.
6. Моя мама приезжает завтра. Я встречаю ее на вокзале. Поезд прибывает в 8.15. 6. My mother is coming tomorrow. I am meeting her at the railway station. The train arrives at 8.15.
7. Я заканчиваю этот курс в следующем году. Выпускной экзамен будет 7 мая. 7. I am finishing this course next year. The final is on 7 May.
8. Давайте поспешим. Автобус прибывает через 10 минут. Обычно автобусы прибывают и отправляются по расписанию. Но этот всегда опаздывает. 8. Let’s hurry! The bus is arriving in 10 minutes. Usually buses arrive and depart according to schedule. But this one is always late.
9. Сегодня вечером мои партнеры прилетают в аэропорт Ла-Гуардиа. Я встречаю их в аэропорту. Затем мы поедем в гостиницу. 9. Tonight my partners are arriving by plane to La Guardia International Airport. I am meeting them at the airport. Then we go to the hotel.
10. Когда мои партнеры прилетают ко мне, они всегда останавливаются в гостинице. 10. When my partners fly by plane to me they always stay in the hotel.
11. Я устраиваю сегодня вечеринку. Я хочу пригласить много друзей. Как насчет тебя? 11. I am making a party tonight. I want to invite many friends. What about you?
12. Когда я устраиваю вечеринки, я всегда приглашаю много друзей. 12. When I make parties I always invite many friends.
13. Он возвращается завтра. Поезд прибывает ровно в полночь. 13. He is returning (coming back) tomorrow. The train arrives exactly at midnight.
14. Она не идет никуда сегодня вечером. Она остается дома. У нее ужасно болит голова. 14. She isn’t going anywhere tonight. She is staying at home. She has a terrible headache.
15. Что ты делаешь завтра? 15. What are you doing tomorrow?
16. Сегодня они идут на концерт. Он начинается в 7. 16. They are going to the concert today. It starts (begins) at 7.
17. Во сколько отправляется поезд на Лондон? Поторопитесь, он отправляется через 10 минут. 17. What time does the train to London depart? Hurry up it is departing in 10 minutes.
18. Во сколько закончится эта скучная программа? 18. What time does this boring program finish?
Exercise 20
1. You are arguing again. Why are you constantly arguing?
2. He is fine now. He is always fine.
3. The train arrives at 7 tomorrow. My girl-friend is arriving by this train.
4. The weather is becoming worse and worse.
5. I am arranging my notes now. I arrange them every Monday.
6. Tomorrow I am beginning a new life. I begin a new life every New Year.
7. Why are you asking me these questions now?
8. This dog is angry. It always bites strangers.
9. I always answer all your questions. What do you want to ask me now?
10. The cold wind is blowing. Put on your scarf.
11. The milk is boiling. Turn off the gas.
12. I always boil some water in the morning.
13. The weather is terrible. The strong wind is breaking down the trees in the forest. Do you hear that terrible noise?
14. Now I believe you.
Exercise 21
1. This postman brings letters and newspapers every morning.
2. At the moment you belong to me. You belong to me forever.
3. They are building a new school now. They are going to finish it in October.
4. This boy is behaving not in a good way. He always behaves in this way.
5. When are you going to buy a new car? We are buying a new car this week.
6. My granny is baking a cake this Saturday. She usually bakes wonderful cakes.
7. Look! That car is burning!
8. I am tired. I am going to bed.
9. On Saturday they always buy food. When do you buy food?
10. Now I am sure that you are right.
11. Cats catch mice. Look! My cat is catching a mouse right now.
12. After that incident she is afraid of any dogs.
13. Where is Mary? She is choosing a new hat. She always buys hats in this shop.
14. I am bored with watching this stupid program. When does it finish?
Exercise 22
1. My friend is coming to my town tomorrow. I am going to meet him.
2. His train arrives at 4 p.m.
3. How much do these trousers cost? How much are those boots?
4. I am interested in the English language. That’s why I am learning it now.
I usually learn it in the morning and before going to bed.
5. What are you doing? I am cutting the flowers, don’t you see?
6. My mother is busy. She is cutting bushes in the garden.
7. My neighbor is busy. He is digging his garden. He digs his garden every fall.
8. She is complaining of a headache again.
9. Go to the teacher and complain about that boy who sits behind you.
10. Why do you always complain about this boy? Complain to his mother.
11. What do you do? I am a shop assistant.
12. What does he do? He is a manager.
13. What is he doing? He is eating.
14. What are you doing? I am listening to music. What music are you listening to? I am listening to jazz.
Exercise 23
1. What are you drawing? I am drawing a horse.
2. This ore contains much iron.
3. Now I am dreaming of going abroad. That’s why I am collecting the money and learning English.
4. I drink tea usually but now I prefer coffee.
5. What do you drink at school?
6. Now we considered her a genius.
7. You are driving your car too fast. Look at that traffic light! Do you want to go through a red light?
8. What are you doing with my paper? I am correcting your mistakes.
9. I am eating a banana and dreaming of Africa. And what are you dreaming now? I am dreaming of the future.
10. What is he cooking at the moment? I smell roast meat.
11. I am falling down. Help me!
12. We are cleaning our flat next Saturday. We constantly do it on Saturday.
13. I am feeding my gold carp at the moment. I like it.
14. I call my mother every Thursday. I am going to do it next Thursday.
Exercise 24
1. This old man feels cold even in warm weather.
2. It’s getting cold. I am closing the door. I always close the door when it is cold.
3. Look! The dogs are fighting over a bone.
4. Our country fight (struggle) for peace.
5. Why is that child crying? What does he want?
6. We are continuing to learn this theme.
7. Now I find your English perfect.
8. This woman is carrying a heavy bag. Help her.
9. These birds fly to the South every autumn. Look at the sky. They are flying.
10. Population growth decreases by 1.4% each year…
11. Why do you forget this rule at the moment?
12. My train departs at 9 tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to my granny.
13. I usually get much pleasure from your singing. But now it’s getting late and I must leave.
14. She always dances very well. She is going to dance tomorrow and I wish to see it. Truly speaking, I want to see it right now.
Exercise 25
Right – wrong
1. This man is giving her his mobile number. I think he wants to invite her somewhere.
2. Now I am delivering milk.
3. Where is she going? She is going to the swimming pool. She always goes to the swimming pool at this time.
4. Right now I dislike this news.
5. Usually we grow potato. But this summer we are not growing any.
6. According to our plan we discus this problem tomorrow at ten.
7. How much many do you earn?
8. Usually she enjoys parties, but she isn’t enjoying this party.
9. According to my plan I explain you this theme next week.
10. Where is Mary? – She is hanging wet clothes outside.
11. Look at the TV program. When does this film end?
12. Why are you exciting? What problems do you have?
13. This river is flowing very fast today. Usually it flows much slower.
14. When do you finish this project? – According to our schedule I finish it next month.
Exercise 26
1. This blouse doesn’t fit me.
2. Do you hear the noise in the next room? What is going on? – It’s my brother. He is marking his anniversary.
3. What are you fixing? – I am fixing your old iron.
4. Right now I hate doing it.
5. She is too self-confident. Now she hopes to be the best opera singer in the world.
6. What is happening? – Don’t disturb me. I am hurrying to work.
7. This mouse usually hides in this hole, that’s why my cat is sitting and waiting here.
8. I usually help my mammy in the kitchen. And now I am helping her too.
9. What are you holding? – I am holding the hot iron, step aside.
10. Where is Fred? – He is having a shower.
11. Where is Nora? – She is having a bath.
12. When do you have breakfast? – I have breakfast before going to school.
13. I usually keep my money in the bank. Right now I know exactly that it is the best way of keeping money.
14. We are having an English lesson. The teacher is asking us questions and we are answering them.
Exercise 27
1. When are we having dinner today?
2. Where do they lead us all the time and where are they leading us now?
3. When do you have supper? – I have supper before going to bed.
4. They are tired. They are having a rest.
5. She is having tea in the kitchen. She usually has tea there.
6. My husband is tired. So he is having a sleep. (So he is sleeping)
7. What are you learning? – Be quite. I am learning English.
8. I am leaving. Good Bye.
9. In the morning I leave home at half past seven.
10. We are having a party next Saturday night. Would you like to come?
11. What are you doing now? – Now we are having a good time at the party.
12. My salary is slowly increasing, but not so quickly as prices.
13. Step by step I am improving my English.
14. John usually invites Mary to the cinema.
Exercise 28
1. I jog every morning. Do you jog? – Yes, and I am jogging tomorrow morning.
2. I don’t lend money, because I think that it’s not good.
3. Who is knocking at the door? – I am looking at the window, but see nobody.
4. Right now I like this beautiful picture.
5. Now I let you open this door.
6. Do you often listen to the latest news? – Not so often, but now I am listening to it attentively. Something is going wrong in our world.
7. How long does your working day last?
8. What is she looking for? – She is looking for her umbrella. She always loses it.
9. What is he doing? – He is lighting his cigarette. He usually smokes after coffee.
10. Look, how gently this young mammy is looking after her child.
11. This mudflow is moving in the direction of the city very fast.
12. Hurry up! We are going to miss the train.
13. Right now I need you, but truly speaking I don’t know what for.
Exercise 29
1. The door is slowly opening. I am looking attentively, but I see nobody in the door frame. Interesting, what is happening?
2. We are playing tennis tomorrow. Would you like to come? The game starts at eleven o’clock.
3. Usually I drink coffee, but now I prefer tea.
4. What are you planning for your future weekend? – I am not planning anything. I am ill.
5. It’s night now. I am phoning to my daughter. I usually phone her at night time, it’s much cheaper.
6. What is a terrible noise in the next room? – My sister is practicing the violin.
7. You make many mistakes in your English. – Do you mean I am stupid?
8. Now I am passing by a beautiful garden and see lots of wonderful flowers in it.
9. What is your friend doing now? – He is passing his exam. – What exam is he passing? – Mathematics.
10. Where is Julia? – She is picking berries in the forest. She like picking berries (to pick berries).
11. Look outside. Is it raining? – Yes, it’s raining hard.
12. I usually remember to lock the door when I leave the house. But now I don’t remember exactly where the key is.
13. Do you realize now the important of learning English?
14. Where is Harry? – He is resting in the garden. He usually rests there after lunch.
Exercise 30
right – wrong
1. We are meeting tomorrow. Don’t forget to call me before meeting.
2. Don’t you recognize me? It’s me, your poor father!
3. You are always smoking in the room. I don’t like it.
4. Now I am not satisfied with your marks. It seems to me, that you must work harder.
5. Are you staying at home on Sunday? – Yes, I am. – Ok, I am seeing you.
6. When do you usually start your work?
7. What are you putting on the shelf? – It’s my book.
8. Now I suppose that she is wrong. Now it seems to me that she is always wrong.
9. Is granny in the kitchen? I smell something tasty. Truly speaking, when she is in the kitchen I always smell something tasty.
10. This month I am reading a very good book by Oscar Wilde.
11. What does your friend study? – He studies physics.
12. It’s snowing hard. I don’t want to leave my house.
13. Why is she smiling? – She always smiles. When she thinks about something pleasant, she always smiles.
14. Why are they shouting? – They are celebrating their daughter’s birthday.
Exercise 31
1. The sun is rising. Switch off the light.
2. It’s getting dark. Switch on the light.
3. How many vegetables do they sell every day?
4. How much fruit do they sell every day?
5. My boss sends me to America next week.
6. What is she shaking? – She is shaking a glass of different ingredients. She is making a shake.
7. Now we are turning left and riding in the direction of the river.
8. Look! The dog is running. It seems to me it is following us.
9. Why are you turning on the light? It’s not dark yet.
10. I am trying to explain you very simple themes, but you are sitting, looking at me with wide open eyes and understand nothing.
11. What for are you turning off the light? I am reading a book. Don’t you see?
12. Smile! I am shooting! – What are you talking about? I am not ready.
13. Don’t you hear? Somebody is telephoning! Answer, please!
14. Right now I am drinking this liquid and taste something delicious.
Exercise 32
1. What are you doing? – I am translating the book. According to our agreement with the publisher I translate it by the next week.
2. Shut the door please! Our drunk neighbor is singing his terribly song again.
3. What for do you usually use this button? – Don’t touch it! It’s dangerous.
4. I always underline interesting information when I read articles.
5. My girlfriend is visiting me tonight. I am waiting for her, and I want to speak to her very much.
6. Where is Elvira? – She is working in the garden.
7. Look! It seems to me that boy is sinking. Why are you watching? Throw him the life preserver.
8. Now he is walking slowly and he doesn’t wish to do anything.
9. Where do you sleep? – Sometimes I sleep on the sofa, sometimes I sleep on the flour, sometimes in the armchair. It depends on…
10. What for do you usually spend your money? – I wear expensive clothes and spend my money on it.
11. Why are you standing here and teaching me to live? Look at me. I am yawning and I don’t want to listen to you.
12. How often do you wash your socks? – I am not telling you. It is a secret.
13. Where do you work? – I am a thief. I usually steel something.
14. I am swimming in the sea. The sun is shining. What else do I want?
15. What do you think about Mary now? – I think she is dishonest.
16. What are you thinking about, Mary? – I am thinking of nothing. I am just resting.
17. Do you often win? – Not so often. Sometimes.
18. What are you writing? – I am writing a book.