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I am very grateful to everyone I interviewed for this book. Thank you for your generosity, and for entrusting me with your stories, some probably told for the first time ever. I hope I have told your stories well. Prof. Francis Omaswa was resourceful with contacts and reference materials. Dr. Alison Kinengyere and staff of Albert Cook Library spared no effort in locating reference materials and photographs, some a century old. I thank my friends and colleagues who encouraged me to keep writing. In particular, Drs. Maria Nsereko and Drew Ddembe gave me very helpful input into the manuscript. Dr. Patricia Spittal read every word, and her incisive comments ensured a more coherent narration. Daniel Kalinaki, in his characteristic backhanded manner, assured me that the story was worth telling. David Sseppuuya gave invaluable advice with regard to content organization, and edited the entire manuscript. My husband and our daughters were exceedingly patient with me – seemingly never doubting that the book would one day be done. Thank you so very much, everyone!

The Patient

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