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Chapter 20

‘Anyhow what was this great idea of yours?’ Jago asked.

‘I thought, if the customers won’t come to us, we’d go to the customers, or rather take the confections to them,’ she told him excitedly.

‘What do you mean?’

‘I could pack the filled cones into my basket and walk around the fair selling them. These are so colourful,’ she said, gesturing to the glistening sweets. ‘But it’s no use having them if no one knows they’re here,’ she added, thinking of Mara’s earlier words. He stood mulling things over then, after another glance at the crowds thronging around his rival, nodded.

‘Certainly worth a try. I’d do it myself but a pretty girl like you will be more of a draw. Promise me you’ll stay away from Marco, though. Mara would have my guts if she thought I’d allowed you to go anywhere near him,’ he added, helping her pack the basket with colourful cones. Then he delved into his money pouch and handed her some coins.

‘In case you need change,’ he said when she looked askance.

‘Of course. And thank you for the wage. I was able to buy my card.’ This time it was his turn to look puzzled. ‘You didn’t give Mara any money, did you?’ she asked. He shook his head.

‘I know I owe you but, truth to tell, after paying Caitlin for the tablet and settling my dues with Big Al, it’s left me a bit short.’

‘You have to pay Big Al?’ she frowned.

‘We all have to. He arranges all this,’ he said, waving his hand around the fair. ‘Then there’s his cut of our takings, protection money …’ He trailed to a halt as if he’d said too much. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll see you get paid for all your hard work … as long as we sell all those.’ He tapped her basket.

‘Well, I’d better get started then.’ She gave him a bright smile and set off, her thoughts in overdrive.

So Big Al wasn’t the kind-hearted man he purported to be. And Titan had been paid to look out for her. How naive she’d been and what a lot she had to learn. Well, Colenso Carne was capable of looking after herself and, what’s more, she’d show them all exactly what she could do. Purposefully, she made her way to the centre of the fair where it was busier.

Although people eyed her basket curiously, they didn’t stop. Spotting a group of children waiting for their turn on the dobbies, she strode over and held her basket invitingly.

‘Freshly made confections, bullseyes, barley twists, tablet, rock canes,’ she called. Their heads turned, eyes widening as they took in the bright cones filled with glistening sweets. Squeals of delight were followed by clamours to parents, and moments later her basket began to empty.

Flushed with success, she made her way to the next attraction, where the same thing happened. Before long she’d sold everything and, coins jangling, she made her way back to the Panam to replenish her stocks.

‘Well, I’ll be,’ Jago exclaimed, eyes widening when he saw her empty basket. She handed over the money she’d taken, and this time he whistled happily as he helped her restock.

By the end of the afternoon, Colenso was feeling tired but exhilarated. She must have returned to the Panam at least a half a dozen times more, and each time Jago’s smile had become brighter.

Now though, the crowds were thinning, but instead of returning directly to the Panam she decided to have a look around. Some of the stallholders called out in greeting, but there were many new attractions and people she didn’t know. Showmen were trying to drum up custom for their evening performances and she shuddered as she caught a glimpse of a woman holding a snake in her arms, its head poised by her open mouth.

‘Only a tanner to see Soukie swallow the serpent,’ the man called, flicking down the flap of the tent and hiding the act. ‘Watch as it wriggles and writhes its way to her stomach.’

‘Want a ticket, darlin’?’ the woman cackled when she spotted Colenso watching through the gap. Horrified, she shook her head, yet a weird fascination compelled her on to the next tent, where a very tall man was extolling the virtues of his unusual phenomenon.

‘Roll up, roll up. The show starts in five minutes. Only a few seats left, ladies and gents. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see Lisa and Lana, twins extraordinaire. Joined at the hip, separate in thought and deed. You won’t believe the antics they get up to.’

A beautiful girl, golden braid cascading over one shoulder, winked at her. She was about to smile back when the girl shuffled round and another almost identical face, plait over the other shoulder, winked. Then they turned again and she saw them, side by side, their scanty outfits revealing that they were indeed joined at their side. Seeing her incredulous look, they giggled.

‘Right, girls, that’s enough. Back inside and prepare to do your dastardly,’ he grinned, rubbing his hands together. With a joint tinkling laugh, they turned and Colenso just had time to see that they both had two arms and legs before they disappeared through the flap of the tent. The man held out his hand. ‘Cost yer to see more, darlin’.’

‘Oh, er, sorry, I’m working,’ Colenso muttered and scurried off as the man scowled. Heavens, you never knew what you were going to see next, she thought, wiping beads of perspiration from her brow.

‘Here, have a drink, love.’ She looked up to see Sarah from the kumpania holding out a cup.

‘Thank you,’ she murmured, taking it and sipping gratefully. ‘Why, that’s the loveliest lemon drink I’ve ever tasted.’ The woman beamed, showing pink gums.

‘Looked like you needed it. I know it’s only nearly the end of May but I’ve never known it as hot as this in all my naturals. Still, it makes the punters thirsty. How’s Mara?’ she asked, her clear eyes giving Colenso a penetrating stare.

‘She’s fine,’ Colenso replied. ‘When I last saw her, she was off to drum up some business.’

‘Like she needs to do that,’ Sarah laughed. ‘Biggest draw here, she is. People come for miles to have one of her readings. Never got anything wrong yet, so they say. Make sure she doesn’t overdo it, won’t you?’ Before Colenso could ask what she meant, the woman had turned to serve a customer.

Refreshed from the drink, and all thought of the strange sights she’d seen forgotten, she began making her way back to the Panam.

‘So, we meet again, my exotic beauty.’ As the dark-haired man stepped out in front of her, Colenso stared at him in dismay. Mindful of Jago’s warning, she’d kept to the other side of the fair, away from Marco’s tent. ‘I’ve been watching you going around selling sweets from your basket. Such a waste,’ he tutted, shaking his head.

‘I’ve enjoyed it actually,’ she replied, determined not to be intimidated by his glassy-eyed stare.

‘As I said, such a waste.’ He let out a theatrical sigh. ‘You have the grace of a swan yet the charm of a cygnet and would draw the crowds.’ As Colenso tried not to laugh, he leaned closer and she caught a waft of the pomade he used to curl his moustache in that upwards, outwards, ridiculous way. ‘How would you like to be part of my act, hmm?’ Recalling what Jago had said about his previous assistant, she suppressed a shudder and shook her head.

‘Must go,’ she said.

‘I could make you famous,’ he called after her.

‘You keep away from her or you’ll be off this fair before you know what’s hit you,’ a voice of authority snapped. As he fell into step beside her, Colenso saw it was the swarthy man with greying hair. ‘He’s right in some ways, mind. The ragged urchin has turned out to be a stunning swan.’

‘Fiddle,’ she said, subconsciously emulating Mara. Big Al gave her an uncharacteristic grin.

‘So, how’s you doin’?’

‘I’m fine. In fact, I’m more than fine.’ Determined to show him she was, she held up her empty basket. ‘I’ve managed to sell lots of Jago’s confections,’ she told him.

‘Have you now?’ he asked. Although he spoke casually, she could tell he’d taken note and wished she’d kept her mouth shut. Would Jago have to pay him more now?

‘Well, here we are,’ he said, moments later as they reached the Panam. ‘It’s getting late. Do you want me to send Titan over to escort you back to the van?’

‘No thank you,’ she said quickly, in case he charged for that as well. He gave her a considering look then shrugged. ‘Well, Mara knows where to find me should you need any help.’ With a smile he turned to Jago. ‘I hear your bonbon girl is doing you proud,’ he called.

‘Oh hi, Big Al,’ he said, sliding his leather money pouch quickly into his pocket. ‘It’s only thanks to Colenso that I’ve sold any sweets at all, stuck out on this godforsaken pitch. Probably won’t take half as much as I usually do, though.’

‘Is that so?’ Big Al replied, quirking his brow. ‘Well, we’ll have to see, won’t we?’ With a curt nod he strode away and Jago turned to Colenso.

‘Whatever were you doing with Big Al?’

‘That Marco man waylaid me and he told him to leave me alone or he’d be thrown off the site.’

‘But I warned you to stay away from Marco,’ Jago frowned.

‘I did, but like I said, he intercepted me on my way back here,’ she shrugged. ‘Anyhow, here’s the rest of your money,’ she added, emptying out the coins from her pocket.

‘Well done, girl,’ he said, his eyes lighting up. ‘You didn’t tell Big Al how much you made, did you?’

She shook her head. ‘Don’t know exactly how much I took,’ she said truthfully.

‘Well, you’ve sold twenty times more than I have. Do the same tomorrow and I’ll pay you double, my little bonbon girl,’ he said, grinning as he filled her basket with paper to make yet more cones.

‘Twice of nothing is still nothing,’ she quipped, grateful the subject had been diverted away from Big Al and Marco.

That night over a simple supper of the cold meats and onions Mara had brought back to the van, Colenso told her about Jago not getting any customers and how she’d taken her sweets around the fair.

‘Well done, dearie. Good to see a bit of initiative. Hope everyone was nice to you.’

‘Mostly, apart from that Marco man.’

‘Marco?’ Mara frowned, setting down her dish with a clatter.

‘Don’t worry, Big Al came along and told him to leave me alone or he’d be off the fairground. Jago said his last assistant just disappeared.’

‘Hmm. She did. Not sure whether she scarpered or … Anyhow, you’d do well to steer clear of him if you can.’

‘I didn’t realize Big Al charged protection money,’ Colenso said, collecting up their empty dishes. Mara reached out and placed a hand on her arm.

‘Got to make a living, has Al,’ she said, eyeing Colenso intently. ‘Ours is a funny old world, dearie. Most people are honest and easy to get on with, but others …’ she shrugged. ‘That’s when it’s useful to have Big Al and Titan looking out for us.’

‘But to charge …’

‘Look,’ Mara interrupted. ‘Things aren’t always as they appear, so don’t go judging people by what you assume. Like I said, there are some funny people around.’

‘I know,’ she shuddered recalling some of the sights she’d seen earlier. ‘There were these two girls joined together here,’ she said, her hand going to her side. ‘And this horrid, tall man was making a show of them.’

‘That horrid man, as you call him, is Tiny Tim. He and his wife bought the twins when their mother was going to abandon them after they were born.’

‘You mean she took money for them?’ Colenso gasped.

‘Only too happy to be rid of them, apparently. Anyway, Mr and Mrs Tiny nurtured the girls and gave them a happy childhood when they would otherwise have been destined for the poorhouse, or worse. They share a blood and nervous system, so who knows what might have happened to them,’ she sighed. ‘In return, Lisa and Lana are happy to put on a show – freak shows, they’re called – for the benefit of the public. They use their, er, unique condition to satisfy people’s curiosity, which pays for their keep. Can’t argue with that, can you?’

‘No, I suppose not,’ Colenso muttered, swallowing hard. ‘But it doesn’t seem right somehow.’

‘Who’s to say what’s right? Look, dearie, when you’ve lived life as long as I have, you learn not to judge.’

‘Gracious, you make it sound as though you’re old,’ Colenso laughed, embarrassed by her assumptions.

‘Well, I’ve seen more than a few seasons and many a moon, my girl,’ she said, yawning loudly. ‘And sometimes I feel every one of them.’ Remembering Sarah’s words, Colenso stared hard at Mara. Despite the relentless sun of the past few days, there was a pallor to her skin and dark smudges under her eyes.

‘Are you feeling all right, Mara?’ she asked. ‘Only you look a bit pale.’

‘Well, I’ve been stuck in my tent all day, not gallivanting in the sunshine like some. It can be tiring telling plain, pudgy ladies that their prince will soon arrive to sweep them off their feet.’

‘You never do!’ Colenso giggled.

‘Afraid so. That’s all many of these country spinsters live for. It doesn’t do any harm for them to have something to dream about while they’re churning butter and milking cows.’

‘But I thought you said the crystal ball never lies?’ she asked.

‘It doesn’t,’ Mara said, looking serious. Then she shook her head as if clearing it. ‘Sometimes I just embellish a little. Now, what say we have an early night?’

Her mind still buzzing from the events of the day and the weird sights she’d witnessed, Colenso lay back on her cushion and stared out of the window. The inky sky was studded with sparkling stars. As she watched them winking and twinkling like tiny lanterns, she wondered if Kitto was looking up at them too. Only a few days more and she might hear from him. She imagined him reading her card then sitting down at his battered old table to pen a reply. Except …

‘Oh no,’ she exclaimed, sitting bolt upright on the little bed that served as a table during the day.

‘Whatzat, what’s the matter?’ Mara mumbled.

‘I’ve just remembered something.’

‘Can’t it keep it till morning?’

‘No, it’s too important and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before.’

‘What is this mighty revelation that won’t wait?’ Mara sighed, propping herself up on her own cushion.

‘Kitto won’t be able to reply to my card. He can’t read or write,’ she wailed. Mara stared at her in the gathering gloom and let out a long sigh.

‘Blimey, is that all? I thought you’d forgotten to feed old Ears, the fuss you were making.’ Mara huffed. ‘Look, if Kitto’s the resourceful lad you say he is, he’ll find a way. Might even turn up at Truro. I mean it is the Cornwall Show, after all. Now for heaven’s sake, let me get some sleep,’ she muttered, pulling her blanket over her head.

Colenso stared at Mara, desperate to ask if she’d look into her crystal ball but, remembering the last time, didn’t have the courage. Besides, the woman was snoring now. Colenso laid back on her little bed and stared back out at the stars, except they were fast disappearing behind a carpet of cloud. It was a bad omen, she could feel it in her heart.

The Sweethearts Collection

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