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Syllables and Stress in Tagalog


A knowledge of the different kinds of syllables (word divisions) in Tagalog will help the learner to articulate the words correctly. There are four kinds of syllables in Tagalog, namely:

1. The simple syllable consisting of only one vowel (V)

as o in tá-o person
as a in pa-á foot
as i in i-yák cry
as u in ú-lo head

2. The consonant + vowel syllable (CV)

as ba or sa in ba-sa read
as ta in tá-o person
as na in i-ná mother
as lo in ú-lo head

3. The vowel + consonant syllable (VC)

as an in an-táy wait
as am in am-bón shower / drizzle
as ak in ak-yát climb
as it in ma-pa-ít bitter

4. The consonant + vowel + consonant syllable (CVC)

as tak in tak-bó run
as lak in bu-lak-lák flower
as lon in ta-lón jump
as law in í-law light

When pronouncing Tagalog words, there are no hard and fast rules to help you know how to break the syllables (in other words, to know where each syllable starts and ends). An understanding though of the types of syllables that exist and the possible combinations of vowels and consonants that are formed through exposure to the Tagalog language will help the learner pronounce words correctly after some time. In the beginning, however, it is best to simply memorize the stress accents along with the words as you learn them.

Look out as well for prefixes and suffixes which “grab” vowels and consonants from the root word (see Lesson 14 on the -um- and mag- verbs, and similar discussions on other affixes). An example is bu-lak-lák (flower) which becomes bu-lak-lá-kin (flowery) where the suffix -in grabs the final consonant of the root.

A useful rule to remember is not to apply the pronunciation of English words to Tagalog words— for example saying ku-must-á rather than ku-mus-tá (how are you)—since the maximum number of letters in a Tagalog syllable does not exceed three (keeping in mind that ng is treated as a single letter). Thus, there is no must in kumustá although there is pang in pang-ápat (fourth) and ngin in hángin (wind). The syllables pang and ngin are only made up of three sounds as ng is considered a single consonant or letter in the Tagalog alphabet.

Another useful rule for foreigners is not to separate an initial consonant from a vowel, leaving a VC syllable in the middle of a word, as in bu-má-nat or to strike (which should not be pronounced bu-má-nat). VC syllables are mostly found at the beginning of words such as an-táy (wait) and akyát (climb). VC syllables may also be found at the end of words if the previous syllables end in a vowel as in pa-ít (bitter) and la-ot (sea).

As a general rule for the proper pronunciation of Tagalog words, remember to deliver these words in a faster, sharper and less breathy manner than in English (more in the manner of Spanish pronunciation). Do not make any audible breaths (aspirations) in pronouncing the p ’s, k ’s, t ’s and other consonants. Otherwise, you will be branded a “slang,” the local term for anyone who speaks Tagalog with an American accent or with too many long a ’s, long e ’s and long o ’s.


Break the following words correctly into their individual syllables. The first syllable of each word has been given.

1. magandá ma - ______ - ______ beautiful
2. páaralán pa - ______ - ______ - ______ school
3. pagkáin pag- ______ - ______ food
4. inilutò i- ______ - ______ - ______ was cooked
5. ialís i- ______ - ______ to be removed
6. inalís i- ______ - ______ was removed
7. hángin ha- ______ wind
8. linísin li- ______ - ______ to be cleaned
9. tatló tat- ______ three
10. álaála a- ______ - ______ - ______ gift, remembrance
11. kailángan ka- ______ - ______ - ______ needed
12. násaán na- ______ - ______ where
13. ngayón nga- ______ now, today
14. awítin a- ______ - ______ to sing
15. mabaít ma- ______ - ______ good
16. pangálan pa- ______ - ______ name
17. maliit ma- ______ - ______ small
18. paalám pa- ______ - ______ goodbye
19. maaárì ma- ______ - ______ - ______ can be
20. nag-áaral nag- ______ - ______ - ______ studying

Pronounce the words listed in the Exercises on page 19 slowly, syllable by syllable, then repeat them pronouncing each word a bit faster.


In Tagalog, the use of stress on a particular syllable in a word can make a difference in meaning. Stress is the vocal emphasis of a particular syllable. In this book, an accent mark is placed over the vowel of a syllable to indicate which syllable is to be stressed and how the stress is to be sounded.

1. Principal types of stresses

There are four principal types of stresses and in this book, they are marked in the following ways:

a. End Stress

An acute accent mark (´) is placed over the vowel of the last syllable of the word if this syllable receives a stronger emphasis than the others.

anák a-NAK child
amá a-MA father
iná i-NA mother
bulaklák bu-lak-LAK flower
malakás ma-la-KAS strong

b. Penultimate Stress

An acute accent mark (´) is also used to indicate a stress on the next to last syllable of a word, by placing the accent above the vowel of that syllable.

babáe ba-BA-e woman
laláki la-LA-ki man
maínit ma-I-nit hot
malínis ma-LI-nis clean
táo TA-o person

c. Penultimate Stress with a Glottal Catch

A grave accent mark (`) is used above the vowel of the last syllable to indicate a strong emphasis on the next to last syllable. The vowel at the end is pronounced with a glottal catch, which is produced by an abrupt closing of the throat to block the air stream in both the mouth and voice box. The glottal catch is hard to hear and beginners often mistake the sound as that of k.

For this particular lesson, however, we shall indicate the pronunciation of the glottal catch with the letter Q. Note that this is only a representation of the glottal catch and should not be interpreted as the literal pronunciation of the words (Please refer to the audio CD to hear how the words are pronounced).

punò PU-noQ tree
kandilà kan-DI-laQ candle
pusà PU-saQ cat
susì SU-siQ key
batà BA-taQ child

d. End Glottal Catch (no stress)

The circumflex mark (ˆ) is used above the vowel of the last syllable when it is pronounced without a stress but with a glottal catch at the end. The difference with the preceding stress type is that words that fall under this category are pronounced faster and the stress on the last syllable seems lost with the glottal catch.

punô pu-noQ full
sampû sam-puQ ten
bakyâ bak-yaQ wooden shoes
masamâ ma-sa-maQ bad
gintô gin-toQ gold

Note that longer words may have more than one stressed syllable such as pinagkákaguluhán (being mobbed) and mapágsamantalâ (opportunistic).

2. On the use of stress and accents

There are some important facts that the language learner should also remember about the use of stress and accents in Tagalog. These are the following:

a. A difference in stress can cause a difference in meaning, as in the following examples:

kaibígan ka-i-BI-gan friend
kaibigán ka-i-bi-GAN desire
káibigán KA-i-bi-GAN have mutual understanding with
kaíbigan ka-I-bi-gan sweetheart
makaalís ma-ka-a-LIS to be able to leave
makáalis ma-KA-a-lis to leave unintentionally
matúlog ma-TU-log to sleep
matulóg ma-tu-LOG to fall asleep unintentionally

b. The glottal catch is lost when a suffix is added after the final vowel.

batà BA-taQ child
kabatáan ka-ba-TA-an youth
luhà LU-haQ tears
luhaán lu-ha-AN miserable
punô pu-noQ full
punuín pu-nu-IN to fill with
susì SU-siQ key
susián su-si-AN keyhole

c. Monosyllabic words often take on the stress of a preceding word, and the stress in that word is lost. The stress is thus “transferred” to the following single-syllable word.

kumáin Kumain ká. Ku-ma-in KA. You may eat.
hindî Hindi pá. Hin-di PA. Not yet.
ganitó Ganito bá? Ga-ni-to BA? Like this?
malápit Malapit ná. Ma-la-pit NA. It is near.
hindî Hindi pô. Hin-di PO. No, sir / madam.

d. To avoid mispronunciation, a hyphen separates the prefix that ends in a consonant and with a glottal stop from the root that follows which starts with a vowel.

pag-ása pagQ-A-sa hope
mag-alís magQ-a-LIS to remove
mag-isá magQ-i-SA alone
pag-íbig pagQ-I-big love


Practice pronouncing the following words by paying careful attention to the four types of stress and accent marks used to indicate them.

anák a-NA child
amá a-MA father
iná i-NA mother
bulaklák bu-lak-LAK flower
malakás ma-la-KAS strong
babáe ba-BA-e woman
laláki la-LA-ki man
maínit ma-I-nit hot
táo TA-o person
punò PU-noQ tree
kandilà kan-DI-laQ candle
pusà PU-saQ cat
susì SU-siQ key
batà BA-taQ child
punô pu-noQ full
sampû sam-puQ ten
bakyâ bak-yaQ wooden shoes
masamâ ma-sa-maQ bad
gintô gin-toQ gold
Basic Tagalog for Foreigners and Non-Tagalogs

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