Читать книгу At Odds With The Midwife - Patricia Forsythe - Страница 3


“You’re a midwife.”

Gemma stared at him, at his sudden stiffness, the way his brown eyes had narrowed. Alarm bells clanged in her head, but she spoke calmly. “Yes, I am.”

“And you’re planning to open a birthing center?”

“Yes, in your father’s old offices next to the hospital.” She lifted her chin, held his gaze. There had been a time when she would have backed down, apologized, tried to explain her position. Those days were gone. “Exactly as you plan to establish a family practice and reopen the hospital.”

“Not exactly.”

“Both facilities are for people’s health.”

“No, the hospital cures people and keeps them well—”

“Fortunately, giving birth isn’t an illness.”

Their eyes met—hers defiant, his resolute. Gemma’s heart sank as she imagined the swirl of objections that were about to come at her. She’d heard them all before, fought them all before.

Somehow, it was disappointing to know she was about to hear them from Nathan.

At Odds With The Midwife

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