Читать книгу At Odds With The Midwife - Patricia Forsythe - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

Although I was born and raised in an Arizona copper-mining town, both of my parents were from Oklahoma, where I still have many relatives. Visits to rural southeastern Oklahoma fill me with happiness and nostalgia as I recall summers there—swimming in the creeks, exploring with my cousins or lying on the bed on the screened-in porch listening to bobwhite quail whistling in the underbrush. Although the area has never really been my home, it feels like home because of all the loved ones I have there.

Gemma Whitmire has returned to her hometown of Reston, Oklahoma, to work as a midwife and to open a birthing center. At the same time, Dr. Nathan Smith, who has no use for midwives, has come home, too, with plans to reopen the local hospital that was forced to close due to his father’s embezzlement. He also hopes to make peace with his troubled family history.

I hope you enjoy Nathan and Gemma’s journey to overcome their differences and find their happy-ever-after.

Happy reading,


At Odds With The Midwife

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